One Likely Scenario."The President Was Thinking/Contemplating About Collusion".Therefore,Impeach 45!


Gold Member
Jul 1, 2018
Now this isn't something I made up, but by now most of us have heard any conservative celebrity mention this, being we have no collusion, the Dem's will then move to the fact that Trump was thinking of doing everything he has been accused of.
I believe it was Rush who brought this up. "Well, even though we have no evidence of collusion, we pretty much assume that he was thinking about it back in 2015/2016 !!!!!"
Yah, anyone wanna guess what at least Bill Clinton often thought about doing before and during his 8 years in office?
Bill hasn't got his hand out of his pants since he had the flu in 1977.
you know, i think about what i would like to do with some of the very attractive women i work with. does this mean i might get impeached?
Now this isn't something I made up, but by now most of us have heard any conservative celebrity mention this, being we have no collusion, the Dem's will then move to the fact that Trump was thinking of doing everything he has been accused of.
I believe it was Rush who brought this up. "Well, even though we have no evidence of collusion, we pretty much assume that he was thinking about it back in 2015/2016 !!!!!"
Yah, anyone wanna guess what at least Bill Clinton often thought about doing before and during his 8 years in office?

Wrong forum, conspiracy theories are down the hall and to the left.


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