On What Do You Spend Too Much Money?

Groceries! I spend so much on food, fresh fruit and veggies aren't cheap, nor is organic milk and dairy products.

I don't buy "big ticket" items,,,,I spent $350 on this laptop when our computer broke, and that about killed me! My T.V. cost $150 bucks, and my car is almost paid off thank goodness.

Oh, I just had to spen $1000 dollars on 6 credit hours to renew my teacher's license, that sucks. I wish our school district paid for that!

Next up:

Buying school supplies for my classroom,that's another couple hundred.
Then of course my daughter's textbook rental, her school supplies, fees, yada yada...............

It never ends! :lol:
Groceries, electricity, gas, phone, satellite TV, and insurance........they're killing me!!!!

Yeah..... but think of the work AVG-Human had to do to feed her family even just 100 and 200 years ago...

Here and now ain't such a bad time to exist.
Plastic surgery for my pet beagle, Nellie. Just got her a nose job, still owe for her boob job, and not so long ago I got her some liposuction for her ass. I've got one really great looking beagle. Next up is getting her teeth fixed.
Groceries, electricity, gas, phone, satellite TV, and insurance........they're killing me!!!!

There's a cure for that.




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