On this day in 1964


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
NYC and NC
During Freedom Summer, the bodies of three lynched civil rights workers (James Chaney, Michael Schwerner, and Andrew Goodman) were found, after disappearing more than a month before. The Civil Rights Movement Veterans (CRMvet.org) website provides a detailed description of the arrest of these young men, the complicity between state "law enforcement" and the Klan, their murder, and the fight to have their bodies found, autopsied, and the murderers charged:http://bit.ly/gwDSHu Also see the film Neshoba:http://neshobafilm.com/ For a list of more martyrs in the fight for democracy in Mississippi, see:http://www.crmvet.org/mem/msmartyr.htm

During Freedom Summer, the bodies of three lynched civil rights workers (James Chaney, Michael Schwerner, and Andrew Goodman) were found, after disappearing more than a month before. The Civil Rights Movement Veterans (CRMvet.org) website provides a detailed description of the arrest of these young men, the complicity between state "law enforcement" and the Klan, their murder, and the fight to have their bodies found, autopsied, and the murderers charged:http://bit.ly/gwDSHu Also see the film Neshoba:http://neshobafilm.com/ For a list of more martyrs in the fight for democracy in Mississippi, see:http://www.crmvet.org/mem/msmartyr.htm

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Yeah. Those damned Democrats.
During Freedom Summer, the bodies of three lynched civil rights workers (James Chaney, Michael Schwerner, and Andrew Goodman) were found, after disappearing more than a month before. The Civil Rights Movement Veterans (CRMvet.org) website provides a detailed description of the arrest of these young men, the complicity between state "law enforcement" and the Klan, their murder, and the fight to have their bodies found, autopsied, and the murderers charged:http://bit.ly/gwDSHu Also see the film Neshoba:http://neshobafilm.com/ For a list of more martyrs in the fight for democracy in Mississippi, see:http://www.crmvet.org/mem/msmartyr.htm

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Thanks, I think we get the point. That is why this nation took action on civil rights for those being treated so badly and living under threat, and to try and root out racist extremists and criminals. You have not noticed improvement? Well maybe not lately because firebrand agitators like Farrakhan, Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Sheila Ward, Obama, et al. and the liberal media and politicians keep wanting to make it sound far worse than it is and stir up anger and emotions on both sides. Real welcome. Real sick.

So what is it you are asking for now? Pass the hat so all Americans give blacks another $10,000 each because their great, great, great grandfather was a slave? I did not realize blacks were the only race in world history that suffered at the hands of another group who oppressed them?

You want to do something good? Go tell Black Lives Matter to get together with all those gang members shooting up black neighborhoods and killing young kids. It will make their parents so much happier than any bullshit they are now trying to pull off. Plus your folks have no interest in listening to anybody white, so I guess it’s up to you, if you care.
Anybody think republican KKK members killed the civil rights activists? Mississippi voted solid democrat since the freaking Civil War. The KKK was the democrat party muscle and it was the democrat party that opposed integration.

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