On the Supreme Court, Democrats finally get their just deserts 31 years later

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
KARMA....DemonRATS will be enjoying its fruits for decades to come...I simply can't wait!

Are you happy now, Teddy Kennedy? Are you happy, Joe Biden? Are you happy now, Harry Reid? It’s due to the things that you did and said that Donald J. Trump is now naming his second Supreme Court justice in under two years in office. It is your fault that the once courtly process of Supreme Court appointments turned into the blood-and-thunder-eye-gouging drama that we hate and we live through today.

It was 31 years ago, in 1987, that Edward M. Kennedy burst on the floor of the Senate to tell us all that with Robert Bork on the Supreme Court, “women would be forced Into back-alley abortions,” blacks would eat at segregated lunch counters, writers and artists could be censored at the whim of the government, and the freedom of millions would hang by a thread.

Before it was over, liberals would raise and spend over $10 million in negative ads (quite a sum at the time) and in lobbying efforts. They would threaten black witnesses with career-ending reprisals and seize and search records of video rentals for signs of blue movies that were never found.

As Steve Hayward says, “The demagogic nature of the public campaign against him made it a watershed moment in American politics, permanently deforming the nomination process as for the judiciary, with ideological battles now extending to the lower federal courts as well.” How true this was proven in 1991, when Kennedy’s office unleashed Anita Hill upon Clarence Thomas, though with less success.

(Excerpt) Read more at washingtonexaminer.com ...

If Dems believe the 51 year old woman, then what about Juanita Broderick rape claims on Bill Clinton?????
They depended on their opposition, the GOP, to be courtly and decent when their turn came. It has always been such. The Democrats rampage and destroy when in power and then whine about tradition when they are out of power. They expect the mercy and consideration they never showed.
Donald Trump knows better. I dont know if most of the GOP leadership does but I do believe they are learning. Donald Trump holds their feet to the fire and keeps them from cutting and running and as a result they are seeing what kind of animals they face.
Never give democrats a chance, a voice or a say in anything. They are beaten. Treat them as such. And the reward is what we see now..they expose themselves as animals unfit for society.
True. They have been rejected and beaten politically. And that is where we usually stop. But they still cower in the nooks and crannies of the deep state, the media, tenured professorships and academia, corporate boardrooms, think tanks the like.
Anywhere where power flows with money, especially government money, to unelected positions of power you will find them. They gravitate to appointed positions of power. And they must found and bleached out.
To stop with kicking their ass politically is to end up where we were after Reagan and Gingrich and all the times we voted to end liberalism.
The votes tell us Americans want liberals gone. But that’s all. The political win is a half assed job. Finish them in society.
KARMA....DemonRATS will be enjoying its fruits for decades to come...I simply can't wait!

Are you happy now, Teddy Kennedy? Are you happy, Joe Biden? Are you happy now, Harry Reid? It’s due to the things that you did and said that Donald J. Trump is now naming his second Supreme Court justice in under two years in office. It is your fault that the once courtly process of Supreme Court appointments turned into the blood-and-thunder-eye-gouging drama that we hate and we live through today.

It was 31 years ago, in 1987, that Edward M. Kennedy burst on the floor of the Senate to tell us all that with Robert Bork on the Supreme Court, “women would be forced Into back-alley abortions,” blacks would eat at segregated lunch counters, writers and artists could be censored at the whim of the government, and the freedom of millions would hang by a thread.

Before it was over, liberals would raise and spend over $10 million in negative ads (quite a sum at the time) and in lobbying efforts. They would threaten black witnesses with career-ending reprisals and seize and search records of video rentals for signs of blue movies that were never found.

As Steve Hayward says, “The demagogic nature of the public campaign against him made it a watershed moment in American politics, permanently deforming the nomination process as for the judiciary, with ideological battles now extending to the lower federal courts as well.” How true this was proven in 1991, when Kennedy’s office unleashed Anita Hill upon Clarence Thomas, though with less success.

(Excerpt) Read more at washingtonexaminer.com ...

If Dems believe the 51 year old woman, then what about Juanita Broderick rape claims on Bill Clinton?????
The best thing Bork ever did was croak

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