on the stump Trump whined non-stop about Obama EO's and mucho golf lol


Gold Member
Feb 8, 2011
so now the ONLY action the conman has taken has been done by EO and he plays golf every damn weekend (never spends it at the WH), as his health care overhaul he endorsed has stalled in the House; his pledge to enact tax reform is bogged down, and his pledge remains unfulfilled to build a wall between the United States and Mexico and force Mexico to pay the bill. Trump also has been contradicting himself in fundamental ways, such as with his views on NATO. Congress, the FBI and the media are investigating potentially improper links between Trump advocates and the Russian government, supposedly to damage the 2016 campaign of Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton.

so donnie boy, sign another EO on the back nine, ya piece of shit, then go f yourself
so now the ONLY action the conman has taken has been done by EO and he plays golf every damn weekend (never spends it at the WH), as his health care overhaul he endorsed has stalled in the House; his pledge to enact tax reform is bogged down, and his pledge remains unfulfilled to build a wall between the United States and Mexico and force Mexico to pay the bill. Trump also has been contradicting himself in fundamental ways, such as with his views on NATO. Congress, the FBI and the media are investigating potentially improper links between Trump advocates and the Russian government, supposedly to damage the 2016 campaign of Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton.

so donnie boy, sign another EO on the back nine, ya piece of shit, then go f yourself
It's funny how all of the RWNJs who constantly screamed about Obama signing EOs and playing golf are strangely silent now.
Trump would say anything to get elected . Which was an obama line that Trump used against Hillary !
so now the ONLY action the conman has taken has been done by EO and he plays golf every damn weekend (never spends it at the WH), as his health care overhaul he endorsed has stalled in the House; his pledge to enact tax reform is bogged down, and his pledge remains unfulfilled to build a wall between the United States and Mexico and force Mexico to pay the bill. Trump also has been contradicting himself in fundamental ways, such as with his views on NATO. Congress, the FBI and the media are investigating potentially improper links between Trump advocates and the Russian government, supposedly to damage the 2016 campaign of Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton.

so donnie boy, sign another EO on the back nine, ya piece of shit, then go f yourself
It's funny how all of the RWNJs who constantly screamed about Obama signing EOs and playing golf are strangely silent now.

they're probably on some wingnut thread rating each other's nonsense, their fallback position
so now the ONLY action the conman has taken has been done by EO and he plays golf every damn weekend (never spends it at the WH), as his health care overhaul he endorsed has stalled in the House; his pledge to enact tax reform is bogged down, and his pledge remains unfulfilled to build a wall between the United States and Mexico and force Mexico to pay the bill. Trump also has been contradicting himself in fundamental ways, such as with his views on NATO. Congress, the FBI and the media are investigating potentially improper links between Trump advocates and the Russian government, supposedly to damage the 2016 campaign of Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton.

so donnie boy, sign another EO on the back nine, ya piece of shit, then go f yourself
And where were you when Obama was signing all those EOs? As I recall, you were defending them. You have no argument now. Ain't payback a bitch?
At this time in Obamas presidency, how many of his cabinet were NOT confirmed?

It's been a deliberate effort by many to derail Trump and his promises in hopes of destroying him in the mid-terms and sabotaging his presidency. It's treason to purposely place America at risk and undermine the power of the elected president as far as I am concerned. I hope it backfires on some of the anti-Americans working their ways.
on the stump Trump whined non-stop about Obama EO's

Isn't little johnnyapplesack cute?

After more than a thousand consecutive negative posts about the President spread over month after month, laced with hatred, profanity and lies...

...little johnny then complains that somebody else is "whining non-stop". :lol:

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