On The Road With Reverend Al Sharpton's Lynch Mob

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On The Road With Reverend Al Sharpton's Lynch Mob

Justice Department Opens Investigation Into Trayvon Martin Case

Rev. Al Sharpton seeks investigation into Florida’s so-called “Stand Your Ground” law, which he says encourages vigilante justice and other killings such as that of the 17-year-old.

Justice Department Opens Investigation Into Trayvon Martin Case | News | BET


Contrary to what white conservatives say, liberals do not all act or think alike when racially based accusations in the media raise their ugly heads.

NBC: NBC's Gregory Hits Sharpton on Tawana Brawley, Lauer Barely Touches | NewsBusters.org

NBC's Gregory Hits Sharpton on Tawana Brawley, Lauer Barely Touches

By Brad Wilmouth | April 10, 2007 | 23:49

Read more: NBC's Gregory Hits Sharpton on Tawana Brawley, Lauer Barely Touches | NewsBusters.org


From what I've been told is a lefty/progressive and liberal rag: A troubling story about Al Sharpton. - Slate Magazine (yes liberal rags print negative stories about lefty, progressive, and liberal candidates)

The Worst of Al Sharpton
A troubling tale from his past. Is it true?
By William Saletan, Ben Jacobs, and Avi Zenilman
Posted Monday, Sept. 8, 2003, at 11:22 AM ET

Sharpton then accused a local police cult with ties to the Irish Republican Army of perpetrating the alleged assault. The case fizzled when a security guard for Brawley's lawyers testified that the lawyers and Sharpton knew Brawley was lying.

20 years later, Tawana Brawley has turned back on the past - NY Daily News

Tawana Brawley rape allegations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


It's not a right/left issue. It's not always a black/white issue. It's one of hysteria and the lynch mob mentality of the populist crowd. It is examples like this that had America's founding fathers consider a direct democracy and throw that idea into the toilet. We have a representative republic form of government. Our democratic politics might be messy, but our government structure helps put the brakes on the process, to keep our (the people's) mob impulses in check. Justice is blind, and we help her by slowing down the demands of the lynch mobs.

NBC's Gregory Hits Sharpton on Tawana Brawley, Lauer Barely Touches

By Brad Wilmouth | April 10, 2007 | 23:49

Read more: NBC's Gregory Hits Sharpton on Tawana Brawley, Lauer Barely Touches | NewsBusters.org
with a popular democracy
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I don't consider myself a racist... and I actually like Sharpton...

but when he does shit like this and gets traction among the black folks, my initial reaction is "jesus fuckin' christ... you goddamm dumbshit jiggaboos let the wool get pulled over your eyes once again...!"
I don't consider myself a racist... and I actually like Sharpton...

but when he does shit like this and gets traction among the black folks, my initial reaction is "jesus fuckin' christ... you goddamm dumbshit jiggaboos let the wool get pulled over your eyes once again...!"

So blacks reading about this shooting had to wait for Sharton to speak before they formed an opinion? We are so unintelligent that our opinions have to be formed for us?
I don't consider myself a racist... and I actually like Sharpton...

but when he does shit like this and gets traction among the black folks, my initial reaction is "jesus fuckin' christ... you goddamm dumbshit jiggaboos let the wool get pulled over your eyes once again...!"

AL can be entertaining. At the 2004 Democratic convention (where I had great access) Sharpton and Jerry Springer drew huge crowds among the delegates in hotel lobbies and in the streets. Popularity and fame are fine.

Sharpton never got more than a handful of votes. Springer never ran. too bad -- he would have made a good Senator
I don't consider myself a racist... and I actually like Sharpton...

but when he does shit like this and gets traction among the black folks, my initial reaction is "jesus fuckin' christ... you goddamm dumbshit jiggaboos let the wool get pulled over your eyes once again...!"

So blacks reading about this shooting had to wait for Sharton to speak before they formed an opinion? We are so unintelligent that our opinions have to be formed for us?

People black, white and other, usually need to wait for INFORMATION, IN ORDER to form intelligent and informed opinions.

go fuck off. play games with somebody else.

I don't consider myself a racist... and I actually like Sharpton...

but when he does shit like this and gets traction among the black folks, my initial reaction is "jesus fuckin' christ... you goddamm dumbshit jiggaboos let the wool get pulled over your eyes once again...!"

So blacks reading about this shooting had to wait for Sharton to speak before they formed an opinion? We are so unintelligent that our opinions have to be formed for us?

People black, white and other, usually need to wait for INFORMATION, IN ORDER to form intelligent and informed opinions.

go fuck off. play games with somebody else.


I guess to a dumbass like you logic is a game.
So blacks reading about this shooting had to wait for Sharton to speak before they formed an opinion? We are so unintelligent that our opinions have to be formed for us?

People black, white and other, usually need to wait for INFORMATION, IN ORDER to form intelligent and informed opinions.

go fuck off. play games with somebody else.


I guess to a dumbass like you logic is a game.

what's logic got to do about IT - Tanya Toyna
The real story is why this story took so long to get national attention.

Even more importantly, why is that murdering racist walking around free when he needs to be behind bars on charges of murder in the first degree.
I'm surprised that Jackson and Sharpton are going down there to mouth off about this mess cause there were no white people involved.
I'm surprised that Jackson and Sharpton are going down there to mouth off about this mess cause there were no white people involved.

What are the police and authorities that have ignored and tried to sweep this case under the rug...black?
Sharpton and Jackson are scum, opportunist, racist pieces of shit. You know babies are being killed here in Detroit? BABIES caught in the cross fired. Where's Sharpton? Where’s Jackson? f..ck them
The real story is why this story took so long to get national attention.

Even more importantly, why is that murdering racist walking around free when he needs to be behind bars on charges of murder in the first degree.
your victim-hood is showing. it's like a Klan hood. sticks out amongst normal people.

Whoo-hoo-dipshitty-doo, boo hoo hoo, poor black man complex?

A white guy who was mentally ill got beaten to death by the police, on tape. White people did not riot. It took a long time to get local forget about national attention.

Fullerton police officers charged in mentally ill man's death - Los Angeles Times
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look at the photos of the WHITE homeless man beaten to death by police. it took a while to come to national attention. BLACKS DON'T OWN TRAGEDY

Homeless Man Dies After Being Brutally Beaten by Five Fullerton Cops - Hit & Run : Reason Magazine

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The real story is why this story took so long to get national attention.

Even more importantly, why is that murdering racist walking around free when he needs to be behind bars on charges of murder in the first degree.

How long did I take? I live on the other side of the country and I knew about it within hours, which is pretty fast for a shooting in another state. Maybe you should stop watching Fox and watch find some real sources for your information.

The reason he is walking around free is the local police believed whatever he told them, whatever that was. Until I have some facts I won't comment on what happened, even if my gut reaction agrees with you.
The real story is why this story took so long to get national attention.

Even more importantly, why is that murdering racist walking around free when he needs to be behind bars on charges of murder in the first degree.

How long did I take? I live on the other side of the country and I knew about it within hours, which is pretty fast for a shooting in another state. Maybe you should stop watching Fox and watch find some real sources for your information.

The reason he is walking around free is the local police believed whatever he told them, whatever that was. Until I have some facts I won't comment on what happened, even if my gut reaction agrees with you.
MarcATL is trolling to take the thread into crazy land.

If you choose to reply to him in this thread, I predict end of the world as we know it. :eusa_shhh:
Sanford police on Thursday also challenged a WFTV-Channel 9 report, in which Mary Cutcher said police largely ignored her even though she told them, "I know this was not self-defense. There was no punching, no hitting going on at the time, no wrestling."

Police said they twice tried to interview her without success, and the third time, she wrote a very short sworn statement for her roommate that was consistent with Zimmerman's account.

George Zimmerman's father on Trayvon Martin: My son is not racist, did not confront Trayvon Martin - South Florida Sun-Sentinel.com


According to the victim's own girlfriend who was on the phone with him, the victim started a verbal confrontation: young man: "why you following me?" - Hispanic man: "what are you doing around here?" - a struggle ensues on girlfriend's call and call ends with NO shot heard. so, a guy follows a kid. kid confronts the guy starting a verbal confrontation. a physical fight ensues. kid ends up shot and dies.

where is the crime?


but this thread is more about Al Sharpton and the lynch mob
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I don't consider myself a racist... and I actually like Sharpton...

but when he does shit like this and gets traction among the black folks, my initial reaction is "jesus fuckin' christ... you goddamm dumbshit jiggaboos let the wool get pulled over your eyes once again...!"

So blacks reading about this shooting had to wait for Sharton to speak before they formed an opinion? We are so unintelligent that our opinions have to be formed for us?

People black, white and other, usually need to wait for INFORMATION, IN ORDER to form intelligent and informed opinions.

go fuck off. play games with somebody else.


Oh crap. I agree with Dainty. That seriously pisses me off... I suspect it will annoy him too.
So blacks reading about this shooting had to wait for Sharton to speak before they formed an opinion? We are so unintelligent that our opinions have to be formed for us?

People black, white and other, usually need to wait for INFORMATION, IN ORDER to form intelligent and informed opinions.

go fuck off. play games with somebody else.


Oh crap. I agree with Dainty. That seriously pisses me off... I suspect it will annoy him too.

not really. there's more to Dante than meets the eye. :eusa_shhh:

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