On his 1st day in office, Biden issued 7 executive orders going out of their way to destroy the border protections his predecessor had enacted. Seven.


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
Let us not pretend what has and is happening at the border is not deliberate, because it is deliberate. This is who and what Biden and the Democrats are. Americans count for nothing as Democrats plot to grant amnesty (once they assume power again at some future date) and then fast-track to citizenship to destroy the remnants of our Republic.

Let us not pretend what has and is happening at the border is not deliberate, because it is deliberate. This is who and what Biden and the Democrats are. Americans count for nothing as Democrats plot to grant amnesty (once they assume power again at some future date) and then fast-track to citizenship to destroy the remnants of our Republic.

Interesting. The only one signed on Jan 20, 2021 and posted the 21st looks to be Executive Order 13993 of January 20, 2021, but it was a doozy. This is why I keep writing he did his open borders thing on day 2. The rest of his day one signings were not really about the border or immigration. I didn't see any on day 2 signed and they were not posted/issued until Jan 26th.

I will grant you, he screwed the border quick. When he did it and announced it the next day, I did not see the order and thought he might have some plan. Either it is as you infer (planned but never laid out to the American public) of just ineptness, which I would not put past him either. But, he has had two years. It has only gotten worse. He certainly didn't and doesn't have a plan for the expected influx we knew we would see, after the announcement and still continuing, even administratively or judicially.

It is easily my biggest sticking point with how he has handled his duties, to date.

Oh, BTW, here is a link to his executive orders.

Interesting. The only one signed on Jan 20, 2021 and posted the 21st looks to be Executive Order 13993 of January 20, 2021, but it was a doozy. This is why I keep writing he did his open borders thing on day 2. The rest of his day one signings were not really about the border or immigration. I didn't see any on day 2 signed and they were not posted/issued until Jan 26th.

I will grant you, he screwed the border quick. When he did it and announced it the next day, I did not see the order and thought he might have some plan. Either it is as you infer (planned but never laid out to the American public) of just ineptness, which I would not put past him either. But, he has had two years. It has only gotten worse. He certainly didn't and doesn't have a plan for the expected influx we knew we would see, after the announcement and still continuing, even administratively or judicially.

It is easily my biggest sticking point with how he has handled his duties, to date.

Oh, BTW, here is a link to his executive orders.

The link in the tweet shows multiple January 20, 2021, EO's.

Let us not pretend what has and is happening at the border is not deliberate, because it is deliberate. This is who and what Biden and the Democrats are. Americans count for nothing as Democrats plot to grant amnesty (once they assume power again at some future date) and then fast-track to citizenship to destroy the remnants of our Republic.

Why doesn't Gov Abbott call up the militia to defend the border?
The link in the tweet shows multiple January 20, 2021, EO's.

Sorry, I trust the Federal Registry more, as they are officially number, have date signed and date issued or put into effect.
He signed them on January 20, 2021.
Sorry. Here is every single Executive order signed on January 20, 2021 with EO number and publishing date. This is it, for day 1. You can follow link from earlier posting, go back and read the linked order itself, if you like.

On his 1st day in office, Biden issued 7 executive orders going out of their way to destroy the border protections his predecessor had enacted.​

Well, I guess that destroys the often cited lie by both Biden and his many supporters here that Joe didn't open the border and didn't invite people in. In fact, many illegals asked down there have said that the word is out that the border is open. That is why they are coming.

BTW, where in Joe's 2020 campaign did he ever cite his intention to do this? So high a priority that he did it first thing in the door? Seems it should be a crime to run on one thing then do another.

Obviously, this was a very high priority for Joe's handlers who wanted him in office so bad as their stage puppet that they stole an election to put him there.
Sorry. Here is every single Executive order signed on January 20, 2021 with EO number and publishing date. This is it, for day 1. You can follow link from earlier posting, go back and read the linked order itself, if you like.
View attachment 877362

Signing date and publication date are two different things. The OP is correct.
Upon taking office in Jan. 2025 Trump would need to return millions and millions of illegal immigrants to their home nations.
Opening the borders was a day 2 issue. Day One was spent collecting all the 10%’s for the big guy.
Let us not pretend what has and is happening at the border is not deliberate, because it is deliberate. This is who and what Biden and the Democrats are. Americans count for nothing as Democrats plot to grant amnesty (once they assume power again at some future date) and then fast-track to citizenship to destroy the remnants of our Republic.

Once Trump reassumes office?

It's Operation Wetback THE SEQUEL bitches.
Opening the borders was a day 2 issue. Day One was spent collecting all the 10%’s for the big guy.

You forgot all the COVID fascism and the Winter of death.

With all candor, I feel we really let them off the hook for ALL of that shit.


My blood boils even recalling it.
You forgot all the COVID fascism and the Winter of death.

With all candor, I feel we really let them off the hook for ALL of that shit.


My blood boils even recalling it.
That was the third day:

Day one count the money
Day two open the boarder
Day three limit freedoms using the term ”Science”
Day four take a nap, blame Trump
Day five Build Nothing Back Better and raise inflation to record levels
Day six smell and inappropriately touch kids
Day seven Ice cream and Naps from all the hard work

Rinse wash Repeat for the foreseeable future, the man is pretty consistent
That was the third day:

Day one count the money
Day two open the boarder
Day three limit freedoms using the term ”Science”
Day four take a nap, blame Trump
Day five Build Nothing Back Better and raise inflation to record levels
Day six smell and inappropriately touch kids
Day seven Ice cream and Naps from all the hard work

Rinse wash Repeat for the foreseeable future, the man is pretty consistent
It's like Progressive Socialist Scripture. And on day 8 Joe rested. Well, he was resting anyway. Joe saw it was the Progressive way and it was good. Unfortunately, the destruction of the greatest experiment in history was accelerated.

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