On Economic Front: Obama To Go Over The Heads of Congress

Procrustes Stretched

"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Dec 1, 2008
Location: corpus callosum
On Economic Front: Obama To Go Over The Heads of Congress

Very Bad News On Economic Front For GOP Who Want To Punish Americans For Voting For Obama Twice

And he's going to have those job creators he's supposed to hate, on his side. Imagine that? :eusa_clap: The next four years are going to be so much fun. Watch as the 1990s get repeated again, when in 1996, 1998, and 2000, Republicans lost Congressional seats. :clap2:


WASHINGTON—The White House plans an aggressive public campaign to build support for its approach to reduce the deficit through tax increases and spending cuts, a sharp contrast to its private talks with Republicans that faltered last year.

President Barack Obama will meet with labor leaders Tuesday and a number of chief executives on Wednesday, in an effort to solidify backing for his proposals.
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There aren't gonna' be any spending cuts. Just a shell game that will fool some of the people.

There WILL most definitely be Tax Increases though.
The Tax cuts passed by both party's 12 years ago will expire. Cuts will come from defense not entitlements. Unfunded liabilities will continue to increase. Discretionary spending will remain a scared cow, untouched. Means testing will be adopted, Tax rates will increase, the tax base will be broadened to encompass those earning $48,000 plus. The mandatory February cuts will be circumvented, the debt ceiling will be increased, QE 3 will continue, interest rates will begin to rise. America will slip back into a recession during the second quarter. regardless of who was elected the clock is ticking and elected officials continue to abdicate their fiscal responsibility in the name of politics.
Granny says dey better not mess with her social security...
‘We’re Not Budging’ on Entitlement Cuts in Fiscal Cliff Deal
December 11, 2012 – Senior House and Senate Democrats said that they were opposed to any fiscal cliff deal that would cut Medicare or Medicaid, telling the White House and House Republicans they opposed any plan that would cut federal health care programs.
“We’re not budging on Medicare, and we’re not budging on Medicaid,” Sen. Jay Rockefeller (D-W.Va.) said at a Capitol Hill press conference Tuesday. Rockefeller said that he was “nervous” about the secret talks taking place between President Obama and House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio), because they might result in a deal where cuts to health care entitlements are traded for high tax rates on wealthier Americans – a deal Rockefeller called “amoral.” “I get nervous when two people disappear into a White House room and start making a grand alliance and they go ‘well, we’re going to do this to rich, and we’re going to do that to the poor, so we’ll just make that tradeoff’ and as [Sen.] Tom Harkin (D-Iowa) says that is amoral. It’s amoral. You cannot do it,” Rockefeller said.

Harkin himself summed up the message of House and Senate Democrats by telling fiscal cliff negotiators to “keep your hands off” Medicare and Medicaid. “We’ve basically come here this morning to say one thing: To all these negotiators who are now negotiating on this so-called fiscal cliff, keep your hands off Medicare, and keep your hands off Medicaid.” Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-Md.) called Medicaid cuts a “human rights issue,” saying that any fiscal cliff deal that included cuts to the program would be unacceptable. “There’s a reason that Medicaid was protected from sequestration – this program is truly a lifeline for those in need, and we in this room will do everything in our power to protect it,” Cummings said. “This is about what is right. This is about taking care of our own. I believe Medicaid is a human rights issue.”

Rep. Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.), ranking member on the House Budget Committee, said that Medicaid in particular was a program for the “vast middle class” and that cutting it would harm working Americans who depend on government health care. “It’s [Medicaid] also a program that benefits the vast middle class. A lot of people don’t realize that while the majority of people covered by Medicaid are poor children, the majority of the money spent in Medicaid is on seniors and individuals with disabilities, a lot of middle-income families who find themselves in precarious financial situations, and they rely on Medicaid for their long-term care,” he said. “Families that are going along very well and all of a sudden one of their kids is involved in a tragic accident,” Van Hollen said. “They depend on Medicaid.

Boehner and Obama reportedly met over the weekend to begin talks to avert the fiscal cliff scenario of indiscriminate spending cuts and large tax increases on all Americans that are scheduled to take place at the beginning of next year. Both the Federal Reserve and the Congressional Budget Office have forecast that unless Congress and the White House find a solution to that scenario, the economy will plunge back into recession early next year.


See also:

Obama in 2008: ‘We’re Going to Have to Take On Entitlements – I’d Like to Do It in My First Term’
December 10, 2012 – As a candidate for president in 2008, Barack Obama said he would like to address entitlement reform during his first term in office.
“We’re going to have to take on entitlements, and I think we've got to do it quickly,” Obama said as a candidate on Oct. 7, 2008, during the second presidential debate. “We're going to have a lot of work to do, so I can't guarantee that we're going to do it in the next two years, but I'd like to do it in my first term as president.” As president-elect, Obama made a similar statement to the editorial board of the Washington Post, which ran a story headlined, “Obama Pledges Reform of Social Security, Medicare Programs.” The Post story quoted Obama saying, “What we have done is kicked this can down the road. We are now at the end of the road and are not in a position to kick it any further," he said. "We have to signal seriousness in this by making sure some of the hard decisions are made under my watch, not someone else’s."

Unless Obama and Congress reach a deal to avoid the fiscal cliff, automatic tax hikes and spending cuts will take effect in January. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner presented a plan on Capitol Hill that would consider $400 billion in entitlement reform next year after a $1.6 trillion tax hike through rate increases takes effect, along with a $50 billion stimulus package, and granting the president the ability to raise the debt ceiling at will, requiring a two-thirds majority of Congress to stop him. House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) made a counter offer to Obama to raise taxes through limiting deductions and loopholes, but would also reform entitlements and cut spending.

During the Oct. 7 debate with Republican nominee Sen. John McCain of Arizona, Obama, then an Illinois senator and Democratic nominee for president, said entitlement reform would be a priority. Debate moderator Tom Brokaw asked, “Would you give Congress a date certain to reform Social Security and Medicare within two years after you take office? Because in a bipartisan way, everyone agrees, that's a big ticking time bomb that will eat us up maybe even more than the mortgage crisis.” Obama responded, “Well, Tom, we're going to have to take on entitlements and I think we've got to do it quickly. We're going to have a lot of work to do, so I can't guarantee that we're going to do it in the next two years, but I'd like to do it in my first term as president.”

On Economic Front: Obama To Go Over The Heads of Congress

Very Bad News On Economic Front For GOP Who Want To Punish Americans For Voting For Obama Twice

And he's going to have those job creators he's supposed to hate, on his side. Imagine that? :eusa_clap: The next four years are going to be so much fun. Watch as the 1990s get repeated again, when in 1996, 1998, and 2000, Republicans lost Congressional seats. :clap2:


WASHINGTON—The White House plans an aggressive public campaign to build support for its approach to reduce the deficit through tax increases and spending cuts, a sharp contrast to its private talks with Republicans that faltered last year.

President Barack Obama will meet with labor leaders Tuesday and a number of chief executives on Wednesday, in an effort to solidify backing for his proposals.

seems to be working

The Tax cuts passed by both party's 12 years ago will expire. Cuts will come from defense not entitlements. Unfunded liabilities will continue to increase. Discretionary spending will remain a scared cow, untouched. Means testing will be adopted, Tax rates will increase, the tax base will be broadened to encompass those earning $48,000 plus. The mandatory February cuts will be circumvented, the debt ceiling will be increased, QE 3 will continue, interest rates will begin to rise. America will slip back into a recession during the second quarter. regardless of who was elected the clock is ticking and elected officials continue to abdicate their fiscal responsibility in the name of politics.
Thanks for your really, really profound opinion. Dipshit.
Remember when Reagan did that?

Yeah, me neither
Yeah. Your hero, Reagan, would never, ever use reconciliation. Just would not do it. Well, maybe once:
"The Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1981 (OBRA 1981 or Gramm-Latta II) and the Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981 (ERTA 1981 or the Kemp-Roth Tax Cut) comprised the first budget of the administration of Ronald Reagan (for FY82). Together the two bills established Reagan's fiscal priorities as tax cuts, reductions in domestic discretionary spending, and increased military spending. OBRA 1981 was passed using the reconciliation process"
1981 Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act - Timeline - Slaying the Dragon of Debt - Regional Oral History Office - University of California, Berkeley

Well, I am sure your hero would never do that again. You are wrong about it already, but if he did it multiple times, you would be totally wrong. Out of touch with reality wrong.
But, how can this be, Crusader. Can you be that wrong. It turns out Reagan used reconciliation FOUR times. FOUR. More than any other president to this time. Guess you must have just been kidding, eh, Crusader.
Great Grand-Daddy of Reconciliation | Talking Points Memo
Remember when Reagan did that?

Yeah, me neither
Yeah. Your hero, Reagan, would never, ever use reconciliation. Just would not do it. Well, maybe once:
"The Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1981 (OBRA 1981 or Gramm-Latta II) and the Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981 (ERTA 1981 or the Kemp-Roth Tax Cut) comprised the first budget of the administration of Ronald Reagan (for FY82). Together the two bills established Reagan's fiscal priorities as tax cuts, reductions in domestic discretionary spending, and increased military spending. OBRA 1981 was passed using the reconciliation process"
1981 Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act - Timeline - Slaying the Dragon of Debt - Regional Oral History Office - University of California, Berkeley

Well, I am sure your hero would never do that again. You are wrong about it already, but if he did it multiple times, you would be totally wrong. Out of touch with reality wrong.
But, how can this be, Crusader. Can you be that wrong. It turns out Reagan used reconciliation FOUR times. FOUR. More than any other president to this time. Guess you must have just been kidding, eh, Crusader.
Great Grand-Daddy of Reconciliation | Talking Points Memo

Reagan worked with the House though they were controlled by Democrats
Remember when Reagan did that?

Yeah, me neither
Yeah. Your hero, Reagan, would never, ever use reconciliation. Just would not do it. Well, maybe once:
"The Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1981 (OBRA 1981 or Gramm-Latta II) and the Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981 (ERTA 1981 or the Kemp-Roth Tax Cut) comprised the first budget of the administration of Ronald Reagan (for FY82). Together the two bills established Reagan's fiscal priorities as tax cuts, reductions in domestic discretionary spending, and increased military spending. OBRA 1981 was passed using the reconciliation process"
1981 Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act - Timeline - Slaying the Dragon of Debt - Regional Oral History Office - University of California, Berkeley

Well, I am sure your hero would never do that again. You are wrong about it already, but if he did it multiple times, you would be totally wrong. Out of touch with reality wrong.
But, how can this be, Crusader. Can you be that wrong. It turns out Reagan used reconciliation FOUR times. FOUR. More than any other president to this time. Guess you must have just been kidding, eh, Crusader.
Great Grand-Daddy of Reconciliation | Talking Points Memo

Reagan worked with the House though they were controlled by Democrats
Yes, and reconciliation is a great example of working with the other side. FOUR times.
And, very few times did we see filibusters diring the reagan admin. Dems worked with Reagan. But during the obama admin, we have seen a record number of filibusters. repubs did not work with Obama.
Republican Obstruction at Work: Record Number of Filibusters | NEWS JUNKIE POST

By the way, crusader, the above is a link. It provides quick access to data proving statements made by the person posting. Otherwise, it is just opinion. And crusader, you know how much I value your opinion.
Pretty amazing that con tools can put together a sentence like this, and their fellow cons will love it. If a normal person, say a progressive, laid out three bald faced lies in a single sentence, they would be ridiculed by their progressive associates. Pretty amazing.

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