On China Tariff's Trump Should Take It Slow!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
Trump going full nuclear on the China tariffs isn't acting with wisdom. Raising the ten percent tariffs already on $200 billion dollars of Chinese exports to twenty-five percent is prudent and defensible but immediately expanding it to the balance of Chinese exports the additional $325 billion dollars isn't. The balance of $325 billion dollars of trade is heavily focused on the American consumer; immediate expansion of the tariffs will just deprive the American consumer of less spending power which will have a domino effect through the economy as the American economy is two-thirds driven by the American consumer. Moreover, many brick and mortar retailers and chains are really financially hurting because they have not downsized and adjusted to the changing buying habits of the American people, meaning internet shopping, this Chinese tariff wave Trump is planning will reduce consumer spending and retailors profits causing mass retail store closings and layoffs in the retail industry, a real body blow to the American economy! Trump should phase in the expansion of the Chinese tariffs showing consideration for the American people that will be hurt by this effort; on this expansion for the additional $325 billion of trade set the start date for a ten percent tariff six months from this Friday and set the date for raising of the tariff to twenty-five percent an additional six months out. President Trump remember the duty of the President is to protect and advance the interests of the American people!
On China Tariff's Trump Should Take It Slow!

He is....but he is not rolling over like our last four presidents did....China needs to get their act together or we will have to get it together for them....
Trump going full nuclear on the China tariffs isn't acting with wisdom. Raising the ten percent tariffs already on $200 billion dollars of Chinese exports to twenty-five percent is prudent and defensible but immediately expanding it to the balance of Chinese exports the additional $325 billion dollars isn't. The balance of $325 billion dollars of trade is heavily focused on the American consumer; immediate expansion of the tariffs will just deprive the American consumer of less spending power which will have a domino effect through the economy as the American economy is two-thirds driven by the American consumer. Moreover, many brick and mortar retailers and chains are really financially hurting because they have not downsized and adjusted to the changing buying habits of the American people, meaning internet shopping, this Chinese tariff wave Trump is planning will reduce consumer spending and retailors profits causing mass retail store closings and layoffs in the retail industry, a real body blow to the American economy! Trump should phase in the expansion of the Chinese tariffs showing consideration for the American people that will be hurt by this effort; on this expansion for the additional $325 billion of trade set the start date for a ten percent tariff six months from this Friday and set the date for raising of the tariff to twenty-five percent an additional six months out. President Trump remember the duty of the President is to protect and advance the interests of the American people!
Maybe its time the American people realize this is not about them...its about our future...its about finally saying to China and other despot nations that you can not rip us off anymore....the shit stops here....we will never be in a better position to apply the heat to China and we can not let up....
Trump plays favorites - he gave Mexico a warning with a 1 full year waiting period.
You're kidding, right? The Chinese changed the terms of the trade deal literally at the last minute. THAT is why Trump has decided to impose more tariffs on them. He DID take it very slow and gave them plenty of time to agree to fair trade terms. But they thought they could roll him like they've rolled previous presidents. They were wrong. Trump should hammer them now until they agree to sign a decent trade deal.
Trump going full nuclear on the China tariffs isn't acting with wisdom. Raising the ten percent tariffs already on $200 billion dollars of Chinese exports to twenty-five percent is prudent and defensible but immediately expanding it to the balance of Chinese exports the additional $325 billion dollars isn't. The balance of $325 billion dollars of trade is heavily focused on the American consumer; immediate expansion of the tariffs will just deprive the American consumer of less spending power which will have a domino effect through the economy as the American economy is two-thirds driven by the American consumer. Moreover, many brick and mortar retailers and chains are really financially hurting because they have not downsized and adjusted to the changing buying habits of the American people, meaning internet shopping, this Chinese tariff wave Trump is planning will reduce consumer spending and retailors profits causing mass retail store closings and layoffs in the retail industry, a real body blow to the American economy! Trump should phase in the expansion of the Chinese tariffs showing consideration for the American people that will be hurt by this effort; on this expansion for the additional $325 billion of trade set the start date for a ten percent tariff six months from this Friday and set the date for raising of the tariff to twenty-five percent an additional six months out. President Trump remember the duty of the President is to protect and advance the interests of the American people!
Are you serious?

The amounts involved are trivial. Chicken feed.

President Trump just hiked tariffs from 10% to 25% on about $200 billion in Chinese imports. In other words, he just raised taxes by … $30 billion a year.

Oh, no!

The total amount we all paid in taxes last year — federal, state and local — was $5.51 trillion. This tax increase that are expressing so much fear over is a rounding error.
Just wait until June 1st, when China lays in their tariffs. You thought the farmers were hurting before? It's gonna get worse.
Just wait until June 1st, when China lays in their tariffs. You thought the farmers were hurting before? It's gonna get worse.
World could end.


Well funny thing happened on the way to consumer inflation due to tariffs predicted by the hysterical Left, it didn't happen.

China will either compress their margins to cover the tariffs or another country such as Vietnam will provide the same products, perhaps at cheaper prices, because Vietnam has lower wages and .the lost business in China becomes permanent, making China’s main competitors better exporters.

A U.S. trade agreement with China would (if enforceable) certify China as a place where foreigners can invest and be protected against espionage, intellectual property theft and unfair legal treatment. That prospect of certification is now suspended. That makes investing in China less desirable for many multinationals, not just U.S. ones. That, in turn, limits Chinese domestic wages as well as long-term learning and technology transfer. A U.S. certification of China might even boost Chinese domestic investment, but again that is now off the table.

We export less to China than we do to Japan, South Korea and Singapore put together. So the effect of China’s new tariffs on the U.S. are a rounding error. Even if China banned all imports from the U.S., that would amount to only 0.6% of our gross domestic product. And we’d sell the stuff somewhere else.

Trump's right, we need an enforceable agreement that China quits stealing our technology, and while China thinks that over they will be subjected to higher tariffs.

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