OMG Part 2 - Why we need Constitutional education for the Masses

I suppose you would believe all that crap if you believed all the right wing lies, and never actually looked for yourself.

Dear BULLDOG I cited two conversations where I was able to explain to liberals in ways they could understand. so it is possible to bridge the gap in ideology between right and left by discussing and explaining to liberals using terms they can relate to.

But when I posted these conversations it was YOU who naysayed this and said it was fictitious.

So that tells me you are the type of liberal that makes people give up any hope you really care to listen.
You would not even give credit to other liberals who were willing to ask and understand what conservatives are thinking.

If that is your job in the political ecosystem to naysay and obstruct,
that's fine to play "devil's advocate" and "worse case scenario" on the defense team.

But please don't block your own team from moving forward.
It will take both sides to open up and listen to where each other is coming from.

Just saying "No it won't work" is a cop out. Of course it won't work if everyone refuses, assuming it's hopeless.

I'm sure if you saw answers and progress that even met your standard of proof this can work,
of course you would support that. But these answers are not going to fall into your lap.
I've had to reach out, in all directions, to find answers and to share them with people who didn't have access to that
information. it takes a lot of work. Sitting around naysaying isn't going to change it but makes it worse
by obstructing and discouraging the process.

We need more people to reach and try to work around our obvious differences.
This is America. Of course we are going to have diversity in beliefs.

Why let that get in the way when it's supposed to be a strength not a weakness
to be able to organize around our different affiliations and apply them all freely.

I hope things change and people learn to work with political diversity.
Fearing conflict just gets in the way, when are we going to get over that and just deal with our differences we know are there,
deeply engrained, and aren't going to change. Why can't we accept and work with what we've got and what we bring to the table?
I suppose you would believe all that crap if you believed all the right wing lies, and never actually looked for yourself.

Dear BULLDOG I cited two conversations where I was able to explain to liberals in ways they could understand. so it is possible to bridge the gap in ideology between right and left by discussing and explaining to liberals using terms they can relate to.

But when I posted these conversations it was YOU who naysayed this and said it was fictitious.

So that tells me you are the type of liberal that makes people give up any hope you really care to listen.
You would not even give credit to other liberals who were willing to ask and understand what conservatives are thinking.

If that is your job in the political ecosystem to naysay and obstruct,
that's fine to play "devil's advocate" and "worse case scenario" on the defense team.

But please don't block your own team from moving forward.
It will take both sides to open up and listen to where each other is coming from.

Just saying "No it won't work" is a cop out. Of course it won't work if everyone refuses, assuming it's hopeless.

I'm sure if you saw answers and progress that even met your standard of proof this can work,
of course you would support that. But these answers are not going to fall into your lap.
I've had to reach out, in all directions, to find answers and to share them with people who didn't have access to that
information. it takes a lot of work. Sitting around naysaying isn't going to change it but makes it worse
by obstructing and discouraging the process.

We need more people to reach and try to work around our obvious differences.
This is America. Of course we are going to have diversity in beliefs.

Why let that get in the way when it's supposed to be a strength not a weakness
to be able to organize around our different affiliations and apply them all freely.

I hope things change and people learn to work with political diversity.
Fearing conflict just gets in the way, when are we going to get over that and just deal with our differences we know are there,
deeply engrained, and aren't going to change. Why can't we accept and work with what we've got and what we bring to the table?

Right. You presented two highly doubtful scenarios where you reached out with the exact same talking points as the right always uses, but somehow, because you evidently have some mystical power, the person who had previously disagreed received enlightenment that you were right all along. Now you are trying to shame me because I am not transformed by the same old tired talking points that you claim converted the guy in your story. I've heard your tripe and rejected it a long time ago. The same crap won't suddenly turn me into a gun nut now. Just because Jethro claims to be patriotic doesn't mean he shouldn't have to pass a background check.

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