OMG! I just found out that the hit and run that I heard about on the news here...


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
Was the checker at my local grocery store! I've seen him at least a couple of times a week (sometimes every day) over the last year...he's an old stinky (sorry, it's true) guy who moves super slow but was always very, very pleasant...he was crossing the highway, in a crosswalk, on his way to the A&W for dinner...

We have a busy hiway that goes through my town, so any time you go from the west to the east side of town, you have to cross 4 lanes...often is very slow but then you have busy times and seasons...anyway, the crosswalks are hazardous...soooooo...

I just want to remind everyone...go the speed limit and pay attention to flashing yellow lights and crosswalks. Sometimes you'll see a car stopped and just go around it without thinking...think before you do that, because a person might be walking in front of them. Don't be clipping (or in this case, running completely over) some old man on his way to dinner, or worse yet...some little kid running across the street.
I cross that highway often with my kids on bikes...we have to cross it to get to their school, so we're heavy into safety these days. Today was the first day my daughter rode to school by herself. It's scary.
One of our local kids where I lived before got run over just a couple of blocks from my house while I lived there. He did survive, and earned himself the unfortunate nickname "Speedbump". I never retained his real name, he'll always be Speedbump to me.
I just want to remind everyone...go the speed limit and pay attention to flashing yellow lights and crosswalks. Sometimes you'll see a car stopped and just go around it without thinking...think before you do that, because a person might be walking in front of them. Don't be clipping (or in this case, running completely over) some old man on his way to dinner, or worse yet...some little kid running across the street.
A drunk driver isn't going to have the sense or courtesy to go the speed limit, look out for pedestrians, etc. and that is if they even have any when they are sober. On July 29th last year, I lost a cousin when he was left for dead after being hit by a drunk. If people don't care who they kill when they are sober, then don't go expecting them to be any better when they are wasted because they are only going to be worse. May that man from your store be with the Lord now. :( :( :(

God bless you and his family always!!!


P.S. The person who killed my cousin was found not long after the incident happened and was only just recently indicted for what they did which is another thing that burns me. They made my family yet another member smaller over a year ago and they are just now getting busted for it? Why does it take forever for things like this to be dealt with???
That's true enough. The driver of the car who killed Robbie was 85. I mean, it's congested and hard to track everything...and accidents happen. And drunks happen. But accidents can be reduced if people slow down and just focus on what they're doing.

I was in the store this morning, and asked one of his coworkers how they were doing without him, and he said he kept doing stuff thinking that Robbie would do whatever he does..."Robbie'll get that pallet later" and stuff. That guy (I don't know his name) also rides a bike a lot, I see him bicycling to work (this is all on my home route, house, store, school). We often ride our bikes to the grocery ourselves, so we sort of see these guys often even though we don't know everyone's names.

On the up side, there's a full time position available....
my son witnessed a girl get hit by a car and thrown 20 ft...i will never forget how shook up he was by the whole thing...and how ready he was to go to court and testify for the girl who was hit...his biggest problem was answering the question.....

'why were you watching the young lady walk down the sidewalk'

son didnt want to say...cause she had a great ass....

luckily they worked out a plea bargain before court
Why was he watching her? What sort of dumbass question is that?

Sheesh, cops.

My boys saw a woman they knew get killed...they were working harvest, waiting for their ride from the field and sitting in a big grain truck along the road...she came barreling over a hill in a huge luxury car, caught air, and then flipped end over end a few times. She ejected out the back window and clipped the back bumper with her head and landed in the wheat..far enough from the road that they had to search for her even though they saw it happened.

They handled it okay, I was sort of worried about it, but although they did know her, she was often at the place of the guy they were working for when they were there, they didn't suffer any nightmares or anything. I think they were around 14?

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