OMG! Biden considering bringing in more antisemites to America

Considering many have significant populations of Palestinians I suspect much of that is anti Palestinian propaganda. There is a fear of radicals coming through with them just as there was the commie fear with Jews....but also. everyone knows if they take in refugees Israrl will never allow them to come back. It is what happened before.
No dang way you can vet them. No way you know which ones will we chanting Death to America in a month.

Let the middle east take them. Not my problem
The Coyote creature has more contempt for me than the Palestinian creatures yelling “go back to the ovens, Jews!” and other Nazi things.

She might be a Muslim herself.
Dont think she is a Muzzie but takes their side always.

We dont need more from the middle east. Europe is a prime example of why not to do it.

It is complicated. It was naive to assume voting is all you need for democracy in a system that lacked any of the fundemental prerequisites or checks and balances.

Hamas was the only rival with an extensive political organization and substantial funds. They engaged in good works like fixing the roads, like any other politician and offerred an alternative that proved just as corrupt. It is no different than voting for Trump in 2016...a. alternative.

No. It's really not complicated. Hamas has an entire written Charter that defines their purpose and goals.

Let's not forget that Hamas had an opportunity in 2006 to do more than establish an Islamic terrorist enclave. Fixing a road is fine, but opposed to tearing up potable waterlines to use the pipe material for bomb making, not so fine.
My perspective is correct.

Germany perpetrated the Holocaust. Why did/do we allow Germans to come here. Many Jews in Europe were communist sympathizers. why did we allow them in? Oh wait...we didn't want them either. We let people in from communist Cuba, China, Russia...we let in countries with a history of violence against others including their minorities...and like the Palestinian immigrant community...doing just fine as Americans.

I wouldn’t say to ban all refugees, but with Palestinians, considering why is going on right now , I would be Bery Carful with which ones, and not just allow them in mass.

You can t ignore what is going on right now on college campuses with Outsiders instigating anarchy, trying to provoke unrest. If Hamas could send their people here they would. That’s not fear mongering , it’s a fact.

How would you feel if we were letting Germans come here who still espoused putting Jews in ovens or gassing them?
Well I’m many of these protests those words have also been shouted .. and Jews intimidated

Right now is not your typical time. It’s much more than letting in refugees . It’s about refugees who are also known to be an aggressor. Oct 7 isn’t that long ago
Neither are the vast majority of Palestinians.

The fear with Jews was commies...and communist regimes were responsible for millions of deaths.
Nope. The Jews were blocked because of antisemitism. The hordes trying to flee Eastern Europe were hardly commies.

There is no comparison to innocent Jews trying to flee and Palestinians who want to kill Jews.
Joe Biden plots to import Gaza's 'refugees'
1 May 2024 ~~ By Monica Showalter

Joe Biden is running for re-election and behind in the polls.
He's desperate to satisfy his 'death to America' base in places like Dearborn and at campus protests.
So now he's come up with a new sweetender to bring those voters back.
Importing Gaza "refugees," despite the war, from the Gaza side at least, being about staying in place at home and taking over Israel, too.
According to CBS News:
The Biden administration is considering bringing certain Palestinians to the U.S. as refugees, a move that would offer a permanent safe haven to some of those fleeing war-torn Gaza, according to internal federal government documents obtained by CBS News.​
So fighting the war to stay in Gaza isn't quite as nice as a big, free, benefit package, and a life on the public dime over in the U.S. instead. Never mind that Hamas, which started the war with Israel, nominally did so to establish a homeland for Palestinians and screams loudly about 'forced relocation,' which plenty of people in Israel, understandably enough, would like to see done. Who needs a homeland when you've got Omrika, handed out free of charge? Maybe you can fly back and forth, paid for with U.S. funds, and fist-wave against the U.S. in both countries.
If this isn't an outrageous idea well worth fighting, what is? The lawsuits should be fast, thick and heavy on this, if there's is one thing America doesn't need, it's people who celebrate and abet terrorists of the most heinous kind.

Biden and his Neo-Marxist administration are the REAL insurrectionists. When do we stop this?
Like Joe's predecessor, Obama imported a bunch of Somali "refugees" and Minnesota went from "Minnesota Nice" to "Death to America" due to importing all the "refugees." Now Biden wants to import Hamas terrorists! What could go wrong? Plenty.
Eygpt and all the Arab countries in the Middle East have rejected acceptance of Palestinians refugees. There is a reason.
People within our government are plotting very bad things for the United States. They have been working on their plot for years...
Even their fellow Arab neighbors want nothing to do the Palestinian Gazans.
75% of the Palestinians were polled and said they supported the subhuman, barbaric massacre of innocent Jews.

We've discussed this before...the same poll also showed the majority did not believe Hamas committed those atrocities.

We are having a crisis with Jew-haters in this country right now, and at the hands of Palestinian-type things, and you think Jews should just roll over and not object to you libs bringing in another million of them? Just have fast do you want to recreate Nazi Germany for Jews?
We are having a crisis with Islamophobes as well.
Nope. The Jews were blocked because of antisemitism. The hordes trying to flee Eastern Europe were hardly commies.
Check history. Antisemitism was part of it, but they were also suspected of being communists or communist infiltrators.

…there is both truth and anti-semitic conspiracy theory in there. Kind of like you with Palestinian refugees only instead of the Red Scare it’s the Pali Scare.

There is no comparison to innocent Jews trying to flee and Palestinians who want to kill Jews.
Absolutely there is. Innocent Palestinians are trying flee the utter destruction of their country in war.
Yes…you sure hate Muslims don’t you? You sound like an anti-Semite…only you aim it at Muslims.
You sure hate Jews, don’t you? According to you, Jews are just supposed to lay down and let Biden import more HAMAS-supporters - even though there is already a crisis in antisemitism.

And don’t give me your shit about “crisis with Islamophobia, too.” It is NOTHING near what the Jews are dealing with. Really weird how you downplay the Nazi-level hate against Jewish kids and then try to make it like there’s a similar problem with Muslims.
Joe Biden plots to import Gaza's 'refugees'
1 May 2024 ~~ By Monica Showalter

Joe Biden is running for re-election and behind in the polls.
He's desperate to satisfy his 'death to America' base in places like Dearborn and at campus protests.
So now he's come up with a new sweetender to bring those voters back.
Importing Gaza "refugees," despite the war, from the Gaza side at least, being about staying in place at home and taking over Israel, too.
According to CBS News:
The Biden administration is considering bringing certain Palestinians to the U.S. as refugees, a move that would offer a permanent safe haven to some of those fleeing war-torn Gaza, according to internal federal government documents obtained by CBS News.​
So fighting the war to stay in Gaza isn't quite as nice as a big, free, benefit package, and a life on the public dime over in the U.S. instead. Never mind that Hamas, which started the war with Israel, nominally did so to establish a homeland for Palestinians and screams loudly about 'forced relocation,' which plenty of people in Israel, understandably enough, would like to see done. Who needs a homeland when you've got Omrika, handed out free of charge? Maybe you can fly back and forth, paid for with U.S. funds, and fist-wave against the U.S. in both countries.
If this isn't an outrageous idea well worth fighting, what is? The lawsuits should be fast, thick and heavy on this, if there's is one thing America doesn't need, it's people who celebrate and abet terrorists of the most heinous kind.

Biden and his Neo-Marxist administration are the REAL insurrectionists. When do we stop this?
Like Joe's predecessor, Obama imported a bunch of Somali "refugees" and Minnesota went from "Minnesota Nice" to "Death to America" due to importing all the "refugees." Now Biden wants to import Hamas terrorists! What could go wrong? Plenty.
Eygpt and all the Arab countries in the Middle East have rejected acceptance of Palestinians refugees. There is a reason.
People within our government are plotting very bad things for the United States. They have been working on their plot for years...
Even their fellow Arab neighbors want nothing to do the Palestinian Gazans.
I love how you use the word "plot", like this is some sorta secret, nefarious plan, LOL.
We've discussed this before...the same poll also showed the majority did not believe Hamas committed those atrocities.

We are having a crisis with Islamophobes as well.

Check history. Antisemitism was part of it, but they were also suspected of being communists or communist infiltrators.

…there is both truth and anti-semitic conspiracy theory in there. Kind of like you with Palestinian refugees only instead of the Red Scare it’s the Pali Scare.

Absolutely there is. Innocent Palestinians are trying flee the utter destruction of their country in war.
A War their Govt started.

Cry me a River to the Sea
What is absurd is that those complaining about anti-Semitic bigotry are doing just that on other groups, like the Palestinians and are incapable of seeing it.
Except for the part about Palestinians being murderous thugs. They teach the joy of killing in Palestinian schools.
I wouldn’t say to ban all refugees, but with Palestinians, considering why is going on right now , I would be Bery Carful with which ones, and not just allow them in mass.
I disagree entirely. They should vetted, of course, like any other refugee.

Russia is annihilating Ukraine…is anyone calling for a moratorium on Russian immigres? Actually…sadly, in Europe, Russian dissenters fleeing their country have faced a lot of hostility in Europe, and been blamed for the actions of their government.

Myanmar committed genocide on the Rohinga….any one calling for a ban on Burmese refugees?

You can t ignore what is going on right now on college campuses with Outsiders instigating anarchy, trying to provoke unrest. If Hamas could send their people here they would. That’s not fear mongering , it’s a fact.

It is also a good bit of media fanning the flames. By far, the protests have been peaceful... even the police say so. Where they crossed the line (smashed windows, took over a building) they were rightfully arrested.

There ARE some outside agitators who are involved (who should be booted) AND there has been some violence on both sides, but very little and frankly the lack of violence can’t be overstated here.

What these protests are saying is that this war, and our support of it, is a very passionate cause. There is right on both sides: the right of Israel to defend itself and the right of the Palestinians to have the same rights as any other people. You can’t shut that up.

Refugees come here to start a new life. They are usually deeply traumatized, and simply want safety and a new life for themselves and their families. They don’t come here to start trouble. Palestinians are no different than any other.

How would you feel if we were letting Germans come here who still espoused putting Jews in ovens or gassing them?
Well I’m many of these protests those words have also been shouted .. and Jews intimidated

You have no idea what those refugees espouse and I don’t particularly care as long as they follow our laws. I suspect they are far more concerned with keeping their children fed, housed, having security, a chance at education and a job. Many are professionals …doctors, etc. Jews aren’t the only intimidated you know…Palestinian Americans have been…and not just intimidated, killed. Anti-semitism has gone way up but so two has Islamophobia and both groups have reported being intimidated and afraid.

Right now is not your typical time. It’s much more than letting in refugees . It’s about refugees who are also known to be an aggressor. Oct 7 isn’t that long ago
October 7th is not OUR war. WE are not Israel. Hamas was the aggressor, not the entire Palestinian people.
I disagree entirely. They should vetted, of course, like any other refugee.

Russia is annihilating Ukraine…is anyone calling for a moratorium on Russian immigres? Actually…sadly, in Europe, Russian dissenters fleeing their country have faced a lot of hostility in Europe, and been blamed for the actions of their government.

Myanmar committed genocide on the Rohinga….any one calling for a ban on Burmese refugees?

It is also a good bit of media fanning the flames. By far, the protests have been peaceful... even the police say so. Where they crossed the line (smashed windows, took over a building) they were rightfully arrested.

There ARE some outside agitators who are involved (who should be booted) AND there has been some violence on both sides, but very little and frankly the lack of violence can’t be overstated here.

What these protests are saying is that this war, and our support of it, is a very passionate cause. There is right on both sides: the right of Israel to defend itself and the right of the Palestinians to have the same rights as any other people. You can’t shut that up.

Refugees come here to start a new life. They are usually deeply traumatized, and simply want safety and a new life for themselves and their families. They don’t come here to start trouble. Palestinians are no different than any other.

You have no idea what those refugees espouse and I don’t particularly care as long as they follow our laws. I suspect they are far more concerned with keeping their children fed, housed, having security, a chance at education and a job. Many are professionals …doctors, etc. Jews aren’t the only intimidated you know…Palestinian Americans have been…and not just intimidated, killed. Anti-semitism has gone way up but so two has Islamophobia and both groups have reported being intimidated and afraid.

October 7th is not OUR war. WE are not Israel. Hamas was the aggressor, not the entire Palestinian people.
is burma a terrorist state??
You sure hate Jews, don’t you?
Not at all.

According to you, Jews are just supposed to lay down and let Biden import more HAMAS-supporters - even though there is already a crisis in antisemitism.

Well….it’s more like I would hope that you, as a Jew, would remember what it was like to be a refugee fleeing violence and no one would open the door.

Fortunately you aren’t “all Jews” even if you claim to speak for them.

And don’t give me your shit about “crisis with Islamophobia, too.” It is NOTHING near what the Jews are dealing with.

True. Palestinian Americans are getting killed.

Really weird how you downplay the Nazi-level hate against Jewish kids and then try to make it like there’s a similar problem with Muslims.
I am down playing nothing. Your level of ignorance is astounding and equal only to your level of hate.

You just can’t accept that there are others being targeted as well. That it’s not just Jews who are afraid of the schisms this war has opened in America? People have been killed because of rabid hate. Even a little kid. And it doesn’t matter whether they are Jewish or Muslim. They are ordinary people who don’t deserve to be in fear of their lives or safety.

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