OMG! Biden considering bringing in more antisemites to America

1st post 5th post
Sure you do. As long as they're muslim filth then welcome them with open arms.
Thanks. I can’t deal with her attitude anymore.

Why in the world would she expect Jews to be OK with letting in the very people who were happy about the October 7th massacre - and have been brainwashed to want to kill Jews since kindergarten?

And she says all this in the middle of the worst antisemitism since Nazi Germany, occurring right in NYC.
I don’t like that they supported cutting off Jewish baby heads and setting Jewish toddlers on fire. But you go ahead and accuse ME of being the bigot.
You are.

And you convenienly ignore the bigotry of all the pro-Palestinian leftists on campuses, not allowing Jews to enter, or bullying them, spitting on them, tasering them. Instead, you attack the Jew for not wanting more of these people in this country. What? Not enough antisemitism for you? We need to import more?

Palestinians in Gaza are caught in a horrific situation. They are no different than any other refugee.

You leftists sure expect Jews to shut up and take the hate directed at them - and then accept even MORE of the people who are leading the incoming Nazi era. And if they don’t, you call them racist.

Actually…what I expect is just a wee bit of rationality and humanity. Is that too much for you?
You disgust me. You should NOT be a moderator.
10th post
Thanks. I can’t deal with her attitude anymore.

Why in the world would she expect Jews to be OK with letting in the very people who were happy about the October 7th massacre - and have been brainwashed to want to kill Jews since kindergarten?

And she says all this in the middle of the worst antisemitism since Nazi Germany, occurring right in NYC.
And Northern / Central / Southern California , Chicago , Texas , Oregon , Colorado , Maryland , Connecticut ...
You are.

Palestinians in Gaza are caught in a horrific situation. They are no different than any other refugee.

Actually…what I expect is just a wee bit of rationality and humanity. Is that too much for you?
Blah, blah, blah…..

You call ME a bigot….in the midst of Nazi-era antisemitism being perpetuated by Palestinians ans their supporters? Where is your condemnation of the Palestinians who blocked the Jewish kid from going to class? What about the Palestinian who stabbed the Jewish kid with a Palestinian flagpole? What about the Palestinian woman who tasted the Jewish guy?

Nope. Not a word of condemnation for THEM. Just the Jew-girl, huh?

Blah, blah, blah…..

You call ME a bigot….in the midst of Nazi-era antisemitism being perpetuated by Palestinians ans their supporters? Where is your condemnation of the Palestinians who blocked the Jewish kid from going to class? What about the Palestinian who stabbed the Jewish kid with a Palestinian flagpole? What about the Palestinian woman who tasted the Jewish guy?

Nope. Not a word of condemnation for THEM. Just the Jew-girl, huh?



A refugee is a refugee first, Lisa.
Biden isn’t satisfied with the rampant, pro-HAMAS Jew-haters harassing, bullying, and assaulting Jews at leftist universities. Now he’s considering offering “refugee“ status to the Palestinians who supported the Jew massacre on October 7th!

The Arab countries won’t even take in these hateful people. And now with the Palestinians, and pro-Palestinians, creating a 1939 Germany right here in America, Biden is thinking of bringing in MORE of them?? Just how eager is Obama to eradicate Jews?

Yes, Lisa. Some people hate Jews.
Some people hate blacks, Natives, gays, trans, two spirits, and a host of others. Get used to it.
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A refugee is a refugee first, Lisa.
Wow! The Palestinians are yelling “go back to the gas chamber, Jews!”:- and you rever to saying Im o,aying the victim card?

Tell me. When did you tell any of the blacks who are a,ways moaning about long-ago racism to stop playing the victim card? Nope….you contempt is reserved for Jews.

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