O'Malley fires up Iowa


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2011
Opposing Authoritarian Ideological Fundamentalism.

Some stories about how more Democrats are giving a serious look at O'Malley. Good looking guy (we know how important image is), good speaker. Very pro-America speech. White male, though, so he'll have to overcome that. I'd think he'd have a better chance than Webb with those who are looking for a Plan B, although both are long shots.

Agree with his politics or not, he can certainly argue experience over many of the other candidates. He has had a long career for a man his age.
White male, though, so he'll have to overcome that.

He won the race for mayor of Baltimore as the only white Democratic candidate in a predominately black city. Invoking race when it doesn't matter makes you look as guilty as any race baiting liberal.

Some stories about how more Democrats are giving a serious look at O'Malley. Good looking guy (we know how important image is), good speaker. Very pro-America speech.

I don't know that I'd consider his tenure as governor of Maryland as "very pro-America," but nonetheless, he is someone to keep an eye on. I've said for years Hillary is not going to be president. Even if she runs, which I'm still not convinced she will, the Democratic primary will not be a walk in the park for her despite what polling currently says. I don't think she'd win it.
It's Hillary's turn and O'Malley is a misogynist for not accepting that

It was Hillary's turn in '08 and she got bested by Obama. It will happen again, if she runs.

Yes!!! I remember the Republicans saying EXACTLY that about Ronald Reagan in 1980 after he got beat by Gerald Ford in 1976,

Oh, wait..... Reagan won the nomination, and the presidency..... hmmmm....
It's Hillary's turn and O'Malley is a misogynist for not accepting that

It was Hillary's turn in '08 and she got bested by Obama. It will happen again, if she runs.

Yes!!! I remember the Republicans saying EXACTLY that about Ronald Reagan in 1980 after he got beat by Gerald Ford in 1976,

Oh, wait..... Reagan won the nomination, and the presidency..... hmmmm....

Or Romney after he lost the primary in 2008...
It was Hillary's turn in '08 and she got bested by Obama. It will happen again, if she runs.

But there were reasons WHY she lost in 2008.

She lost in 2008 because she did not understand how much the rank and file of the Democratic party HATED the Iraq War,which she had voted to authorize.

A lot of Democrats looked at the prospect of 8 more years of Republicans whining about stained dresses and billing records and decided to go somewhere else.

She also failed to do the organizing she needed to do in the later primaries.

But the main reason why she got bested is because Obama was a better candidate. A better speaker, more appealing, and had a more enthusiastic following.

Now, all that said, maybe O'Malley could break out. But if you guys are expecting Democrats to save you from Hillary (because no one in the GOP Clown Car can) you might be hoping for something that won't happen.
Yes!!! I remember the Republicans saying EXACTLY that about Ronald Reagan in 1980 after he got beat by Gerald Ford in 1976,

Oh, wait..... Reagan won the nomination, and the presidency..... hmmmm....

I was there at the time, nobody said that.

Except for Liberal Democrats who wanted Reagan to be the nominee because they thought he'd be easier to beat.
Yes!!! I remember the Republicans saying EXACTLY that about Ronald Reagan in 1980 after he got beat by Gerald Ford in 1976,

Oh, wait..... Reagan won the nomination, and the presidency..... hmmmm....

I was there at the time, nobody said that.

Except for Liberal Democrats who wanted Reagan to be the nominee because they thought he'd be easier to beat.

I see that humor went right over your head. The double exlamation point should have been a clue for you, Joe....
Some stories about how more Democrats are giving a serious look at O'Malley. Good looking guy (we know how important image is), good speaker. Very pro-America speech. White male, though, so he'll have to overcome that. I'd think he'd have a better chance than Webb with those who are looking for a Plan B, although both are long shots.

Yeah, Mac, you aren't obsessed by race at all.


Okay, here's the thing. I do see O'Malley as being possibly a stronger candidate than Hillary because he can appeal to the white working class in a way Hillary with her six figure wall street speaking fees can't.

the question becomes, can he gather the organization and strength that he would need to mount an effective challenge? Wins in Iowa and New Hampshire could tip the race in his favor, but Hillary will still have a lot more money.
But if you guys are expecting Democrats to save you from Hillary (because no one in the GOP Clown Car can) you might be hoping for something that won't happen.

Almost any perceived Republican candidate can beat Hillary Clinton. She's only inevitable in the mind of hyper partisan Democrats.
But if you guys are expecting Democrats to save you from Hillary (because no one in the GOP Clown Car can) you might be hoping for something that won't happen.

Almost any perceived Republican candidate can beat Hillary Clinton. She's only inevitable in the mind of hyper partisan Democrats.

Only, more than 1,000 pieces of solid polling data to date do not support your claim.

That math is not agreeing with you right now.

CAN and WILL are two very different things.

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