Older Immigrants Taking Summer Jobs from US Teens


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Denying kids jobs and a chance to get started in a career, leaving them idle and ready to get into trouble.

Advanced nations only allow immigrants who have job skills the host nation is short of.

In his analysis, Camarota found that employers are seizing on older immigrants, often over 20 and with some working experience, instead of U.S. teens to fill summer jobs. And another driving factor, he said, may be that immigrants are willing to work for a lower wage.

While good for immigrants, he cited research that it can be devastating for U.S. teens. Shut out of a summer job, they often have difficulty in the workforce for years.

“Teens employed in high school earn more than teens who did not work in the first year after graduation, with wage differences tending to increase over time. Also, teens who were employed in high school are more likely to be employed and work more hours during the year, with a significant relationship between hours worked in high school and subsequent hours worked and wages earned,” said the report.

Older immigrants ‘crowding out’ US teens for summer jobs
Denying kids jobs and a chance to get started in a career, leaving them idle and ready to get into trouble.

Advanced nations only allow immigrants who have job skills the host nation is short of.

In his analysis, Camarota found that employers are seizing on older immigrants, often over 20 and with some working experience, instead of U.S. teens to fill summer jobs. And another driving factor, he said, may be that immigrants are willing to work for a lower wage.

While good for immigrants, he cited research that it can be devastating for U.S. teens. Shut out of a summer job, they often have difficulty in the workforce for years.

“Teens employed in high school earn more than teens who did not work in the first year after graduation, with wage differences tending to increase over time. Also, teens who were employed in high school are more likely to be employed and work more hours during the year, with a significant relationship between hours worked in high school and subsequent hours worked and wages earned,” said the report.

Older immigrants ‘crowding out’ US teens for summer jobs
Yep, Teens used to get summer jobs in fastfood, construction and yard work. It's was valuable work experince that helped them get a start in life. Now those jobs are taken by adult immigrants and probably illegals.
The article says "legal" and "illegal". There is no issue with legal immigrants getting these jobs. That's just to bad for the teens. Illegals? Well, that's where party lines are drawn.
Denying kids jobs and a chance to get started in a career, leaving them idle and ready to get into trouble.

Advanced nations only allow immigrants who have job skills the host nation is short of.

In his analysis, Camarota found that employers are seizing on older immigrants, often over 20 and with some working experience, instead of U.S. teens to fill summer jobs. And another driving factor, he said, may be that immigrants are willing to work for a lower wage.

While good for immigrants, he cited research that it can be devastating for U.S. teens. Shut out of a summer job, they often have difficulty in the workforce for years.

“Teens employed in high school earn more than teens who did not work in the first year after graduation, with wage differences tending to increase over time. Also, teens who were employed in high school are more likely to be employed and work more hours during the year, with a significant relationship between hours worked in high school and subsequent hours worked and wages earned,” said the report.

Older immigrants ‘crowding out’ US teens for summer jobs
But it depends on where you live. Around here, high school students can make really good money on fishing boats and blueberrying in the summer, so we need immigrants that are willing to do seasonal work (most adults at this point have a year round job, if they need one, and aren't going to leave it to flip burgers for four months).
Denying kids jobs and a chance to get started in a career, leaving them idle and ready to get into trouble.

Advanced nations only allow immigrants who have job skills the host nation is short of.

In his analysis, Camarota found that employers are seizing on older immigrants, often over 20 and with some working experience, instead of U.S. teens to fill summer jobs. And another driving factor, he said, may be that immigrants are willing to work for a lower wage.

While good for immigrants, he cited research that it can be devastating for U.S. teens. Shut out of a summer job, they often have difficulty in the workforce for years.

“Teens employed in high school earn more than teens who did not work in the first year after graduation, with wage differences tending to increase over time. Also, teens who were employed in high school are more likely to be employed and work more hours during the year, with a significant relationship between hours worked in high school and subsequent hours worked and wages earned,” said the report.

Older immigrants ‘crowding out’ US teens for summer jobs

We’re the only nation in the world that will pay foreigners to settle here knowing full well most of them will fuck over our own people. It’s plain bizarre.
The article says "legal" and "illegal". There is no issue with legal immigrants getting these jobs. That's just to bad for the teens. Illegals? Well, that's where party lines are drawn.

Many of us do have a problem with the “legal immigrants”. We’re smart enough to know and acknowledge the illegal is the catalyst to the barely legal liability.
Older immigrants take these entry level jobs then scream that they cannot afford to support families on such low wages .
dimocrap scum could NOT care less about legal/illegal immigrants. They want to change the Country's voting demographics.

It's just that simple.

dimocrap FILTH don't care about America, America's population, America's citizens, America's rule of Law or anything else about the greatest Country to ever exist.

dimocrap FILTH care only about power. They don't care how they gain it, they only care about acquiring it. By any means necessary.

They would rather rule over a cesspool than be a vibrant part of Utopia.

They are scum
Older immigrants take these entry level jobs then scream that they cannot afford to support families on such low wages .

“Let me in your country to build a better life.”
“Let me steal your kids jobs.”
“Let me ruin all construction trades and depress wages.”
“Let me drop my litter of anchor babies in the laps of taxpayers.”
“Let me drive your cost of healthcare through the roof.”
“Let me overwhelm and ruin your education system.”
“Let me cause degradation and filth in your communities.”

Bleeding heart fools-
“Sure, come on over and bring everybody you know with you.”
Older immigrants take these entry level jobs then scream that they cannot afford to support families on such low wages .

“Let me in your country to build a better life.”
“Let me steal your kids jobs.”
“Let me ruin all construction trades and depress wages.”
“Let me drop my litter of anchor babies in the laps of taxpayers.”
“Let me drive your cost of healthcare through the roof.”
“Let me overwhelm and ruin your education system.”
“Let me cause degradation and filth in your communities.”

Bleeding heart fools-
“Sure, come on over and bring everybody you know with you.”

You're going to like this.

Trump Administration Returns to ‘Catch and Release’ of Migrants
Release them with ankle monitors. Which they will take off. Which will add to charges when they are caught.
Yep, Teens used to get summer jobs in fastfood, construction and yard work. It's was valuable work experince that helped them get a start in life. Now those jobs are taken by adult immigrants and probably illegals.

They're not being "taken" , they're being given by employers.

How about putting some of the blame where it belongs for a change?
Older immigrants take these entry level jobs then scream that they cannot afford to support families on such low wages .

“Let me in your country to build a better life.”
“Let me steal your kids jobs.”
“Let me ruin all construction trades and depress wages.”
“Let me drop my litter of anchor babies in the laps of taxpayers.”
“Let me drive your cost of healthcare through the roof.”
“Let me overwhelm and ruin your education system.”
“Let me cause degradation and filth in your communities.”

Bleeding heart fools-
“Sure, come on over and bring everybody you know with you.”

You're going to like this.

Trump Administration Returns to ‘Catch and Release’ of Migrants

That must make you happier than a pig in shit...huh?
You think they kick the baby factories into high gear as soon as they hit the streets of the U.S.?
Older immigrants take these entry level jobs then scream that they cannot afford to support families on such low wages .

“Let me in your country to build a better life.”
“Let me steal your kids jobs.”
“Let me ruin all construction trades and depress wages.”
“Let me drop my litter of anchor babies in the laps of taxpayers.”
“Let me drive your cost of healthcare through the roof.”
“Let me overwhelm and ruin your education system.”
“Let me cause degradation and filth in your communities.”

Bleeding heart fools-
“Sure, come on over and bring everybody you know with you.”

You're going to like this.

Trump Administration Returns to ‘Catch and Release’ of Migrants

That must make you happier than a pig in shit...huh?
You think they kick the baby factories into high gear as soon as they hit the streets of the U.S.?

It makes me happy for your neck of the woods.
Yep, Teens used to get summer jobs in fastfood, construction and yard work. It's was valuable work experince that helped them get a start in life. Now those jobs are taken by adult immigrants and probably illegals.

They're not being "taken" , they're being given by employers.

How about putting some of the blame where it belongs for a change?

I guess depending on where you live could have an effect, I live in the deep south and there are thousands of job openings, employer's cannot get employee's and wages are not going up, so the employer's are not helping themselves.
The article says "legal" and "illegal". There is no issue with legal immigrants getting these jobs. That's just to bad for the teens. Illegals? Well, that's where party lines are drawn.
And that's not all..... the "article" concludes that 9.2 million US born teens are not in the workforce because ... wait for it.... 12.35 million non-US born workers with HS or less educations are in the workforce.
So then should we make employers pay the higher wage? It's a catch 22. Pro business folk side with employers always.
dimocrap scum could NOT care less about legal/illegal immigrants. They want to change the Country's voting demographics.

It's just that simple.

dimocrap FILTH don't care about America, America's population, America's citizens, America's rule of Law or anything else about the greatest Country to ever exist.

dimocrap FILTH care only about power. They don't care how they gain it, they only care about acquiring it. By any means necessary.

They would rather rule over a cesspool than be a vibrant part of Utopia.

They are scum

Indeed... indeed...

And the desired voting demographics include everything but Americans.

Instead, they could just try to have some actual Americans in their party. Maybe then they would know how to serve the people
Last week the Democrats declared that the economy is TOO good, that unemployment is down TOO much. Many states are reporting that they are now having a hard time filling skilled labor jobs opening up.

Then we have this report / article talking about how illegals are filling up the minimum-wage, un-skilled labor jobs....

That's because we have let millions of un-skilled illegal immigrants into the country.

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