Old "Toothless" Law Get New Teeth From Mueller's Application


Old Navy Vet
Jun 25, 2012
Desert Southwest
"A 'Toothless' Old Law Could Have New Fangs, Thanks To Robert Mueller

The law intended to shine a light on foreign entities and foreign governments working to influence policy in Washington, D.C., has been called everything from "toothless" to "a complete joke."

But Justice Department special counsel Robert Mueller isn't laughing — and neither may potential violators if he decides to make it his new weapon of choice.

From 1966 to 2017, the Justice Department sought just seven prosecutions under the Foreign Agents Registration Act, or FARA, which requires Americans working on behalf of foreign governments, foreign political parties, or any person or organization outside the U.S., to disclose who is paying them to do what.

"The perception out there in the regulated community is that it's a toothless statute," said Christopher DeLacy, a partner at law firm Holland & Knight and leader of the firm's political law team."
~~ A 'Toothless' Old Law Could Have New Fangs, Thanks To Robert Mueller ~~

It's past time that this law be enforced to its full extent where & when applicable. I have to also believe that Mueller is also going to start exercising the penalty set out in the SF 86 security clearance form for, "intentionally withholding, misrepresenting, falsifying or including classified information may have a negative effect on my security clearance" noted just above the signature line.

That penalty is codified in
18 U.S.C. 1001 and carries up to 5 years prison time for each offence or fine or both. How much would that penalty come up to for Kushner with just the 100 + omissions he updated last July on his initial submission almost a year ago? Damn crooked bastard!
~~ 18 U.S. Code § 1001 - Statements or entries generally ~~
~~ People aren't buying Kushner's lawyers' explanation for security clearance form omissions ~~

Hopefully, Mueller's group will grab all those scofflaws who tried to cover up all their 100's of meetings they had with foreign nationals and others that they "accidentally" forgot about until those meeting and contacts became public!


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