O'Keefe strikes again. Catches NY Times reporter admitting to going after Trump.


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013

No, this does not belong in media. This, like most things is politics.

Especially this story.

The left will laugh or ignore, just like they have done when O'Keeffe caught the media admitting that they lied and fixed the elections for the democrats.
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Oh you poor baby..Someone get this guy a kleenex, someone is going after the president, yet he never says a word when a rightist does it....
Oh you poor baby..Someone get this guy a kleenex, someone is going after the president, yet he never says a word when a rightist does it....
so you think the press has treated both presidents with complete objectivity?

when the press makes up stuff up bad/wrong about obama, holler and i'm come join the protest.
will you join the protest when the press makes up stuff bad/wrong about trump or just say he deserves it?

i don't want the press to be our moral conscious so i'm surprised you're ok with that. well, not really so i'll find something else to be surprised about.
Oh you poor baby..Someone get this guy a kleenex, someone is going after the president, yet he never says a word when a rightist does it....

As I have long thought idiot leftists like you, prefer your news biased to the left.

You would do well in Orwell's 1984.


Did you even watch the video?
Oh you poor baby..Someone get this guy a kleenex, someone is going after the president, yet he never says a word when a rightist does it....
Hi loser. Is that your response ? Typical

No, this does not belong in media. This, like most things is politics.

Especially this story.

The left will laugh or ignore, just like they have done when O'Keeffe caught the media admitting that they lied and fixed the elections for the democrats.

How many times must the DNC media be exposed for the liars they are, for leftists to recognize they are being duped?

Apparently, there is no limit.

No, this does not belong in media. This, like most things is politics.

Especially this story.

The left will laugh or ignore, just like they have done when O'Keeffe caught the media admitting that they lied and fixed the elections for the democrats.

How many times must the DNC media be exposed for the liars they are, for leftists to recognize they are being duped?

Apparently, there is no limit.

But Rush Limpballs is ok and has been for 30 years, yeah, you go with that...
Oh you poor baby..Someone get this guy a kleenex, someone is going after the president, yet he never says a word when a rightist does it....

As I have long thought idiot leftists like you, prefer your news biased to the left.

You would do well in Orwell's 1984.


Did you even watch the video?
You the biggest idiot I know next to Androjism, you two fuckling morons have a stupid capacity that dead people envy, you assume that which you do not know...

No, this does not belong in media. This, like most things is politics.

Especially this story.

The left will laugh or ignore, just like they have done when O'Keeffe caught the media admitting that they lied and fixed the elections for the democrats.

How many times must the DNC media be exposed for the liars they are, for leftists to recognize they are being duped?

Apparently, there is no limit.

But Rush Limpballs is ok and has been for 30 years, yeah, you go with that...

Good Lord, must you always expose your stupidity.

Rush makes no assertion that his is unbiased. The NY Times does...dumb fuck.
Oh you poor baby..Someone get this guy a kleenex, someone is going after the president, yet he never says a word when a rightist does it....
Hi loser. Is that your response ? Typical
He likes his news biased to the left. It makes him feel good to be a dumb ass.
No I don't that is your fallacy of illogical conclusions based on hyper partisanship you exhibit...I listen to none of them, stupid bitch..They all distort the truth to their monied interest..
Oh you poor baby..Someone get this guy a kleenex, someone is going after the president, yet he never says a word when a rightist does it....

As I have long thought idiot leftists like you, prefer your news biased to the left.

You would do well in Orwell's 1984.


Did you even watch the video?
You the biggest idiot I know next to Androjism, you two fuckling morons have a stupid capacity that dead people envy, you assume that which you do not know...
That is laughable coming from a mental midget like you.

If only you could learn.
Oh you poor baby..Someone get this guy a kleenex, someone is going after the president, yet he never says a word when a rightist does it....

As I have long thought idiot leftists like you, prefer your news biased to the left.

You would do well in Orwell's 1984.


Did you even watch the video?
You the biggest idiot I know next to Androjism, you two fuckling morons have a stupid capacity that dead people envy, you assume that which you do not know...
That is laughable coming from a mental midget like you.

If only you could learn.
I learned 35 years ago you can't trust any of them, they are humans..
OMFG! The president has people that insult or complain!! What president has never had any?

Again...you expose yourself as the fool we all know you are.

The president has nothing to do with this. If only you had a brain.
Oh you poor baby..Someone get this guy a kleenex, someone is going after the president, yet he never says a word when a rightist does it....

As I have long thought idiot leftists like you, prefer your news biased to the left.

You would do well in Orwell's 1984.


Did you even watch the video?
You the biggest idiot I know next to Androjism, you two fuckling morons have a stupid capacity that dead people envy, you assume that which you do not know...
That is laughable coming from a mental midget like you.

If only you could learn.
I learned 35 years ago you can't trust any of them, they are humans..
Oh really...you dumb ass.

Don't try to change the subject. Go blow a left wing journalist.

No, this does not belong in media. This, like most things is politics.

Especially this story.

The left will laugh or ignore, just like they have done when O'Keeffe caught the media admitting that they lied and fixed the elections for the democrats.

What exactly is an "Audience Strategy Editor"???

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