*Okay I've Come Over To The Other Side; Legalize POT*


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

1. I think its time we make pot legal, I have fought for over thirty years to not have it legal, even when I was smoking pot I didn't want it made legal, way back in the 60's, but now, seems like putting pot smokers in jail is asinine, and like trying to hammer a tack in the wall with a sledge hammer.
2. *MAKE POT LEGAL*, all across this land, make it legal to grow for yourself, and let people who smoke it roam free on the fruited plains of the America.:clap2:
3. Don't create some weird tax on it, let it be sold for what ever people are willing to pay for it, tax free, and or allow at same time for companies to be licensed, that have their own brand, like cigarettes, and package joints, and put them on the shelves in the stores, tax those off the shelf.

Sorry bout that,

1. I think its time we make pot legal, I have fought for over thirty years to not have it legal, even when I was smoking pot I didn't want it made legal, way back in the 60's, but now, seems like putting pot smokers in jail is asinine, and like trying to hammer a tack in the wall with a sledge hammer.
2. *MAKE POT LEGAL*, all across this land, make it legal to grow for yourself, and let people who smoke it roam free on the fruited plains of the America.:clap2:
3. Don't create some weird tax on it, let it be sold for what ever people are willing to pay for it, tax free, and or allow at same time for companies to be licensed, that have their own brand, like cigarettes, and package joints, and put them on the shelves in the stores, tax those off the shelf.


Four more years, yep, that will do it every time. :badgrin:

The only question becomes, will it be enough to quench the agony of another 4 years?
:clap2: Good for you man, glad you came around on this subject. There is absolutely no reason for marijuana to be illegal or pot smokers to be jailed.

Sure there is, government says so.

Crazy right winged government hater. :badgrin:
Sorry bout that,

1. I am also leaning towards legalizing *all* drugs.
2. *ALL* drugs that won't actually harm you, like kill you like poison.
3. Drugs are a thing you willingly take, and its your body, you eat what you want, its your body, you should be able to consume any white powder you want, full well knowing if you take too much, *shuwack* you're dead.
4. Every day people put stuff in their bodies that can either help or hurt, people need to decide for themselves whats best for them, and not have the law, telling them if you do that we have to put you into jail, its just a business for the judicial system, they make more money off illegal substances than most other forms of taxation.
5. *POT* is *TAX*.
6. MAKE IT FREEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
7. *LET MY PEOPLE GO* stop jailing and taxing my people, we are all brothers and sisters, stop taking their money, stop taking their freedoms.

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I envision a state run liquor store, next to a state sanctioned casino, next to a state sanctioned whore house, next to a state sanctioned crack house.

I can dream, can't I?

I say we are half way there gang. Keep up the good fight. :badgrin:
Sorry bout that,

I envision a state run liquor store, next to a state sanctioned casino, next to a state sanctioned whore house, next to a state sanctioned crack house.

I can dream, can't I?

I say we are half way there gang. Keep up the good fight. :badgrin:

1. Why have the Feds working this against the people?
2. The Feds need to back the hell off!!!!
3. Why should the local cities be able to tax drugs?
4. Let people get high for what ever the cost is for this stuff, whatever the market will bare, perhaps license some, tax companies going commercial, like off store shelves, but just make it legal, this taxing people for doing drugs is stupid, let them do them for free, tax free.

Sorry bout that,

I envision a state run liquor store, next to a state sanctioned casino, next to a state sanctioned whore house, next to a state sanctioned crack house.

I can dream, can't I?

I say we are half way there gang. Keep up the good fight. :badgrin:

1. Why have the Feds working this against the people?
2. The Feds need to back the hell off!!!!
3. Why should the local cities be able to tax drugs?
4. Let people get high for what ever the cost is for this stuff, whatever the market will bare, perhaps license some, tax companies going commercial, like off store shelves, but just make it legal, this taxing people for doing drugs is stupid, let them do them for free, tax free.


Tax free? Do you realize what world you live in? You can't even die without being taxed.

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