OK, Israel deports African illegals to Europe, but Russia is the enemy. Got it.


Gold Member
Oct 11, 2016
Washington, DC
In yet another example of Jewish enmity, The Only Democracy in the Middle East has struck a deal to deport illegal invaders from Africa not back to Africa, but to Europe. Israeli NGOs, remember, helped shepherd the Muslim hordes into Europe two years ago, and Jews (among them George Soros) financed some of the boats ferrying illegals across the Mediterranean.

Meanwhile, the Jewish owned press gave us pictures of drowned toddlers.

Also, don't forget, Jews in Congress gave us the 1965 Immigration and Nationality Act about which the Jewish owned press echoed the lies that the act would not change the demographics of this country (upon its passage, it was celebrated in New York City by Jews as a Jewish victory over us).

Jews oppose Trump because he views immigration on nationalistic terms (viewing it on any other is treasonous).

If you are a white Christian (or black Christian, for that matter), and you do not believe there is a force actively seeking your harm, and that that force is Jewish, then you deserve to be called what, in fact, the Jews call you: goyim, i.e., dumb cattle.

Israel reaches deal with UN to deport asylum seekers to West, not Africa
In yet another example of Jewish enmity, The Only Democracy in the Middle East has struck a deal to deport illegal invaders from Africa not back to Africa, but to Europe. Israeli NGOs, remember, helped shepherd the Muslim hordes into Europe two years ago, and Jews (among them George Soros) financed some of the boats ferrying illegals across the Mediterranean.

Meanwhile, the Jewish owned press gave us pictures of drowned toddlers.

Also, don't forget, Jews in Congress gave us the 1965 Immigration and Nationality Act about which the Jewish owned press echoed the lies that the act would not change the demographics of this country (upon its passage, it was celebrated in New York City by Jews as a Jewish victory over us).

Jews oppose Trump because he views immigration on nationalistic terms (viewing it on any other is treasonous).

If you are a white Christian (or black Christian, for that matter), and you do not believe there is a force actively seeking your harm, and that that force is Jewish, then you deserve to be called what, in fact, the Jews call you: goyim, i.e., dumb cattle.

Israel reaches deal with UN to deport asylum seekers to West, not Africa
Tiny strip of sand in the world has the freaks waking up foaming at the mouth.
It's truly a disgrace.
Only a strong Europe led by Germany will be fit for the future.
Time for a parade!

What does one have to do with the other...Israel and Russia...this isn’t even apples and oranges. This is prunes and miso.
seems like a reasonably good resolution to the problem of
Africans forced to flee the disgusting filth of islam and
In yet another example of Jewish enmity, The Only Democracy in the Middle East has struck a deal to deport illegal invaders from Africa not back to Africa, but to Europe. Israeli NGOs, remember, helped shepherd the Muslim hordes into Europe two years ago, and Jews (among them George Soros) financed some of the boats ferrying illegals across the Mediterranean.

Meanwhile, the Jewish owned press gave us pictures of drowned toddlers.

Also, don't forget, Jews in Congress gave us the 1965 Immigration and Nationality Act about which the Jewish owned press echoed the lies that the act would not change the demographics of this country (upon its passage, it was celebrated in New York City by Jews as a Jewish victory over us).

Jews oppose Trump because he views immigration on nationalistic terms (viewing it on any other is treasonous).

If you are a white Christian (or black Christian, for that matter), and you do not believe there is a force actively seeking your harm, and that that force is Jewish, then you deserve to be called what, in fact, the Jews call you: goyim, i.e., dumb cattle.

Israel reaches deal with UN to deport asylum seekers to West, not Africa
Tiny strip of sand in the world has the freaks waking up foaming at the mouth.

Well, so can the same be said about Palestine by Zionists, who foam at the mouth over that tiny strip of sand.
Also, don't forget, Jews in Congress gave us the 1965 Immigration and Nationality Act
I thought that was a gift from a. Irish Catholic who drowned a woman

jews control congress. ----all of the congressmen and senators----
even the catholics who drive drunk
So white liberals have no mind of their own.

nope------ask any muslim who know-----preferably on Friday evening or

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