Ok For Me, But Not For You


Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003
Amusing, links at site:

Ed Driscoll Leading by Example, Then and Now

Candidate Barack Obama, May of 2008:

Pitching his message to Oregon’s environmentally-conscious voters, Obama called on the United States to “lead by example” on global warming, and develop new technologies at home which could be exported to developing countries.

“We can’t drive our SUVs and eat as much as we want and keep our homes on 72 degrees at all times … and then just expect that other countries are going to say OK,” Obama said.

“That’s not leadership. That’s not going to happen,” he added.​

President Obama, July 17, 2010, as reported by the Maine’s Morning Sentinel newspaper:

“Arriving in a small jet before the Obamas was the first dog, Bo, a Portuguese water dog given as a present by the late U.S. Sen Ted Kennedy, D-Mass.”

As the Professor notes, “I don’t want to hear one goddamn word about my carbon footprint.”

Related: “Lobster for everyone” in the First Family, Matt Drudge writes, as “Obamas continue busy Maine holiday.”

Hippocritico could not be reached for comment.

Update: Related thoughts on “Noblesse Oblige” from Warner Todd Huston at Right Wing News.
I wonder what the white house and residence thermostat is kept on?
Amusing, links at site:

Ed Driscoll Leading by Example, Then and Now

Candidate Barack Obama, May of 2008:

Pitching his message to Oregon’s environmentally-conscious voters, Obama called on the United States to “lead by example” on global warming, and develop new technologies at home which could be exported to developing countries.
“We can’t drive our SUVs and eat as much as we want and keep our homes on 72 degrees at all times … and then just expect that other countries are going to say OK,” Obama said.

“That’s not leadership. That’s not going to happen,” he added.
President Obama, July 17, 2010, as reported by the Maine’s Morning Sentinel newspaper:

“Arriving in a small jet before the Obamas was the first dog, Bo, a Portuguese water dog given as a present by the late U.S. Sen Ted Kennedy, D-Mass.”

As the Professor notes, “I don’t want to hear one goddamn word about my carbon footprint.”

Related: “Lobster for everyone” in the First Family, Matt Drudge writes, as “Obamas continue busy Maine holiday.”

Hippocritico could not be reached for comment.

Update: Related thoughts on “Noblesse Oblige” from Warner Todd Huston at Right Wing News.

Agreed. A true Leader would do the very same thing he asks of their followers.
Amusing, links at site:

Ed Driscoll Leading by Example, Then and Now

Candidate Barack Obama, May of 2008:

Pitching his message to Oregon’s environmentally-conscious voters, Obama called on the United States to “lead by example” on global warming, and develop new technologies at home which could be exported to developing countries.

“We can’t drive our SUVs and eat as much as we want and keep our homes on 72 degrees at all times … and then just expect that other countries are going to say OK,” Obama said.

“That’s not leadership. That’s not going to happen,” he added.​

President Obama, July 17, 2010, as reported by the Maine’s Morning Sentinel newspaper:

“Arriving in a small jet before the Obamas was the first dog, Bo, a Portuguese water dog given as a present by the late U.S. Sen Ted Kennedy, D-Mass.”

As the Professor notes, “I don’t want to hear one goddamn word about my carbon footprint.”

Related: “Lobster for everyone” in the First Family, Matt Drudge writes, as “Obamas continue busy Maine holiday.”

Hippocritico could not be reached for comment.

Update: Related thoughts on “Noblesse Oblige” from Warner Todd Huston at Right Wing News.

A private jet for the President's dog?

Who does he think he is?

Nancy Fucking Pelosi?!?
What a load of steaming dogshit.

The dog came on a plane with staffers not all by himself.

Obama did not say “I don’t want to hear one goddamn word about my carbon footprint.”

This is how you people opperate, lies and more lies.

The right is completely bankrupt.
What a load of steaming dogshit.

The dog came on a plane with staffers not all by himself.

Obama did not say “I don’t want to hear one goddamn word about my carbon footprint.”

This is how you people opperate, lies and more lies.

The right is completely bankrupt.

LOL! Still can't read before commenting. What a :eusa_liar: you are.
What a load of steaming dogshit.

The dog came on a plane with staffers not all by himself.

Obama did not say “I don’t want to hear one goddamn word about my carbon footprint.”

This is how you people opperate, lies and more lies.

The right is completely bankrupt.

Read much?
This is pretty bizarre and interesting. Check out where they went for ice cream:


A sign outside Mount Desert Island Ice Cream in downtown Bar Harbor features a familiar emblem in an unfamiliar way. The logo of the black power movement — a raised fist — clenches a spoon.

Gee, What Do You Think Attracted Obama to This Ice Cream Shop? : The Powers That Be

Could this be a message from the prez? Things that make you go hmmm.

Next stop for a cool beverage:

This is pretty bizarre and interesting. Check out where they went for ice cream:


A sign outside Mount Desert Island Ice Cream in downtown Bar Harbor features a familiar emblem in an unfamiliar way. The logo of the black power movement — a raised fist — clenches a spoon.

Gee, What Do You Think Attracted Obama to This Ice Cream Shop? : The Powers That Be

Could this be a message from the prez? Things that make you go hmmm.

Next stop for a cool beverage:


No chance in hell this was not by design. Is there another shop in the entire country using that logo?

Racist POS, our President is!
What a load of steaming dogshit.

The dog came on a plane with staffers not all by himself.

Obama did not say “I don’t want to hear one goddamn word about my carbon footprint.”

This is how you people opperate, lies and more lies.

The right is completely bankrupt.

Yet more evidence that TM is functionally illiterate.

The article quotes "The Professor" as saying “I don’t want to hear one goddamn word about my carbon footprint.” (The Professor is Glenn Reynolds from Instapundit, which is easily determined by following the links).

Yes. Very clearly as a matter of fact:


Posted by Glenn Reynolds at 11:12 pm

It's tough being her:

WHO IS GLENN REYNOLDS? I’m a law professor at the University of Tennessee.
Candidate Barack Obama, May of 2008:

Pitching his message to Oregon’s environmentally-conscious voters, Obama called on the United States to “lead by example” on global warming, and develop new technologies at home which could be exported to developing countries.

“We can’t drive our SUVs and eat as much as we want and keep our homes on 72 degrees at all times … and then just expect that other countries are going to say OK,” Obama said.

“That’s not leadership. That’s not going to happen,” he added.

President Obama, July 17, 2010, as reported by the Maine’s Morning Sentinel newspaper:

“Arriving in a small jet before the Obamas was the first dog, Bo, a Portuguese water dog given as a present by the late U.S. Sen Ted Kennedy, D-Mass.”

As the Professor notes, “I don’t want to hear one goddamn word about my carbon footprint.”


Where in any of this does it talk about WHO this professor is?
Last edited:
Candidate Barack Obama, May of 2008:

Pitching his message to Oregon’s environmentally-conscious voters, Obama called on the United States to “lead by example” on global warming, and develop new technologies at home which could be exported to developing countries.

“We can’t drive our SUVs and eat as much as we want and keep our homes on 72 degrees at all times … and then just expect that other countries are going to say OK,” Obama said.

“That’s not leadership. That’s not going to happen,” he added.

President Obama, July 17, 2010, as reported by the Maine’s Morning Sentinel newspaper:

“Arriving in a small jet before the Obamas was the first dog, Bo, a Portuguese water dog given as a present by the late U.S. Sen Ted Kennedy, D-Mass.”

As the Professor notes, “I don’t want to hear one goddamn word about my carbon footprint.”

Ed Driscoll Leading by Example, Then and Now

Where in any of this does it talk about WHO this professor is?


Wonderful thing that you can find on the internet. Click on "The Professor" on the above page, and you get....wait for it....

Glenn Reynolds.

The more you know and all :thup:
Candidate Barack Obama, May of 2008:

Pitching his message to Oregon’s environmentally-conscious voters, Obama called on the United States to “lead by example” on global warming, and develop new technologies at home which could be exported to developing countries.

“We can’t drive our SUVs and eat as much as we want and keep our homes on 72 degrees at all times … and then just expect that other countries are going to say OK,” Obama said.

“That’s not leadership. That’s not going to happen,” he added.

President Obama, July 17, 2010, as reported by the Maine’s Morning Sentinel newspaper:

“Arriving in a small jet before the Obamas was the first dog, Bo, a Portuguese water dog given as a present by the late U.S. Sen Ted Kennedy, D-Mass.”

As the Professor notes, “I don’t want to hear one goddamn word about my carbon footprint.”

Ed Driscoll Leading by Example, Then and Now

Where in any of this does it talk about WHO this professor is?

So its our fault, or the Right's fault, that you don't have any reading comprehension skills and that you're too fucking ignorant or lazy to know and/or find out who Glenn Reynolds is?

The LETTERS go together to make WORDS. The WORDS go together to make SENTENCES. Now, it gets tough here, but concentrate: the WORDS have meaning, and the SENTENCES have meaning. But you're not done there. You see, the SENTENCES go together to make PARAGRAPHS, and the PARAGRAPHS have their own meanings too. The bottom line is this:

If you're going to UNDERSTAND the MEANING of any SENTENCE or PARAGRAPH, you have to look at ALL of the WORDS together. You can't just look at SOME of the WORDS, and you can't substitute your own words for the WORDS you wish weren't in the SENTENCE, or PARAGRAPH.

And there was a way to know that "Glen Williams" was a man's name. It has to do with those two larger LETTERS at the beginning of the two WORDS, which are actually called NAMES in this instance. We'll go over all of that in our next lesson, you illiterate retard.
I wonder what the white house and residence thermostat is kept on?

Barry likes it steamy.

The capital flew into a bit of a tizzy when, on his first full day in the White House, President Obama was photographed in the Oval Office without his suit jacket. There was, however, a logical explanation: Mr. Obama, who hates the cold, had cranked up the thermostat.

"He's from Hawaii, O.K.?" said Mr. Obama's senior adviser, David Axelrod, who occupies the small but strategically located office next door to his boss. "He likes it warm. You could grow orchids in there."

Obama Cranks Up White House Thermostat: "You Could Grow Orchids In There"

What a load of steaming dogshit.

The dog came on a plane with staffers not all by himself.

Obama did not say “I don’t want to hear one goddamn word about my carbon footprint.”

This is how you people opperate, lies and more lies.

The right is completely bankrupt.

Nope. Bo arrived with one staffer.

Arriving in a small jet before the Obamas was the first dog, Bo, a Portuguese water dog given as a present by the late U.S. Sen Ted Kennedy, D-Mass.; and the president's personal aide Reggie Love, who chatted with Baldacci.

White House wanderers tour Acadia | The Morning Sentinel, Waterville, ME

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