Oil workers planning to protest Obama's visit


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
They know what a flaming hypocrite the President is. Here's part of the article. Link to follow.

"They build pipelines in the country all the time without needing presidential approval.

The President's "green light" is only needed for approximately 50 feet on the northern end of the pipeline; that segment would cross the Canadian border.

So far the President has delayed that project.

Thompson says, "The President is using this, frankly, as a publicity stunt to say he's doing something against high gas prices.":eusa_clap:

Cantrell says, "We take exception to the hypocrisy of standing before the largest crude oil facility in the world and saying anything about energy."

Thompson and others in the industry are planning to be in Payne County with their equipment as a protest to what the President has to say.

Thompson says, "We don't think it's disrespectful to the office of the President to come to Cushing as people in the oil and gas business to say, 'We don't buy this.'"

And it's a closed event. Gee, what's Obama afraid of?


Petroleum producers plan presidential protest - KFOR
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Great quotes here.

They are even planning to protest his visit, calling it a political ploy more than a genuine interest.

Mike Cantrell with the Domestic Energy Producers Alliance says, "For the last three years he's been anti-fossil fuels."

Mickey Thompson, an energy industry expert and political analyst, says, "He calls our industry an industry of the past and they'd like us to go away."

I guess the President and the Administration really misjudged the ability of everyone but enviro whackos to grasp his true motivations over these years of trying to put "fossil fuel industries" out of business while pumping alternative energy sources.

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