Oil, Gas carry economy- preventing recession.

Mr. H.

Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2009
A warm place with no memory.
Despite Obama's efforts to crush gas and liquids production, it's a singular bright spot in an otherwise ailing economic climate.

“The economic benefits of far-reaching new finds of domestic oil and natural gas are fast approaching $1 billion a day and may be keeping the U.S. out of another recession, according to a new study by Bank of America Merrill Lynch.

Domestic energy supplies boost U.S. economy

Shale gas is giving a big boost to America’s economy

Real jobs, real industry, real fast. Made in the U.S. of A. :thup:
We have had high gasoline prices in the past, but not with the concurrent flurry of exploration and drilling activity that we see today. New technologies and innovations have spurred the Bakken and Marecllus plays in particular, and to a lesser extent dozens of other projects across the country.

Industry is spending hard dollars on manpower and materials, employing tens of thousands of otherwise unemployed people, and increasing domestic supplies of gas and liquids. Why do you think North Dakota's unemployment is at a measley 3%?

Obama's response? Pull over $40 billion dollars from the people who are keeping his sad-ass economy from collapse. It's the way of the Liberal- punish success, reward lathargy.

Obama budget eliminates $40 billion in oil tax breaks

The Obama administration's fiscal 2013 budget proposal strips away nearly $40 billion in tax breaks for oil and natural gas companies, saying the incentives cost taxpayers too much money and do little to spur energy development, a report said.

Obama budget eliminates $40 billion in oil tax breaks
Industrial production indexes... 2005-2012. This industry delivers. :thup:


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Yeah, the industry carries the economy ;
-with fifty percent plus purchase of petroleum overseas, it carries the economy out of the country.
-it carries the economy into the bank accounts of already dangerously over rich oil companies.
-it carries the economy deeper into the problem of dealing with pollution.
It really does a lot of carrying.
Do you think Sarah could ask God to return the Book of Mormon just once briefly so we all could take a look?
Apparently --- someone's lying...

Here's some propaganda from senate.gov

.: U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works :: Issues :.

President Obama often claims that we cannot drill our way to energy security because the United States only has 3 percent of the world's proven oil reserves. But a recent report by the non-partisan Congressional Research Service (CRS) tells us otherwise: it reveals that America's recoverable combined supply of oil, coal, and natural gas is the largest on earth-far larger than that of Saudi Arabia, China, and Canada combined.

We can't do this. We can't do that. What happened to "Yes we can!"???
Yeah, the industry carries the economy ;
-with fifty percent plus purchase of petroleum overseas, it carries the economy out of the country.
-it carries the economy into the bank accounts of already dangerously over rich oil companies.
-it carries the economy deeper into the problem of dealing with pollution.
It really does a lot of carrying.

Um....the point is that the US is becomming a net energy exporter.

Lemme guess: You don't bother reading the links in the OP; you are happy regurgitating whatever fiction you were taught at Liberal State U.
Yeah, the industry carries the economy ;
-with fifty percent plus purchase of petroleum overseas, it carries the economy out of the country.
-it carries the economy into the bank accounts of already dangerously over rich oil companies.
-it carries the economy deeper into the problem of dealing with pollution.
It really does a lot of carrying.

Beautiful whining there. Short of any logic or facts -- but now this thread is a LOT more balanced... :tongue:

BTW: DO explain to us how developing oil/gas HERE --- "carries the economy OUT of the country"?? Or did you miss the concept of this thread??

Milk still costs as much or more than gasoline. And the 38cents that GOVT gets is MORE than the Oil companies or their stockholders get.. But hey -- I don't want to do this one again..

What medication are you taking......I want some too.

Good stuff. But you forgot about Sarah's pipeline that god told her to build?

I guess it never carried much significance for me.

Of much more significance was the Keystone XL pipeling that Obama-god did not build.

Becuase the republican governor of Nebraska asked him not to?

Actually the 2 projects are related. Most of the gas from Sarah's pipeline was to be used to extract oil from tar sands in Canada.

Tar sand oil is kinda like Ethanol takes about as much energy to extract it as it provides.
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Every heterodoxical view is 'liberal' to certain very limited minds.

The math of energy consumption is inexorable.

If we really wanted to do something audacious for the country, its children and the future (if one believes in 'the future'), then there would be serious work on developing the alternatives to fosil fuel dependence.

left...liberal...tossed around as if they were defined terms and that they were necessarily evil...

It is a deformed fist than cannot unfold to an open palm.
Apparently --- someone's lying...

Here's some propaganda from senate.gov

.: U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works :: Issues :.

President Obama often claims that we cannot drill our way to energy security because the United States only has 3 percent of the world's proven oil reserves. But a recent report by the non-partisan Congressional Research Service (CRS) tells us otherwise: it reveals that America's recoverable combined supply of oil, coal, and natural gas is the largest on earth-far larger than that of Saudi Arabia, China, and Canada combined.
We can't do this. We can't do that. What happened to "Yes we can!"???
soooo, obama is speaking about oil reserves and this clip is talking about oil, natural gas and coal combined....and you don't see that there is a difference? how could you even rationalize that Fla? apples vs lemons just don't cut it in my book of critical thinking....

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