Ohio courts not uploading data to gun background check system, but lets blame normal gun owners.....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
The Ohio court system is not uploading the criminal backgrounds of felons to the NICS, federal gun background check system...

So let's blame normal gun owners and ban guns...right?

Report Reveals Ohio Courts Aren't Uploading Criminal Histories To NICS

How are these convicted felons still able to pass a background check and buy a firearm? Simply put, Ohio courts have failed to log the information into the National Instant Criminal Background Check System.

COLUMBUS – In Ohio, a convicted felon barred from owning a gun could still purchase one after passing a background check – all because dozens of courts have failed to upload some paperwork.

Sound familiar? A similar glitch allowed [redacted], a dishonorably discharged U.S. Air Force veteran, to purchase the gun he used to kill 26 and injure 20 more at a South Texas church last year. In that instance, the military failed to flag Kelley as a person banned from owning a gun.

State law requires courts to update the list of individuals barred from buying firearms at least once a week. But some courts went months or years without an update – without facing any repercussions, according to state audits. See which courts in your area were delinquent, here.

Without an up-to-date background check system, a gun shop owner would have no way of knowing a buyer is legally prohibited from purchasing a gun. Each court delay in submitting a name increases the risk that someone purchases a gun illegally, someone who may already have a history of violence. It’s hard to say how many names were held off the system over the years.

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