Oh SHIT, Nixon is in trouble.


Libertarian Radical
Feb 8, 2011
Behind the Orange Curtain
The most corrupt POTUS in history, Barry H. Obama, ran into MORE serious problems today as it was revealed that White House and IRS staff coordinated on a regular basis during the attacks on conservatives.

{ According to Republican Rep. Jim Jordan and White House visitor logs, former IRS Commissioner Douglas Shulman visited the White House 118 times in 2010 and 2011. This is the same time period when Tea Party groups were inappropriately targeted and intimidated by the IRS.

Testifying in front of lawmakers on Capitol Hill Wednesday, Shulman admitted that many of the meetings with the White House were to discuss how to implement ObamaCare.

"The IRS has a major roll in the money flow," Shulman said.

Shulman denied ever discussing 501c(4) groups with White House officials and failed to name who he met with during his visits. At the time Shulman met with the White House throughout 2010 and 2011, Tea Party and Patriot groups were expressing opposition to ObamaCare.}

Former IRS Commissioner Visited White House 118 Times During Tea Party Targeting - Katie Pavlich

Impeachment creeps ever closer to the Chicago Mobster in D.C.
Nixon covered up a two bit burglary. Barry has to explain 118 visits with Douglas Shulman the IRS Commissioner at the White House. Doug can't seem to remember who he visited at the White House! Now how many people visit the White House 118 times and forget who he visited? Nice try, Doug.

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