OH, NO! Not That!!!


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
A new poll by CNN and ORC International finds that 27 percent of Democrats would like to see their party nominate a candidate other than Barack Obama for president in 2012.

"In response to the question, "Do you think the Democratic party should renominate Barack Obama as the party's candidate for president in 2012, or do you think the Democratic party should nominate a different candidate for president in 2012?" -- 72 percent said they wanted to see Obama renominated. But 27 percent, slightly more than one in every four, said they wanted to see Democrats nominate a different candidate. One percent had no opinion.

The poll was taken August 24-25. In a survey taken in early August, 28 percent of Democrats said they wanted a different candidate. Polls taken in July and before showed Obama in a stronger position, with no more than 22 percent saying they preferred a different candidate. The current poll is based on interviews with 463 Democrats and has a margin of error of 4.5 percent.

The new poll is another indication of Democratic unhappiness with the president,..."
A new poll by CNN and ORC International finds that 27 percent of Democrats would like to see their party nominate a candidate other than Barack Obama for president in 2012.

In response to the question, "Do you think the Democratic party should renominate Barack Obama as the party's candidate for president in 2012, or do you think the Democratic party should nominate a different candidate for president in 2012?" -- 72 percent said they wanted to see Obama renominated. But 27 percent, slightly more than one in every four, said they wanted to see Democrats nominate a different candidate. One percent had no opinion.

The poll was taken August 24-25. In a survey taken in early August, 28 percent of Democrats said they wanted a different candidate. Polls taken in July and before showed Obama in a stronger position, with no more than 22 percent saying they preferred a different candidate. The current poll is based on interviews with 463 Democrats and has a margin of error of 4.5 percent.

The new poll is another indication of Democratic unhappiness with the president,

This is the worst news for those of us who want to run against this empty suit...no, this chalk outline!

Could the Dems actually pull a Franklin Pierce, and not nominate this guy???

And...run a real candidate who might ......(gasp!) ....win???

We might have to run someone other than Casey Anthony or Abdelbaset Mohmed Ali al-Megrahi!

The horror.....the horror......
The assertion that primary challenges improve a party's chance of retaining the White House run counter to experience. Reagan's run against Ford, Ted Kennedy's against Carter, and Buchanan's against George H W Bush all merely weakened their party's nominee.

Suggesting that a primary challenge against Obama could help Democrats is particularly implausible, since Obama's personal approval rating runs well ahead of that of other Democrats. You can disagree with Obama's policies, but I have yet to see a plausible case made against his political viability relative to a Democratic challenger.

UPDATE: A further bit of context-- before Kennedy challenged Carter he was out-polling him by two to one. In contrast, 27% support for any challenger to Obama is quite anemic.
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Maybe Hillary and Barrack can just switch jobs?

Of course, that is he obvious scenario...but Hil's attachment to the Obama administration might inveigh against it.

No...what if a 'dark horse' (don't go for the obvious here,) seemingly 'reasonable' Democrat were to be thrust forth....

Could be a real race (same note for 'race').
The assertion that primary challenges improve a party's chance of retaining the White House run counter to experience. Reagan's run against Ford, Ted Kennedy's against Carter, and Buchanan's against George H W Bush all merely weakened their party's nominee.

Suggesting that a primary challenge against Obama could help Democrats is particularly implausible, since Obama's personal approval rating runs well ahead of that of other Democrats. You can disagree with Obama's policies, but I have yet to see a plausible case made against his political viability relative to a Democratic challenger.

UPDATE: A further bit of context-- before Kennedy challenged Carter he was out-polling him by two to one. In contrast, 27% support for any challenger to Obama is quite anemic.

And, of course, the loss of the black constituency would doom the Democrats for the foreseeable....

...but what if the eloquent one sees the same handwriting on the wall and uses the LBJ gambit....

He could deny the rest of us the smirk I'm practicing....
Maybe Hillary and Barrack can just switch jobs?

Of course, that is he obvious scenario...but Hil's attachment to the Obama administration might inveigh against it.

No...what if a 'dark horse' (don't go for the obvious here,) seemingly 'reasonable' Democrat were to be thrust forth....

Could be a real race (same note for 'race').

But then I'd miss the argument for Constitutionality of the switch. :eek:
LOL! You people are terrified of Obama.

Instead of obsessing about him, why not find a credible Republican candidate?

Oh, right, there aren't any.

mmm.. 4 more years of Obama.. given his relentless failure mode...

..Yup terrified...
LOL! You people are terrified of Obama.

Instead of obsessing about him, why not find a credible Republican candidate?

Oh, right, there aren't any.

yea those damn gallup respondents, they are just terrified of obama, and the media? damn they are working him over eh? :rolleyes:
Maybe Hillary and Barrack can just switch jobs?

Of course, that is he obvious scenario...but Hil's attachment to the Obama administration might inveigh against it.

No...what if a 'dark horse' (don't go for the obvious here,) seemingly 'reasonable' Democrat were to be thrust forth....

Could be a real race (same note for 'race').

But then I'd miss the argument for Constitutionality of the switch. :eek:

Now, come on!
Do you still think this is a nation of laws, and not men???

Not since the Left invented the 'living Constitution.'

"Gov. Jim McGreevey announced Tuesday that former Sen. Frank Lautenberg would replace scandal-tainted incumbent Robert Torricelli as candidate for the U.S. Senate seat in the November elections, after Torricelli's sudden withdrawal from the race.

McGreevey said the state's Democratic leadership would formally file a petition for Lautenberg's candidacy as soon as the state Supreme Court approved the change in candidates."

Dems pick Lautenberg to replace Torricelli - CNN

And they did this after the time limit for such substitutions was over...
....they just shopped for the right judge.

""The Torricelli-Lautenberg machine's disregard for the rule of law,..."
FOXNews.com - New Jersey Supreme Court Rules in Favor of Dems Replacing 'Torch' on Ballot - Politics | Republican Party | Democratic Party | Political Spectrum
LOL! You people are terrified of Obama.

Instead of obsessing about him, why not find a credible Republican candidate?

Oh, right, there aren't any.

1. That is the best avi you've had in weeks!

2. The local community college has courses in reading comprehension...

a. The point of the OP is not that I am 'terrified of Obama' but rather that I am
terrified that you Lefties won't let him run and take the thrashing he so richly

3. Remember the old days when you assured me that he was 'a shoe-in'?
Those were the days, huh?
The assertion that primary challenges improve a party's chance of retaining the White House run counter to experience. Reagan's run against Ford, Ted Kennedy's against Carter, and Buchanan's against George H W Bush all merely weakened their party's nominee.

Suggesting that a primary challenge against Obama could help Democrats is particularly implausible, since Obama's personal approval rating runs well ahead of that of other Democrats. You can disagree with Obama's policies, but I have yet to see a plausible case made against his political viability relative to a Democratic challenger.

UPDATE: A further bit of context-- before Kennedy challenged Carter he was out-polling him by two to one. In contrast, 27% support for any challenger to Obama is quite anemic.

Obama will probably beat nearly anyone running for the GOP nomination now (the exception being Romney).

But if he legally could the best person to run would be Bill Clinton, the most popular politician in the nation today.

We need him back!!

America’s Most Popular Politician: Bill Clinton - TIME NewsFeed



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