Oh my GOSH, the warmists were wrong again!


Gold Supporting Member
Apr 21, 2010
Turns out there are a lot more penguins than was thought.

ScienceDaily (Apr. 13, 2012) — A new study using satellite mapping technology reveals there are twice as many emperor penguins in Antarctica than previously thought. The results provide an important benchmark for monitoring the impact of environmental change on the population of this iconic bird, which breeds in remote areas that are very difficult to study because they often are inaccessible with temperatures as low as -58 degrees Fahrenheit.

Twice as many emperor penguins as thought in Antarctica, first-ever penguin count from space shows
Turns out, it has been the warmest Marches on record. Penguins my sweet bippy. Yesterday , tornado alarms went off here in Denver, the earliest I can EVER remember. The weather patterns have changed in the last 40 years. I don't imagine kids with short memories and ADD can remember stuff like the weather. Well kiddo, my memory isn’t gone yet and I see what is going on here. I can see we are are in for one hell of a ride, weather wise, in the next 50 years. I won’t be around to see it. 50 years from now, when you reflect on the vagaries of our weather, think of this post. Global warming is real and it will ruin your picnics for years to come...
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Now that we have an accurate census, we can keep better track of the effect of warming on various Antarctic species.

Twice as many emperor penguins as thought in Antarctica, first-ever penguin count from space shows

"The methods we used are an enormous step forward in Antarctic ecology because we can conduct research safely and efficiently with little environmental impact, and determine estimates of an entire penguin population, said co-author Michelle LaRue from the University of Minnesota and funded by the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF).

"The implications of this study are far-reaching: we now have a cost-effective way to apply our methods to other poorly-understood species in the Antarctic, to strengthen on-going field research, and to provide accurate information for international conservation efforts."

NSF manages the U.S. Antarctic Program through which it coordinates all U.S. scientific research on the southernmost continent and aboard ships in the Southern Ocean as well as related logistics support.

Co-author and BAS biologist Phil Trathan noted, "Current research suggests that emperor penguin colonies will be seriously affected by climate change. An accurate continent-wide census that can be easily repeated on a regular basis will help us monitor more accurately the impacts of future change on this iconic species."
Turns out, it has been the warmest Marches on record. Penguins my sweet bippy. Yesterday , tornado alarms went off here in Denver, the earliest I can EVER remember. The weather patterns have changed in the last 40 years. I don't imagine kids with short memories and ADD can remember stuff like the weather. Well kiddo, my memory isn’t gone yet and I see what is going on here. I can see we are are in for one hell of a ride, weather wise, in the next 50 years. I won’t be around to see it. 50 years from now, when you reflect on the vagaries of our weather, think of this post. Global warming is real and it will ruin your picnics for years to come...

Not only picnics, but trips to the supermarket. Already farmers are beginning to wonder if it is worth putting seed into the ground in many areas in the US.

US Drought Monitor

Severe drought not only affects agriculture, but can shut down nuclear reactors.

Snow goes off the mountains, Blues and Cascades, much earlier, and autumn, in most years, extends further into what used to be hard winter months. There is less water available for summer irrigation. And the trout populations are forced farther into the head waters for the cool waters. In the North Cascades, in the Golden Horn Batholith, where I hunt mineral, I am seeing areas where the tree line has moved up as much as 500 ft. since the early '70s.
Turns out, it has been the warmest Marches on record. Penguins my sweet bippy. Yesterday , tornado alarms went off here in Denver, the earliest I can EVER remember. The weather patterns have changed in the last 40 years. I don't imagine kids with short memories and ADD can remember stuff like the weather. Well kiddo, my memory isn’t gone yet and I see what is going on here. I can see we are are in for one hell of a ride, weather wise, in the next 50 years. I won’t be around to see it. 50 years from now, when you reflect on the vagaries of our weather, think of this post. Global warming is real and it will ruin your picnics for years to come...

And not surprising at all this is not the earliest a tornado is reported in Colorado. Here is a little section of the Colorado Tornado Project. They have the records going back to the 1950's and surprise surprise tornaods in April while uncommon are certainly not rare.

As I have said before, your existence on this planet is for a vanishingly short time. Your experiences of it are anecdotal at best and have bearing on the reality of the weather in your area.

Complain about the "strange weather" all you want. But if you ever bother to really look into it you will see it isn't strange at all.

Denver County Tornadoes

APR 11, 1966 001 1200 0 0 F0 031
JUN 09, 1967 008 1150 0 0 F1 031
MAY 28, 1981 003 1648 0 0 F1 031
JUN 03, 1981 007 1425 0 0 F2 031
JUN 03, 1982 013 1436 0 0 F0 031
JUN 08, 1986 007 1710 0 6 F2 031
MAY 12, 1987 001 1705 0 0 F1 031
JUN 12, 1987 006 1440 0 0 F0 031
JUN 15, 1988 022 1616 0 0 F2 031
JUN 15, 1988 023 1624 0 7 F3 031
MAY 29, 1990 005 1231 0 0 F0 031
JUN 02, 1993 006 1230 0 0 F1 031

Colorado Tornadoes
Now that we have an accurate census, we can keep better track of the effect of warming on various Antarctic species.

Twice as many emperor penguins as thought in Antarctica, first-ever penguin count from space shows

"The methods we used are an enormous step forward in Antarctic ecology because we can conduct research safely and efficiently with little environmental impact, and determine estimates of an entire penguin population, said co-author Michelle LaRue from the University of Minnesota and funded by the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF).

"The implications of this study are far-reaching: we now have a cost-effective way to apply our methods to other poorly-understood species in the Antarctic, to strengthen on-going field research, and to provide accurate information for international conservation efforts."

NSF manages the U.S. Antarctic Program through which it coordinates all U.S. scientific research on the southernmost continent and aboard ships in the Southern Ocean as well as related logistics support.

Co-author and BAS biologist Phil Trathan noted, "Current research suggests that emperor penguin colonies will be seriously affected by climate change. An accurate continent-wide census that can be easily repeated on a regular basis will help us monitor more accurately the impacts of future change on this iconic species."

Yes, they have been claiming that for 30 years. And for 30 years they have been proven wrong. Funny how anybody else making faulty predictions for 5 years will get your blood flowing, but these clown can be wrong for more than a generation and that's A-OK with you.

Turns out, it has been the warmest Marches on record. Penguins my sweet bippy. Yesterday , tornado alarms went off here in Denver, the earliest I can EVER remember. The weather patterns have changed in the last 40 years. I don't imagine kids with short memories and ADD can remember stuff like the weather. Well kiddo, my memory isn’t gone yet and I see what is going on here. I can see we are are in for one hell of a ride, weather wise, in the next 50 years. I won’t be around to see it. 50 years from now, when you reflect on the vagaries of our weather, think of this post. Global warming is real and it will ruin your picnics for years to come...

Not only picnics, but trips to the supermarket. Already farmers are beginning to wonder if it is worth putting seed into the ground in many areas in the US.

US Drought Monitor

Severe drought not only affects agriculture, but can shut down nuclear reactors.

Snow goes off the mountains, Blues and Cascades, much earlier, and autumn, in most years, extends further into what used to be hard winter months. There is less water available for summer irrigation. And the trout populations are forced farther into the head waters for the cool waters. In the North Cascades, in the Golden Horn Batholith, where I hunt mineral, I am seeing areas where the tree line has moved up as much as 500 ft. since the early '70s.

Tell that to the Texans you all claimed were out of business.

"Much of Texas wheat looks better than anyone expected a few months ago, said a Texas AgriLife Extension Service agronomist.

“It’s been a very interesting year,” said David Drake, San Angelo. “It started out dry everywhere. Farmers had to plant wheat with faith that it would actually come up.”

Last winter, climatologists were forecasting the winter and early spring would be drier and warmer than average because of a strong La Niña, Drake noted.

The year did turn out to be warmer. Lubbock, for example, recorded the second-warmest March on record.

But despite the forecasts, many areas received substantial rains. In some cases, such as North Central Texas, the spring was much wetter than average. The moisture, in combination with the above-average temperatures, resulted in excellent growing conditions for wheat, Drake said."

Texas crop, weather: Wheat better than anyone hoped in areas Latest News - Current Stories, Commentary, Markets
Granny says we need the street light out front so's we can keep an eye on what dem Hispexicans 3 doors down are doin' at night...
Street lights 'changing ecology on the ground'
23 May 2012 - The study could have big implications for a shifting of the ecology in urban and suburban areas
The presence of street lights substantially changes the ecology of ground-dwelling invertebrates and insects, research suggests. Scientists trapped nearly 1,200 of the animals in areas under and between street lights in Helston in Cornwall. They report in Biology Letters that invertebrate predators and scavengers were more common near the lights, even during the day. That suggests street lights influence ecology more than previously thought.

Much work in recent years has gone into addressing the effects that street lights can have on local, transient populations of bugs - particularly those that can fly and have significant ranges of exploration. But the effects of street lights on the vast communities of invertebrates on the ground remained unaddressed. Thomas Davies of the University of Exeter and his colleagues set 28 traps in Helston, some just under street lights, and some in dark regions midway between them, over a three-night period. The team found in general that a higher number of animals were trapped near the lights.

But the relative proportions of predators and scavengers such as beetles and harvestmen were significantly different, with a higher proportion being found near the lights - even during the day. "This study now seems to be indicating that those transient, nocturnal effects on the behaviour of the animals are actually being translated into the habitat preferences of the animals in the daytime as well," Dr Davies said. "It's amazing how long we've been using street lighting and artificial lighting, and how little research has been done on the impact of those lights on the environment," he told BBC News.

Dr Davies stressed that the study was small and its findings preliminary, but that it invited future study into much wider-ranging environmental effects. "Invertebrates in the UK at least are undergoing a bit of a biodiversity crisis and have been for some time now, and they're very important for a number of ecosystem services such as pollination and the breakdown of organic matter," he explained. "So the impact of street lights on invertebrate communities could be very, very important, could be problematic, but we simply don't know at the moment - we need to do the research."

BBC News - Street lights 'changing ecology on the ground'
holy shit..........didnt even know the k00ks threw the penguins in with the bomb throwing. What'll it be next? Some whale or something..........:D

These people.............

Who cant remember back in grade school, every classroom having a couple of dolts who jumped out of their shorts every time the teacher asked a question of the class? Remember those oddballs? Those are the dolts who ended up being these activist radical asshole social oddities............never minded then about being an oddball and certainly dont now. In the field of psychology its known as classical conditioning............like the adult social meathead who walks across the blanket at the beach with sand all over his feet. Gets screamed at by all the other people using the blanket, "You stupid dick!!". The social oddballs eat that stuff up, content being fringe because they still get attention when they cant get it in more conventional ways like most people. The people who got invited to parties as an afterthought. Outcasts. As adults, they embrace all this weird "cause" stuff so they can matter on some level. And they know it too.........

If the ENVIRONMENTAL forum got together for beers and debate someplace and not knowing who anybody was , dollar to a thousand stale donuts I'd be able to identify Rolling Thunder, Chris and Starcraft within about two minutes amongst all of us. Maybe not specifically, but definately by group of three.:eusa_dance:

And these are the people giving others advice about how to conduct our lives.:Boom2:
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holy shit..........didnt even know the k00ks threw the penguins in with the bomb throwing. What'll it be next? Some whale or something..........:D

These people.............

Who cant remember back in grade school, every classroom having a couple of dolts who jumped out of their shorts every time the teacher asked a question of the class? Remember those oddballs? Those are the dolts who ended up being these activist radical asshole social oddities............never minded then about being an oddball and certainly dont now. In the field of psychology its known as classical conditioning............like the adult social meathead who walks across the blanket at the beach with sand all over his feet. Gets screamed at by all the other people using the blanket, "You stupid dick!!". The social oddballs eat that stuff up, content being fringe because they still get attention when they cant get it in more conventional ways like most people. The people who got invited to parties as an afterthought. Outcasts. As adults, they embrace all this weird "cause" stuff so they can matter on some level. And they know it too.........

If the ENVIRONMENTAL forum got together for beers and debate someplace and not knowing who anybody was , dollar to a thousand stale donuts I'd be able to identify Rolling Thunder, Chris and Starcraft within about two minutes amongst all of us. Maybe not specifically, but definately by group of three.:eusa_dance:

And these are the people giving others advice about how to conduct our lives.:Boom2:

You'ld figure me out PDQ too!:lol:
Few things.
1. It states in the article that it is difficult to accurately count the penguin population, there are so many areas of the arctic that people are unable to explore due to dangerous conditions. It is perfectly reasonable to expect a miscalculation in the penguin population. And that is not the only factor in the proof of global warming.
2. Global warming is a fact and has been for some time now. You would be an idiot to think otherwise.
Few things.
1. It states in the article that it is difficult to accurately count the penguin population, there are so many areas of the arctic that people are unable to explore due to dangerous conditions. It is perfectly reasonable to expect a miscalculation in the penguin population. And that is not the only factor in the proof of global warming.
2. Global warming is a fact and has been for some time now. You would be an idiot to think otherwise.

Indeed it has been...for around 14,000 years now. You'd have to be an idiot to think that MAN IS RESPONSIBLE for it.
Clearly, global warming is responsibly for the uptick in penguins

Nothing else fits the facts
Simple fact is -- a species that cannot cope with a 0.12degC rise in temperature over a couple years -- maybe doesn't deserve to procreate. Yes and that includes you..

To believe in global warming because ONE NUMBER -- this "global average surface temperature" has been shown to be rising periodically is to belittle the complexity of the REAL evidence for climate change. Anytime some group of idiots panic at a complex array of data and pull ONE NUMBER out of their asses to impress me --- I just gotta laugh..

Something MAY be happening. The "global average surface temp" (or even our ability to agree how to measure this) isn't gonna enlighten me or you...
Simple fact is, the extinction rate is 100 times, headed for 1000 times normal. Worse, humans are so stupid, they won't notice the accelerating carbonic acid exchange, related to CO2-absorption, in water.

Hit search, 'die-offs, oceans, oysters, reefs, plankton, etc.' When you are smart enough, you will notice Mass Extinction Event 6 seems to be underway, starting with the oceanic food chain going down, then acid rain can take out enough foliage, to force more acid into water, so we never get plankton and then fish to grow, in the oceans.

We can die, from all this failure to re-green. Do hit search, 'ford, diesel, hemp,' and figure we also need switchgrass and genetically engineered plants, and we need them, now. Or else, lock and load.
Few things.
1. It states in the article that it is difficult to accurately count the penguin population, there are so many areas of the arctic that people are unable to explore due to dangerous conditions. It is perfectly reasonable to expect a miscalculation in the penguin population. And that is not the only factor in the proof of global warming.
2. Global warming is a fact and has been for some time now. You would be an idiot to think otherwise.

just out of curiosity....did you believe the numbers put out for the penquins before? and now there is a new better estimate, are you sure this one is right? and when they come out with a new and improved version in a few years you will believe that one too, right?

I get tired of people being so gullible as to believe everything they hear, and totally forgetting that they were fooled the last time, and the time before that, and....

there is huge uncertainty in almost all the data. and that uncertainty is dwarved by the even bigger uncertainty in the preposterous predictions of the future which are wrong even more than the chance probability of accidently getting something right once in a while.
Turns out, it has been the warmest Marches on record. Penguins my sweet bippy. Yesterday , tornado alarms went off here in Denver, the earliest I can EVER remember. The weather patterns have changed in the last 40 years. I don't imagine kids with short memories and ADD can remember stuff like the weather. Well kiddo, my memory isn’t gone yet and I see what is going on here. I can see we are are in for one hell of a ride, weather wise, in the next 50 years. I won’t be around to see it. 50 years from now, when you reflect on the vagaries of our weather, think of this post. Global warming is real and it will ruin your picnics for years to come...

It's called weather, and climate. It never stays the same, unless you live in San Diego.
Now that we have an accurate census, we can keep better track of the effect of warming on various Antarctic species.

Twice as many emperor penguins as thought in Antarctica, first-ever penguin count from space shows

"The methods we used are an enormous step forward in Antarctic ecology because we can conduct research safely and efficiently with little environmental impact, and determine estimates of an entire penguin population, said co-author Michelle LaRue from the University of Minnesota and funded by the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF).

"The implications of this study are far-reaching: we now have a cost-effective way to apply our methods to other poorly-understood species in the Antarctic, to strengthen on-going field research, and to provide accurate information for international conservation efforts."

NSF manages the U.S. Antarctic Program through which it coordinates all U.S. scientific research on the southernmost continent and aboard ships in the Southern Ocean as well as related logistics support.

Co-author and BAS biologist Phil Trathan noted, "Current research suggests that emperor penguin colonies will be seriously affected by climate change. An accurate continent-wide census that can be easily repeated on a regular basis will help us monitor more accurately the impacts of future change on this iconic species."

When faced with adversity, repeat the lie often and loudly.
Simple fact is, the extinction rate is 100 times, headed for 1000 times normal. Worse, humans are so stupid, they won't notice the accelerating carbonic acid exchange, related to CO2-absorption, in water.

Hit search, 'die-offs, oceans, oysters, reefs, plankton, etc.' When you are smart enough, you will notice Mass Extinction Event 6 seems to be underway, starting with the oceanic food chain going down, then acid rain can take out enough foliage, to force more acid into water, so we never get plankton and then fish to grow, in the oceans.

We can die, from all this failure to re-green. Do hit search, 'ford, diesel, hemp,' and figure we also need switchgrass and genetically engineered plants, and we need them, now. Or else, lock and load.

It must be true 'cause I saw it on the internetz!
Simple fact is, the extinction rate is 100 times, headed for 1000 times normal. Worse, humans are so stupid, they won't notice the accelerating carbonic acid exchange, related to CO2-absorption, in water.

Hit search, 'die-offs, oceans, oysters, reefs, plankton, etc.' When you are smart enough, you will notice Mass Extinction Event 6 seems to be underway, starting with the oceanic food chain going down, then acid rain can take out enough foliage, to force more acid into water, so we never get plankton and then fish to grow, in the oceans.

We can die, from all this failure to re-green. Do hit search, 'ford, diesel, hemp,' and figure we also need switchgrass and genetically engineered plants, and we need them, now. Or else, lock and load.

What facts are those...exactly? More than eighteen thousand new species have been discovered in the last 5 years alone. How exactly does that constitute a extinction? What planet do you live on exactly? Our planet seems to be thriving.

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