Official DNC SOTU rebuttal


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
This year, the job’s been put to me

And so I should begin

Reporting as per statute

On the state our nation’s in

Unemployment’s at new lows

The market’s at new highs

But don’t be fooled, these numbers are

Disasters in disguise

What you don’t understand

About what these statistics show

The folks who process food stamps

Will soon have to be let go

And no sign is more ominous

No harbinger more fervent;

More damning to our country

Than an angry civil servant

And so I call on businesses

To do this town a solid

So we can hire more bureaucrats

To send help to the squalid

To quote the Madame Speaker

When quite rightly she reflects,

Nothing gives more stimulus

Than unemployment checks

Our Green New Deal will be the boon

For which we’ve all been yearning

And power plants, instead of coal,

Will run on yearbook burning

Now any time a country’s fate

And future are addressed

It’s right the situation

At the border be addressed

Some view immigration

Dourly and dimmingly

But I’ve been to the Rio Grande

And things are going swimmingly

Walls are just immoral

Brick and Mortar, a disaster

So our new legislation will soon outlaw

Lathe and plaster.

I could go on with my report

But it might bring me tears

And sad to say it stays this way

For two (or six) more years 0000000000 0

Rebut -
I hope you are kidding and that wasn't the DNC rebuttal to the SOTU??

If it was I've never read a bigger piece of horse shit in my life.
I hope you are kidding and that wasn't the DNC rebuttal to the SOTU??

If it was I've never read a bigger piece of horse shit in my life.
Can't We All Just Get a Life

Elections, it would seem to me
Are serious concerns
On each and every ballot
A country’s future turns

It may embrace a tyrant
Or elevate a fool
For politics encourages
The crafty and the cruel

Altruists, in this career
Must pay a higher price
It has a way of preying on
The noble and the nice

And every politician
Who thinks their star is rising
Can be a little pompous
And a bit self-aggrandizing

So waiting for a paragon
I find a wee bit stunning
As if you didn’t know by now
Pope Francis isn’t running

The message that I have today
Simplistic as it sounds
Ted Cruz is not the Steelers
And Kasich ain’t the Browns

If we don’t want to find ourselves
In East and West Berlins
It’s how the nation chooses
Not which contender wins

I don’t care where which one was born
Or has aggressive minions
Or has as many mistresses
As others have opinions

Let’s get back to the issues
Before it gets to late
It’s not as if we don’t have
Lots of issues on our plate

No, you don’t have to pay me
I’ll just give you my advice
If we don’t figure this out fast
We’ll pay a dreadful price.
This year, the job’s been put to me

And so I should begin

Reporting as per statute

On the state our nation’s in

Unemployment’s at new lows

The market’s at new highs

But don’t be fooled, these numbers are

Disasters in disguise

What you don’t understand

About what these statistics show

The folks who process food stamps

Will soon have to be let go

And no sign is more ominous

No harbinger more fervent;

More damning to our country

Than an angry civil servant

And so I call on businesses

To do this town a solid

So we can hire more bureaucrats

To send help to the squalid

To quote the Madame Speaker

When quite rightly she reflects,

Nothing gives more stimulus

Than unemployment checks

Our Green New Deal will be the boon

For which we’ve all been yearning

And power plants, instead of coal,

Will run on yearbook burning

Now any time a country’s fate

And future are addressed

It’s right the situation

At the border be addressed

Some view immigration

Dourly and dimmingly

But I’ve been to the Rio Grande

And things are going swimmingly

Walls are just immoral

Brick and Mortar, a disaster

So our new legislation will soon outlaw

Lathe and plaster.

I could go on with my report

But it might bring me tears

And sad to say it stays this way

For two (or six) more years 0000000000 0

Rebut -

It’s my dream to piss in a civil slaves face.

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