Official conservative dead pool 2014


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
Here are a list of Republican sell outs who kicked the can down the terms of fiscal policy and voting for the fiscal cliff deal. These are a list of the GOP who voted for the Obama bill. I will go state by state. If you don't see your representative or your state then assume your GOP representative did not vote for it.

Alaska - Don Young

Arkansas - Steve Womak

California - 1. Gary Miller 2. Buck McKeon 3. Brian Billray 4. Bono Mack 5. Den Calvert 6. Jeff Denham 7. David Drier 8. Elton Gallegly 9. Wally Herger 10. Daniel Lungren

Florida - 1. Bill Young 2. Vern Buchanan 3. Mario Diaz-Balart 4. Heana Ross-Lehtinen

Idaho - Mike Simpson

Illinios - 1. John Skimkus 2. Judy Biggart 3. Robert Dold 4. Timothy Johnson 5. Adam Kinzinger 6. Donald Manzello 7. Aaron Schock

Kentucky - Harold Rogers

Louisianna - Rodney Alexander

Michigan - 1. Fred Upton 2. Mike Rogers 3. Candice Miller 4. Dan Bensheck 5. Dave Camp

Missouri - 1. Jo Anne Emerson 2. Blaine Luetkemeyer

Nebraska - Jeff Fortenberry

New Hampshire - Charles Bass

New Jersey - 1. Chris Smith 2. Rodney Frelinghuysen 3. Leonard Lance 4. Frank Lobiondo 5. Jon Runyon.

New York - 1. Chris Gibson 2. Michael Grumm 3. Richard Hanna 4. Nan Hayworth 5. Pete King

Nevada - Joe Heck

Ohio - 1. John Boehner 2. Bill Johnson 3. Steve LaTourette 4. Robert Latta 5. Steve Stivers 6. Pat Tiberi

Oklahoma - 1. Frank Lucas 2. John Sullivan

Oregon - Greg Walden

Pennsylvania - 1. Tim Murphey 2. Tom Marine 3. Lou Barletta 4. Charles Dent 5. Michael Fitzpatrick 6. Jim Gerlack 7. Mike Kelly.

South Dakota - Kristi Noem

Texas - 1. Mac Thornberry 2. Keven Brady 3. Pete Sessions 4. Lamar Smith

Washington - 1. Doc Hastings 2. Jaime Herrera Beutler 3. McMorris Rodgers 4. David Reichart

Wisconsin - 1. Reid Ribble 2. Paul Ryan


We need to start doing more of this. Singe out those who are part of the problem and vote them out. It is somewhat surprising that Paul Ryan was among them. I will not be voting for him in the future for anything.
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To be fair, there may be one or two democrats out there who also care about the massive deficits and debt. In the spirit of these proud few, here are a list of democrats who actually voted against Obama and the debt insanity. If you don't see your state or your democrat Congressmen then assume they voted for it.

California - Xavier Beceria

Connecticut - Rosa Delauro

Georgia - John Barrow

Indiana - Jim Cooper

North Carolina - 1. Mike McIntyre 2. Brad Miller

Minnisota - Collin Peterson

Oregon - 1. Earl Blumenauer 2. Peter DeFazio

Utah - Jim Matheson

Virginia - 1. James Moran 2. Robert Scott

Washington - 1. Adam Smith 2. Jim McDermott
i'm sure he's heartbroken

the incumbent reelection rate remains above 90%

good luck

Most seem to be entrinched, that is for sure. That is part of why the system is broken. If only power were returned to the states as used to be the case, these entrinched bureaucrats would not hold the country captive with only a 13% approval rating.

Perhaps there are some people out their who are able to thwart and outsmart these arses.
For the record, 85 GOP voted for and 151 against.

172 Democrats voted for and only 15 against.

This is only for those who care. Most I think have adopted Dick Cheney's ideology that deficits don't matter anymore, and most ironically seem to be democrats.
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Don't forget that this is the OUTGOING Congress that voted for the fiscal cliff bill.

How many of these Republicans and Democrats lost in November, and have no reason to "tow the party line", since they were on their way out.

One of the Republican Reps in my state voted for the fiscal cliff bill, but he lost to a Democrat in November, so I doubt he cared how he voted.
Don't forget that this is the OUTGOING Congress that voted for the fiscal cliff bill.

How many of these Republicans and Democrats lost in November, and have no reason to "tow the party line", since they were on their way out.

One of the Republican Reps in my state voted for the fiscal cliff bill, but he lost to a Democrat in November, so I doubt he cared how he voted.

Those who lost last November can - and I am sure, most of them will - come and try and get re-elected in 2014.

Like that despicable toad, Alan Grayson (D-FL)
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Good job. Be sure to single out Paul Ryan for ouster. I'm holding you to it.

I guess he figures that if you can't beat them, you must join them. Fine, just chage your party affiliation.
Here are a list of Republican sell outs who kicked the can down the terms of fiscal policy and voting for the fiscal cliff deal. These are a list of the GOP who voted for the Obama bill. I will go state by state. If you don't see your representative or your state then assume your GOP representative did not vote for it.

Alaska - Don Young

Arkansas - Steve Womak

California - 1. Gary Miller 2. Buck McKeon 3. Brian Billray 4. Bono Mack 5. Den Calvert 6. Jeff Denham 7. David Drier 8. Elton Gallegly 9. Wally Herger 10. Daniel Lungren

Florida - 1. Bill Young 2. Vern Buchanan 3. Mario Diaz-Balart 4. Heana Ross-Lehtinen

Idaho - Mike Simpson

Illinios - 1. John Skimkus 2. Judy Biggart 3. Robert Dold 4. Timothy Johnson 5. Adam Kinzinger 6. Donald Manzello 7. Aaron Schock

Kentucky - Harold Rogers

Louisianna - Rodney Alexander

Michigan - 1. Fred Upton 2. Mike Rogers 3. Candice Miller 4. Dan Bensheck 5. Dave Camp

Missouri - 1. Jo Anne Emerson 2. Blaine Luetkemeyer

Nebraska - Jeff Fortenberry

New Hampshire - Charles Bass

New Jersey - 1. Chris Smith 2. Rodney Frelinghuysen 3. Leonard Lance 4. Frank Lobiondo 5. Jon Runyon.

New York - 1. Chris Gibson 2. Michael Grumm 3. Richard Hanna 4. Nan Hayworth 5. Pete King

Nevada - Joe Heck

Ohio - 1. John Boehner 2. Bill Johnson 3. Steve LaTourette 4. Robert Latta 5. Steve Stivers 6. Pat Tiberi

Oklahoma - 1. Frank Lucas 2. John Sullivan

Oregon - Greg Walden

Pennsylvania - 1. Tim Murphey 2. Tom Marine 3. Lou Barletta 4. Charles Dent 5. Michael Fitzpatrick 6. Jim Gerlack 7. Mike Kelly.

South Dakota - Kristi Noem

Texas - 1. Mac Thornberry 2. Keven Brady 3. Pete Sessions 4. Lamar Smith

Washington - 1. Doc Hastings 2. Jaime Herrera Beutler 3. McMorris Rodgers 4. David Reichart

Wisconsin - 1. Reid Ribble 2. Paul Ryan


We need to start doing more of this. Singe out those who are part of the problem and vote them out. It is somewhat surprising that Paul Ryan was among them. I will not be voting for him in the future for anything.

Who said that The Inquisition was an historical aberration?
Haven't voted for my rep in the last 3 primaries, he still gets by, I won't vote for a dem in the general.
I agree.

I had a heavy short on the market that it would tank. But because they came to an agreement, the market screamed higher, costing me money.

Somebody's got to fucking pay!
You know they're just saving their monkey wrenches for another day to gum up the works. It isn't like this is going to be a trend. Not if the rw base in the House have their way.
I agree.

I had a heavy short on the market that it would tank. But because they came to an agreement, the market screamed higher, costing me money.

Somebody's got to fucking pay!

There is only one sure source of money and that is inflating the dollar.
Is it niave to think that reducing spending is even politically feasible at this point? Would people vote for someone who offered to spend less on anything?
The GOP was in a bad position over this Fiscal Cliff crap.

Taxes were going up on everyone if the GOP didn't make a deal.

It was idiotic for the GOP to let taxes go up on everyone so that they could take the blame, which was the goal of the Democraps.

The Democraps set the bomb to blow up the building but the GOP was going to be blamed by the media and Democraps for the bomb blowing up....that is how fucked up this country is today.

I am a staunch conservative but I was about to throw my remote into my TV when some GOP woman from TN went on FOX News talking about how she opposed taxes going up and she was going to vote down Boehner's deal......what a fucking idiot.

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