October 13th, Las Vegas

Sanders OR Clinton win?

  • Sanders

    Votes: 1 50.0%
  • Clinton

    Votes: 1 50.0%

  • Total voters


Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2015
Sun, Sand And Palm Trees
It could well prove to be one of the most interesting bouts in the history of Vegas. Bookies ARE taking bets. The card that night pits to now well known people for the title of DNC nominee.

Fighting out of the "pinko" corner will be an aging 73 year old Bernie "The Socialist" Sanders with a truly solid record of wins and very well known for being a clean fighter. His message will be clear and on point and he simply will out fox and out box his rival.

Fighting out of the black corner is Hillary "Harddrive" Clinton. Two Senate wins in another state and NO presidential wins. So while she is 2 and 1 for the Senate she is 0 and 1 for the oval office.


Sanders shines in debates. He gets on message and his voice is driven its powerful. Some of the best debates I have ever heard come from that Senator when he is unchained and allowed to speak.

Clinton is awful and fumbles a lot in debate. She is easy to confuse and resorts to off topic homilies. She has never been a counter puncher but her evade skills are quite well known.


If its a FAIR debate Sanders by a knock out.
Who's the referee and will he take sides? And who's keeping score? One of them isn't James Carville, is it?

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