Ocean Waters Ablaze With Flame Shells


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
By Lisa Raffensperger | December 27, 2012


A massive colony of these bad-hair-day shellfish, called flame shells, has been discovered off the coast of Scotland. Its inhabitants are thought to number over 100 million, making it possibly the largest grouping of flame shells in the world.

Read more @ Ocean Waters Ablaze With Flame Shells : 80beats
By Lisa Raffensperger | December 27, 2012


A massive colony of these bad-hair-day shellfish, called flame shells, has been discovered off the coast of Scotland. Its inhabitants are thought to number over 100 million, making it possibly the largest grouping of flame shells in the world.

Read more @ Ocean Waters Ablaze With Flame Shells : 80beats
who gives a fuck..:doubt:

I am truly impressed with your loquacity and grasp of the English language. :cool:
By Lisa Raffensperger | December 27, 2012


A massive colony of these bad-hair-day shellfish, called flame shells, has been discovered off the coast of Scotland. Its inhabitants are thought to number over 100 million, making it possibly the largest grouping of flame shells in the world.

Read more @ Ocean Waters Ablaze With Flame Shells : 80beats
who gives a fuck..:doubt:

It's an environmental topic in the 'Environment' forum. The real question is, if you don't give a fuck, why did you even bother to post? You obviously have a few screws lose.
By Lisa Raffensperger | December 27, 2012


A massive colony of these bad-hair-day shellfish, called flame shells, has been discovered off the coast of Scotland. Its inhabitants are thought to number over 100 million, making it possibly the largest grouping of flame shells in the world.

Read more @ Ocean Waters Ablaze With Flame Shells : 80beats

Well, I cared about it when I read it in the science section of NBC. The two articles differ on the area. Your article says:

The recently discovered colony covers a whopping 185 acres, and was found during the Loch Alsh survey commissioned by Marine Scotland earlier this year. The find strengthens environmentalists’ case for designating the vicinity a Marine Protected Area, a move presently being considered by the Scottish Government.

Source: Ocean Waters Ablaze With Flame Shells : 80beats

Where I read it said:

Packing at least 100 million bright-orange shells into 4.5 square miles (7.5 square kilometers), the living reef consists of flame shells, a rare saltwater clam found near Scotland. Neon-orange tentacles emerge from between the clam's paired shells, waving gently in the current.

Source: Flame shells set Scottish reef ablaze with color - Technology & science - Science - OurAmazingPlanet | NBC News

There are 640 acres in 1 square mile, so the math is off somehow.

From what I gathered from the article, these creatures aren't that common. I would hope someone would realize that each creature that lives on Earth is a human resource, because who knows what secrets they can reveal or what medical treatments they will clue us to. Perhaps people who respond with "who gives a fuck" show read a few articles about science and the environment and educate themselves. There are many medical advances that started by examining other creatures. Besides what we can gain from other species, don't they have a right to live on this planet? I read things all the time about clues given for medical treatment by other species. What are we suppose to do, just wipe those species out so the Neo-Neanderthals can have their day in the sun?
By Lisa Raffensperger | December 27, 2012


A massive colony of these bad-hair-day shellfish, called flame shells, has been discovered off the coast of Scotland. Its inhabitants are thought to number over 100 million, making it possibly the largest grouping of flame shells in the world.

Read more @ Ocean Waters Ablaze With Flame Shells : 80beats

So many wonders, so little time to appreciate the bounties of life our planet produces. Thank-you for sharing!

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