Ocean Acidification huh?


Gold Supporting Member
Apr 21, 2010
For all of the clowns supporting the thought that oceanic acidification is a problem (trolling blunder are you looking?) we have this piece of evidence. This further supports what gslack has allready presented but adds in the worst case scenario of quite simply adding all of the CO2 to the oceans that we are capable of. As you can see the effect would be negligable.

Quadrant Online - Why scientists get it wrong

"Similar to Darwin, the warming scientists added over 2.2°C to the beginning of the Prague record to change an inconvenient cooling trend into a supportive warming one.

The corruption of the world’s temperature data sets by this sort of manipulation prompted the UK Met Office to announce on 25th February, 2010 that it is going to re-examine more than 150 years of global temperature records. The Met Office expects to take three years to complete the task, giving an indication of how corrupted the data set has become.

To paraphrase Samuel Johnson, ocean acidification is the last refuge of the global warming scoundrel. To put the ocean acidification scare into context of actual science, the current pH of the oceans is 8.1 (less than 7.0 is acid). If humanity burns all the rocks we can economically burn, the basicity of the oceans may fall to a pH of 8.0. There is physical evidence that marine organisms can live very happily with very high levels of carbon dioxide in seawater. This is shown by the following figure, in which very healthy corals are growing above a carbon dioxide vent:

Figure 74: Corals growing above a hydrothermal vent bubbling carbon dioxide, Dobu Island, Papua New Guinea

Consideration of the geological record also shows that increased atmospheric carbon dioxide cannot cause detrimental ocean acidification. The reef-building organisms first evolved about 500 million years ago when atmospheric carbon dioxide levels were up to twenty times what they are currently."
For all of the clowns supporting the thought that oceanic acidification is a problem (trolling blunder are you looking?) we have this piece of evidence. This further supports what gslack has allready presented but adds in the worst case scenario of quite simply adding all of the CO2 to the oceans that we are capable of. As you can see the effect would be negligable.

Quadrant Online - Why scientists get it wrong

"Similar to Darwin, the warming scientists added over 2.2°C to the beginning of the Prague record to change an inconvenient cooling trend into a supportive warming one.

The corruption of the world’s temperature data sets by this sort of manipulation prompted the UK Met Office to announce on 25th February, 2010 that it is going to re-examine more than 150 years of global temperature records. The Met Office expects to take three years to complete the task, giving an indication of how corrupted the data set has become.

To paraphrase Samuel Johnson, ocean acidification is the last refuge of the global warming scoundrel. To put the ocean acidification scare into context of actual science, the current pH of the oceans is 8.1 (less than 7.0 is acid). If humanity burns all the rocks we can economically burn, the basicity of the oceans may fall to a pH of 8.0. There is physical evidence that marine organisms can live very happily with very high levels of carbon dioxide in seawater. This is shown by the following figure, in which very healthy corals are growing above a carbon dioxide vent:

Figure 74: Corals growing above a hydrothermal vent bubbling carbon dioxide, Dobu Island, Papua New Guinea

Consideration of the geological record also shows that increased atmospheric carbon dioxide cannot cause detrimental ocean acidification. The reef-building organisms first evolved about 500 million years ago when atmospheric carbon dioxide levels were up to twenty times what they are currently."

Thank you for that west.... Now I think after all the bullshit we were barraged with regarding this topic from the warmers, they in the very least owe us an apology.

I remember your posts getting rants of heresy, and my simple questions on the logic and premise getting called ignorant and much much worse.... Well it seems the scientific community agrees with your science and my logic....

I would like to tell the warmers, from the bottom of my heart... You all can kiss both sides of my ass....:lol:
Of course people with a degree in marine biology just don't understand that Archibald knows everything.

Coral Reefs Under Rapid Climate Change and Ocean Acidification -- Hoegh-Guldberg et al. 318 (5857): 1737 -- Science

Coral Reefs Under Rapid Climate Change and Ocean Acidification
O. Hoegh-Guldberg,1* P. J. Mumby,2 A. J. Hooten,3 R. S. Steneck,4 P. Greenfield,5 E. Gomez,6 C. D. Harvell,7 P. F. Sale,8 A. J. Edwards,9 K. Caldeira,10 N. Knowlton,11 C. M. Eakin,12 R. Iglesias-Prieto,13 N. Muthiga,14 R. H. Bradbury,15 A. Dubi,16 M. E. Hatziolos17

Atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration is expected to exceed 500 parts per million and global temperatures to rise by at least 2°C by 2050 to 2100, values that significantly exceed those of at least the past 420,000 years during which most extant marine organisms evolved. Under conditions expected in the 21st century, global warming and ocean acidification will compromise carbonate accretion, with corals becoming increasingly rare on reef systems. The result will be less diverse reef communities and carbonate reef structures that fail to be maintained. Climate change also exacerbates local stresses from declining water quality and overexploitation of key species, driving reefs increasingly toward the tipping point for functional collapse. This review presents future scenarios for coral reefs that predict increasingly serious consequences for reef-associated fisheries, tourism, coastal protection, and people. As the International Year of the Reef 2008 begins, scaled-up management intervention and decisive action on global emissions are required if the loss of coral-dominated ecosystems is to be avoided
Heat and Acidity Ganging Up on Coral - ScienceNOW

Now, a study that began with marine geochemist Jacob Silverman's doctoral research at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel, has made a quantitative link between atmospheric levels of CO2 and the fate of coral. Currently a postdoc at the Carnegie Institution Department of Global Ecology in Stanford, California, Silverman looked at how nutrients were affecting photosynthesis, respiration, and calcification on the kilometer-long Eilat reef in the Red Sea north of Egypt.

Silverman and his colleagues determined the relationship among the rate of calcification, water temperature, and the concentration of carbonate ions. Corals use these ions to build their skeletons, and the available amount falls with stronger acidity. They also showed how the calcification rate affected the amount of live coral on the reef. The resulting equations, or "rate law," is described in the current issue of Geophysical Research Letters. The group confirmed the equations with measurements from studies done at other reefs from the 1970s to 1990s.

The equations show how rising CO2 levels will harm reefs worldwide. Working with Long Cao and Ken Caldeira of Carnegie, Silverman predicted conditions at 9733 reef locations around the world for six levels of atmospheric CO2 concentrations. Then they plugged those data into the rate to determine what the effect on the corals would be. Compared with preindustrial levels, reefs today have slowed their rates of creating skeletons. When CO2 doubles to 560 parts per million (ppm), all coral reefs will have stopped growing and begin to dissolve. "The picture is pretty plain," Silverman says. "Acidification spells doom for coral reefs."
Nature Geoscience study: Oceans are acidifying 10 times faster today than 55 million years ago when a mass extinction of marine species occurred Climate Progress

Nature Geoscience study: Oceans are acidifying 10 times faster today than 55 million years ago when a mass extinction of marine species occurred
Unrestricted burning of fossil fuels threatens a new wave of die-offs
February 18, 2010
Marine life face some of the worst impacts. We now know that global warming is “capable of wrecking the marine ecosystem and depriving future generations of the harvest of the seas” (see 2009 Nature Geoscience study concludes ocean dead zones “devoid of fish and seafood” are poised to expand and “remain for thousands of years”).

The acidification of the ocean in particular is a grave threat — for links to primary sources and recent studies, see “Imagine a World without Fish: Deadly ocean acidification — hard to deny, harder to geo-engineer, but not hard to stop” (and below).

A new Nature Geoscience study, “Past constraints on the vulnerability of marine calcifiers to massive carbon dioxide release” (subs. req’d) provides a truly ominous warning. The release from the researchers at the University of Bristol is “Rate of ocean acidification the fastest in 65 million years.”
3 posts, and all of it 100% shown previously on this forum to be total and complete bullshit.... Nice way to show your ethics again useless...
old fraud,

All of your links have been proven false. A good friend of mine is Dr. Will Anakoucine a double PhD in Geology and Oceanography and we discussed this back in the 1980's. His research showed that all of the acidification prognostications were BS. When you calculate the introduction of all of the CO2 into the ocean that you can do and it will only drop the basisity from 8.1 to 8.0 you havn't got a case dood.
I post abstracts from peer reviewed studies, or referances to those studies, and all I get back is yap-yap. Because, fellows, that is all you have.

Odd, I googled Will Anakoucine two differant ways, and got no results. A double Phd that actually does research should be on the web. Perhaps you spelled his name wrong? Or perhaps he is a figment of your imagination.
I post abstracts from peer reviewed studies, or referances to those studies, and all I get back is yap-yap. Because, fellows, that is all you have.

Odd, I googled Will Anakoucine two differant ways, and got no results. A double Phd that actually does research should be on the web. Perhaps you spelled his name wrong? Or perhaps he is a figment of your imagination.

Abstracts, often with misleading claims attributed them, and or twisted and sensational headlines that do not realistically reflect the material or data in the article...

References to them that are twisted and give an inaccurate account... Links from green blogs who twist the findings of the scientists. And all of those things have been shown to you again and again, only to have you deny it and reality in favor of propaganda, feel good rhetoric, and a self serving twisted agenda.

So for now climb down off the cross martyr man....

And BTW, I work directly with two men with PHD's, and you will NEVER find either of there names on a google search you imbecile.... Some people, have no loftier goal than to teach their field to others, or use their mastery to do their job well... Not all of them choose to be a slave to their funding moron...
I post abstracts from peer reviewed studies, or referances to those studies, and all I get back is yap-yap. Because, fellows, that is all you have.

Odd, I googled Will Anakoucine two differant ways, and got no results. A double Phd that actually does research should be on the web. Perhaps you spelled his name wrong? Or perhaps he is a figment of your imagination.
yeah, sure, because we all know that if it isnt on the web, it either doesn't exist or it didnt happen

old rocks in the head does his typical nonsense
I post abstracts from peer reviewed studies, or referances to those studies, and all I get back is yap-yap. Because, fellows, that is all you have.

Odd, I googled Will Anakoucine two differant ways, and got no results. A double Phd that actually does research should be on the web. Perhaps you spelled his name wrong? Or perhaps he is a figment of your imagination.

Yeah well he's been dead now for about 15 years (remember I'm a little older than some here) and he was Russian to boot so most of his stuff was done around Baku and Astrakhan.
I post abstracts from peer reviewed studies, or referances to those studies, and all I get back is yap-yap. Because, fellows, that is all you have.

Odd, I googled Will Anakoucine two differant ways, and got no results. A double Phd that actually does research should be on the web. Perhaps you spelled his name wrong? Or perhaps he is a figment of your imagination.

Abstracts, often with misleading claims attributed them, and or twisted and sensational headlines that do not realistically reflect the material or data in the article...

References to them that are twisted and give an inaccurate account... Links from green blogs who twist the findings of the scientists. And all of those things have been shown to you again and again, only to have you deny it and reality in favor of propaganda, feel good rhetoric, and a self serving twisted agenda.

So for now climb down off the cross martyr man....

And BTW, I work directly with two men with PHD's, and you will NEVER find either of there names on a google search you imbecile.... Some people, have no loftier goal than to teach their field to others, or use their mastery to do their job well... Not all of them choose to be a slave to their funding moron...

LOL. And I work, in my scouting activities, with a number of Phds, all of whom I can find on the net. And I can find most of my professors at PSU from the late 60s on the net.

gslack and Westwall have a bit of a problem with the truth, it seems.:lol:
I post abstracts from peer reviewed studies, or referances to those studies, and all I get back is yap-yap. Because, fellows, that is all you have.

Odd, I googled Will Anakoucine two differant ways, and got no results. A double Phd that actually does research should be on the web. Perhaps you spelled his name wrong? Or perhaps he is a figment of your imagination.

Yeah well he's been dead now for about 15 years (remember I'm a little older than some here) and he was Russian to boot so most of his stuff was done around Baku and Astrakhan.

Yup. And I was in uniform on base when we stopped those Soviet ships off of Cuba. Not quite a youngster myself.

And at that time, anytime someone wished to make an outlandish claim, they credited it to some non-existant Russian scientist.
I post abstracts from peer reviewed studies, or referances to those studies, and all I get back is yap-yap. Because, fellows, that is all you have.

Odd, I googled Will Anakoucine two differant ways, and got no results. A double Phd that actually does research should be on the web. Perhaps you spelled his name wrong? Or perhaps he is a figment of your imagination.

Abstracts, often with misleading claims attributed them, and or twisted and sensational headlines that do not realistically reflect the material or data in the article...

References to them that are twisted and give an inaccurate account... Links from green blogs who twist the findings of the scientists. And all of those things have been shown to you again and again, only to have you deny it and reality in favor of propaganda, feel good rhetoric, and a self serving twisted agenda.

So for now climb down off the cross martyr man....

And BTW, I work directly with two men with PHD's, and you will NEVER find either of there names on a google search you imbecile.... Some people, have no loftier goal than to teach their field to others, or use their mastery to do their job well... Not all of them choose to be a slave to their funding moron...

LOL. And I work, in my scouting activities, with a number of Phds, all of whom I can find on the net. And I can find most of my professors at PSU from the late 60s on the net.

gslack and Westwall have a bit of a problem with the truth, it seems.:lol:

Scouting activities? Scouting what?

Btw, the two Doctorates I work with are in the fields of Theoretical physics, and Psychology. And they are not on a google search douchebag. And I forgot about the masters degree holder in military history who is our fact man... And no you can't find him on google either moron...

And you are no one to call anybody here a liar.... you fucking hack, you just cited a source in another thread that was not a reference to your posts assertions.. you just did this minutes ago... Fucking lying little unconscionable POS....:lol::lol:
I post abstracts from peer reviewed studies, or referances to those studies, and all I get back is yap-yap. Because, fellows, that is all you have.

Odd, I googled Will Anakoucine two differant ways, and got no results. A double Phd that actually does research should be on the web. Perhaps you spelled his name wrong? Or perhaps he is a figment of your imagination.

Abstracts, often with misleading claims attributed them, and or twisted and sensational headlines that do not realistically reflect the material or data in the article...

References to them that are twisted and give an inaccurate account... Links from green blogs who twist the findings of the scientists. And all of those things have been shown to you again and again, only to have you deny it and reality in favor of propaganda, feel good rhetoric, and a self serving twisted agenda.

So for now climb down off the cross martyr man....

And BTW, I work directly with two men with PHD's, and you will NEVER find either of there names on a google search you imbecile.... Some people, have no loftier goal than to teach their field to others, or use their mastery to do their job well... Not all of them choose to be a slave to their funding moron...

LOL. And I work, in my scouting activities, with a number of Phds, all of whom I can find on the net. And I can find most of my professors at PSU from the late 60s on the net.

gslack and Westwall have a bit of a problem with the truth, it seems.:lol:
you realize that Alex Jones is on the web, right?
being on the web does not give it credibility, nor does NOT being on the web mean it has none

get your head out of your ass foir a change
Didn't state that being on the web represented credibility. What I stated was that most of the people that I know that have very high academic credentials are on the net. Hell, I have even found referances on google that site posts that I wrote on this forum.
Didn't state that being on the web represented credibility. What I stated was that most of the people that I know that have very high academic credentials are on the net. Hell, I have even found referances on google that site posts that I wrote on this forum.
more proof that there is more CRAP on the web than there is truth
Didn't state that being on the web represented credibility. What I stated was that most of the people that I know that have very high academic credentials are on the net. Hell, I have even found referances on google that site posts that I wrote on this forum.

Gimme a break moron... You implied that westwall was making up a scientist and claimed since you couldn't find him on google he didn't exist... So knock off the semantics excuses now we all know exactly what you tried to claim...

And this site uses google spider bots to get listed in google searches.. They are simple little text files which google uses to include websites in searches using key words and phrases... So Yeah I can find some of my posts in a google search too.... Ya know for guy who implies he does so much research on the web, you really don't understand much of it.....
I understand enough that I do not have to create fictional scientist to prove my point. Plenty of real ones available on the net. And abstracts of their work that have been published in peer reviewed journals. You do know what those are, now don't you, Suckee.....?

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