Occultism and spiritualism


Quran buster
Jul 8, 2012
I do not know if this thread will take off, as I may be the only one here that knows what I am talking about.:badgrin:

But here is a sample of my beliefs and experiences.

I always had spiritual feelings, even from early childhood, and in childhood, I used to open my heart to God by thinking of opening a door in it. I could always feel energy flowing into me when I did that and after a lifetime of occult experience I now realize what I was doing was consciously opening my heart chakra. There is a lot more to this story but I want to tell you that we are all spiritual beings incarnate in the flesh and we have many bodies that lay dormant and exist in higher dimensions. These higher bodies are linked to the physical body through what is called the etheric body, and that body contains the chakras, or energy centers.

There are usually considered to be 7 main chakras, but there are also many minor chakras. Maybe 21 or more. There are minor chakras in the souls of the feet, and the palms of the hands and the temples. I know this for a fact as I have used them to channel energy for many years.

That will do for openers. Anyone got any comments?
As I suspected, this thread seems to have no future, because as usual I am talking to myself when it comes to the occult. So to cap it off here is a link to my late gurus web site. There are many tapes of him giving lectures, and I recommend you to listen to some of them. They are very inspiring.

Gururaj Ananda Yogi
So is there any new blood on the forum interested in the occult since I started this thread?
I studied the teachings of several spiritualist trance mediums, and attended many lectures by them during the 1970s. Three of them were Gladys Mayer, Grace Cook, and Ursula Roberts. The following link is taken from trance lectures by Ursula Roberts.

Wisdom of Ramadahn
Spiritualism is a pile of crap. It allows you to believe in God but do whatever the crap you want.

I would have to disagree with that as the core teaching of spiritualism is that you are accountable for everything you do. It teaches that there are dark regions in the afterlife that souls go to if they have been evil. But it also teaches that we can rise from the dakness and progress to a better state, and that we reincarnate thousands of times in the pursuit of perfect grace, or enlightenment. It teaches we may suffer for our sins, but all souls will eventually be redeemed by their own efforts.
As I suspected, this thread seems to have no future, because as usual I am talking to myself when it comes to the occult. So to cap it off here is a link to my late gurus web site. There are many tapes of him giving lectures, and I recommend you to listen to some of them. They are very inspiring.

Gururaj Ananda Yogi

I bookmarked it and will look at this stuff later. It's always good to learn about something new.
I had three drawings done by the late Coral Polge, a so called psychic artist.
Unfortunately I did not recognize any of the people she drew so I cannot corroborate her psychic powers. But apparently others had very good evidence from her.

CORAL POLGE, World-Famous Psychic Artist
In my travels I encountered a cult called the divine light mission of Guru Maharaji.(prem Rawat)
The whole thing was based on a meditation technique called taking knowledge.
You could be taught this technique by people called Mahatmas.

The taking of knowledge apparently allowed you to have spiritual experiences like hearing divine music. I hesitated to accept taking Knowledge as I was wary of psychic experiences. For one thing I had my own to contend with, and I did not want any further complications, so I drifted away from the cult. But I have always wondered what it would have been like to take knowledge. I would love to hear from anyone who did take it.

Prem Rawat - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Another cult I was involved in was Japanese Buddhism. They chant a mantra that gets them high. It goes nam-myoho-renge-kyo. I rejected the cult because they were not interested in the teachings of Buddha, only in the lotus sutra. Also because they said you can get anything you want by chanting, and I did not believe this. They are definately a cult.

SGI-USA: About Buddhism: What is Nam-myoho-renge-kyo?
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In my travels I encountered a cult called the divine light mission of Guru Maharaji.(prem Rawat)
The whole thing was based on a meditation technique called taking knowledge.
You could be taught this technique by people called Mahatmas.

The taking of knowledge apparently allowed you to have spiritual experiences like hearing divine music. I hesitated to accept taking Knowledge as I was wary of psychic experiences. For one thing I had my own to contend with, and I did not want any further complications, so I drifted away from the cult. But I have always wondered what it would have been like to take knowledge. I would love to hear from anyone who did take it.

Prem Rawat - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I gained some knowledge at a carnival once. There was this guy who claimed to be able to guess peoples age. I was enthralled and stayed for a while until I realized that he was never right.

Then my journey took me to the roller coaster which was every bit as wild and exciting as advertised.
I do not know if this thread will take off, as I may be the only one here that knows what I am talking about.:badgrin:

But here is a sample of my beliefs and experiences.

I always had spiritual feelings, even from early childhood, and in childhood, I used to open my heart to God by thinking of opening a door in it. I could always feel energy flowing into me when I did that and after a lifetime of occult experience I now realize what I was doing was consciously opening my heart chakra. There is a lot more to this story but I want to tell you that we are all spiritual beings incarnate in the flesh and we have many bodies that lay dormant and exist in higher dimensions. These higher bodies are linked to the physical body through what is called the etheric body, and that body contains the chakras, or energy centers.

There are usually considered to be 7 main chakras, but there are also many minor chakras. Maybe 21 or more. There are minor chakras in the souls of the feet, and the palms of the hands and the temples. I know this for a fact as I have used them to channel energy for many years.

That will do for openers. Anyone got any comments?

I understand where you are coming from and I believe you.

I'm interested in understanding what effect metaphysics has on the Word of Faith movement. I'm not here to endorse it or promote it. I'm only trying to explain to others what the influence and dangers are.
I do not know if this thread will take off, as I may be the only one here that knows what I am talking about.:badgrin:

But here is a sample of my beliefs and experiences.

I always had spiritual feelings, even from early childhood, and in childhood, I used to open my heart to God by thinking of opening a door in it. I could always feel energy flowing into me when I did that and after a lifetime of occult experience I now realize what I was doing was consciously opening my heart chakra. There is a lot more to this story but I want to tell you that we are all spiritual beings incarnate in the flesh and we have many bodies that lay dormant and exist in higher dimensions. These higher bodies are linked to the physical body through what is called the etheric body, and that body contains the chakras, or energy centers.

There are usually considered to be 7 main chakras, but there are also many minor chakras. Maybe 21 or more. There are minor chakras in the souls of the feet, and the palms of the hands and the temples. I know this for a fact as I have used them to channel energy for many years.

That will do for openers. Anyone got any comments?
You are right, you are the only one that understands this dribble, unless you count your shrink.
The practical occult begins with knowledge of the etheric body. It is not really a body but a connecting energy shell that joins the physical body to the higher bodies, such as the astral and mental bodies. Like I said in the OP there are 7 main chakras (or energy centers) but there are also 21 minor chakras that are usually overlooked. But knowledge of them is important if you want to learn how to channel psychic energy. I felt this energy long before I found out about the minor chakras, But it was not until I purchased a book called "Hands of light" by Barbara Brennan, that I saw a diagram of them. The book is avaliable as a free pdf download.

Barbara Brennan School of Healing


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