Obsolete News Media


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2017
Simple question: With the advent of Go Pro and Dash Cams, will the news media as we know it become obsolete? When ordinary people can offer live streaming video of news events, what will be the job of the media? Maybe offer analysis? I think that is the way the news media is going.
Nah the media will always be around. People don't want news they want bias, and they media gives them plenty of that.
The news media will continue to show the news they think will get them the best ratings. That is what they do now. They all search out a niche of fans that like their versions of the news. They tailor their net pages and broadcast to entertain their niche. Otherwise, you could just hit and miss surfing youtube.
I'd say they've been obsolete since YouTube, and now they're so terrified the public will be informed even YouTube is starting to censor itself so that people who oppose the left have a harder time promoting their propaganda.

So LiveLeak will take over.
TV media needs to return to it's roots. News. I think there will be a backlash to the non-stop political yakking and everyone will change the channel until it stops.
I predict objective lournalism will be recorded by regular citizens and the news media will be all comment and analysis.

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