Obsidian Crusade: Trump's Dumpster


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This short-story I wrote about Obsidian rock crusades was inspired by the mineral-piracy politics film Blood Diamond.

Who says you can't follow media/entertainment to stay abreast of new age geo-political profiteerism-based worldliness? Is it any wonder that America has elected a capitalism-baron (and media-celebrity) as its President (Donald Trump)?


Alastair the knight went searching for precious Obsidian black rocks in Chile and Iceland in the year 2010. He was hired by a mysterious employer named King Ralph who apparently lived somewhere in Switzerland. Ralph wanted a large supply of especially pure Obsidian, because he employed a geologist and chemist and applied physicist to develop a new laser-gun with the special reflective and surface-friction properties and topology of Obsidian rocks. Alastair did not question what the purpose of the rocks would be or if they were meant for some profit-scam or mineral-based dominion scheme; he just needed the money (as a ronin).

Alastair landed in Chile first and found some good samples of Obsidian before heading to Iceland to procure more. Ralph hired Alastair, since there was much black market munitions talk about the use of Obsidian rocks in the development of new-age weapons, and Ralph believed his 'team' of scientists had the necessary acumen to develop Obsidian lasers before anyone else could; he just needed Alastair to procure great samples of the Obsidian rocks. When Alastair arrived in Iceland, he discovered another party was also involved in the procurement of pure Obsidian rock samples.

Alastair was now contending with a ruthless black market diamond trading group secretly working for the terrorist organization ISIS which was amassing funds and resources to develop guerilla warfare tactics and weaponry to coordinate a massive invasion of Washington, D.C. on Halloween Eve 2012. The black market diamond trading group Alastair was contending hailed from South Africa and was commissioned by ISIS after the release of the diamond-trade intrigue film Blood Diamond was released in America. The South African diamond trading group was called The Black Hand, and it boasted a few geologists with the necessary knowledge to identify pure Obsidian.

Alastair wanted to find the best Obsidian samples for his employer Ralph before The Black Hand grabbed them for ISIS. What Alastair did not know, however, was that Ralph was working with ISIS and employed Alastair simply as an insurance; if The Black Hand failed in procuring the best Obsidian, Ralph would deliver the better samples to ISIS that Alastair procured for him. It was a mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad world, and Alastair started to realize that the international black market mineral trade was an 'umbrella-piracy' outfit designed to create a 'veil' for seedier black market operations (e.g., biochemical weapons trade). Alastair came up with a plan --- he would thwart The Black Hand and deliver to Ralph bogus rocks glossed and painted to look like Obsidian and then tell the black market 'gossip-gods' that King Ralph was incompetent. Alastair's scheme was about to turn the black market on its head!


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Thimbles: Thrift

Maybe pedestrian ethics in the capitalism-subjective TrumpUSA is like 'folkloric thimble' disarray...

Do you realize how many mercantile 'treasures' we've molded with minerals/materials? It's like Materialism Politics now with Trump's brand of 'capitalism-toy digressions.'

Is that daring or ominous? I feel like a comic book writer...so maybe there's nothing wrong with 'grumpy gibberish.'


Alastair the knight was in Belgium now where he had to engage a special underground army of child pickpockets working for an unscrupulous theft-trainer named Fagenheld. The pickpockets called themselves the Thimbles, simply because they had developed the uncanny skill of stealing from pedestrian pockets while wearing thimbles on their finger-tips. When enough money was saved, the Thimbles would have special gold-embossed tin thimbles for a collection for memorabilia.

Alastair the knight decided to challenge the Thimbles and Fagenheld (who himself was now allied to the IRA) by selling toy water-pistols on the streets to thoroughfare. As street buzz was generated by the sales of Alastair's colorful water-guns, the Thimbles and Fagenheld felt their presence being 'metaphysically challenged.' The Thimbles and Fagenheld decided to post to the Brussels Beacon newspaper/journal, "The sale of water-guns is purely representative of macro-sociological profundities!"

Alastair the knight was now being defied by Thimbles and Fagenheld (who had now once again successfully re-establish diligent relations with the controversial IRA). Alastair decided to sell Uncle Sam keychains along with his water-guns (to patriotism-inquisitive passerby), and when sales rose again and Alastair was a welcomed 'Brussels Biship,' everyone decided to toast to them, and Fagenheld's prestige-based links to the IRA quickly dissolved. The Thimbles grew up to be Church boys, and they always remembered the 'consumerism-Machiavellian' message of Alastair the knight, even during the capitalism-subjective Trump Administration (USA).


Venger: Vanity Fair

Here's a mysticism-spoof tale about the alter-world wizard-avatar Venger (from the cult-favorite Saturday morning CBS cartoon Dungeons & Dragons) that might inspire ideas about links between capitalism and culture (and...hence...politics?).


Venger was in search of precious Obsidian black rocks from Iceland, and he rode his black winged horse and brought with him his special magic-realm mystic-friend Shadow Demon who afforded him the power to emanate blinding white light from his palms. Venger wanted Obsidian and knew that if he was left alone without anything honorable to crusade after, he would become a statistic of metaphysical apathy. Venger resolved that searching for Obsidian would add enough meaning to his otherwise superficial life of combat, wizard-spells, and power research.

Venger realized one day while flying on his horse towards a new rich Obsidian deposit (in Iceland) near a giant urban camera spotlighting videos of traffic in the ground and sky flashing before it, that the spread out image of him on a city skyscraper made him appear to be not a crusader but an Obsidian-obsessed vampire, resembling in black glow the ominous emanation of the Obsidian which had become so valued to both wizards/witches and black market minerals merchants. Venger decided that if he succeeded in obtaining the Obsidian, he would gift some to First Lady Melania Trump.

Venger found a bushel of great Obsidian black rocks and decided to carry them back to America where he could present a handful to First Lady Melania Trump. When President Donald Trump greeted Venger, he told him, "Wow, let me get the staff to gift you in return with a special Dungeons & Dragons video-game and PS4 console to take home with you! Video-games are the stuff of modernism, Venger!" Venger was pleased and was delighted First Lady Melania Trump was pleased with her Obsidian gift from him. He wondered to himself, "Can capitalism-diplomats be ironic sources for 'anti-dystopian romance'?"


that's some heavy shit but Melania doesn't accept Obsidian, only American Express or untraceable gold bullion

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