Obama’s Rhetoric About Int’l Cooperation Against Islamic State ‘The Opposite’ Of What’s Happening


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
LINK: NBC's Engel: Obama's Rhetoric About Int'l Cooperation Against Islamic State 'The Opposite' Of What's Happening - Breitbart

NBC News Chief Foreign Correspondent Richard Engel stated that despite President Obama’s rhetoric about international coordination against ISIS, “we are seeing just the opposite” on Tuesday’s “MSNBC Live.”

OBAMA helped build, fund, supply, arm, and train ISIS. He allowed them to flow into Iraq. He trained soldiers for them. He has protected critical targets from being struck militarily. He has done so, climbing into bed with ISIS, as allies against Assad. Obama is assessed with Assad.

FRANCE is pissed after the Paris attacks and is unleashing hell on ISIS. Russia has joined them in pounding ISIS, and Britain this week approved strikes against ISIS in solidarity to the French.

TURKEY has been engaged in a Black Market oil deal with ISIS, which has supplied 50% of ISIS' operations, and has been fighting a group that is OPPOSED to the Assad regime.

RUSSIA and IRAN have become allies with Assad, have been protecting Assad, has all but destroyed Obama's 'proxy war' rebels, and is now going after ISIS.

As Engel reports, there is no unity, there are no shared goals or objectives, there is no 'coalition' unified in going after ISIS...or Assad.

Obama has created a mess...a powder keg just waiting to go off.
ISIS's territory is completely surrounded by their enemies. Their territory has been shrunk considerably in the past year, despite the GOP hiding their head in the sand and refusing to authorize the use of military force against them.

The attack in Paris was a desperation move and no more indicates ISIS is "winning" or not contained any more than the Madrid train bombing meant Al Qaeda was not being defeated when we started going after them.

As I have said many times, for us to "wipe out ISIS" would require committing the next two Presidents to an occupation of the ground ISIS currently possesses. It would be a worse situation than Iraq since we don't have a friendly government in Syria. This is why Obama says Assad has to go if we are to make any serious headway with respect to ISIS.

But we don't have anyone on the Right with the balls to roger up on such a plan. Not one.

So you can continue to be the cowardly assholes in the corner curled up in the fetal position criticizing the guy who is actually doing something, only get up to refill your piss cups or fellate an enemy of America (Putin), or you can shut the fuck up.

ISIS would love nothing more than to provoke us into a fight. You know why? Because they know America has become pussified and doesn't have the stamina for a ten year occupation. We'll quit, and ISIS or its descendant will come back stronger than ever.

No matter how you slice it, the process of defeating ISIS is going to require a long term strategy, not one based on fear or on ISIS's terms.
ISIS's territory is completely surrounded by their enemies.

Tell that to France.

Sorry, dude, but...

What you just did, whether you know it or not, is repeat Obama's disastrous PRE-Paris Attack BULLSHITE about how ISIS is 'Contained'.

ISIS is in Iraq, Africa, Europe, and even here in the US. (Just ask the FBI about their 1,000 open investigations of ISIS in the US).

To be honest, I stopped reading after the 1st sentence because it was a repeat of Obama's proven-false B$....
Tell that to France.

Sorry, dude, but...

What you just did, whether you know it or not, is repeat Obama's disastrous PRE-Paris Attack BULLSHITE about how ISIS is 'Contained'.

ISIS is in Iraq, Africa, Europe, and even here in the US. (Just ask the FBI about their 1,000 open investigations of ISIS in the US).

To be honest, I stopped reading after the 1st sentence because it was a repeat of Obama's proven-false B$....

That's what fakey socks do, promote libturd bullshit.

It's good that you stopped reading his nonsense quickly. Reading shit that stupid can cause brain cells to commit suicide.


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