Obama's propaganda ignores math


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2012

Tell me, how does that work? Unemployment is up. Median incomes are down $3,600. Gas prices are up, food prices are up. And none of that even speaks to inflation or decreased home prices.

So tell me, on what world has the family saved $3,600? And notice, it doesn't even say per year? But the last four years? So, he'd be bragging about a family being able to save $900 per year? Geez! Amateur is right!

By the way, I have no idea, how families are supposed to save $2,200 next year either. Tax cuts are expiring. The payroll tax is increasing. How can Obama even pretend to make such a claim?

There's nothing that phony a-hole won't say to get re-elected.
ObaMath is really something to behold.

Our government is currently spending $1.3 trillion a year more than it has. Yet Obama claims that by ending the war in Afghanistan, we will have SAVINGS! Savings he can then use to build roads and bridges and schools, and hire more teachers and cops and firemen, and pay down the debt!

How many pounds of brain damage do you have to have to belief this?

He claimed the exact same stupid shit all through the 2008 campaign and the people fell for it then, too.

He's fooled you once. You going to let him fool you twice? Really?

Shame on YOU!

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Thank You, Obamacare: Families Pay $3000 More for Insurance; Obama Promised $2500 Decrease
Thank you for the link, PoliticalChic. That is right on and hurting seniors who have already retired, too. From your link above:

The question "are you better off than you were four years ago" is answered with a clear "no" for American families when it comes to health insurance prices--along with rising gas prices and declining household wealth. Four more years will likely be even worse.

We are hit hard with health care costs in this family. They raised our deductible through the roof, and we had to find another health care provider after 40 years, who shortly did the same thing.

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