Obama's Presidential Seal

Skull Pilot

Diamond Member
Nov 17, 2007
Barack Obama appears with personalized presidential seal

Does the bastardization of the Presidential seal by Obama bother anyone else?
Doe BHO have so little respect for the office of the President that he feels he can take the liberty to put his name and his own slogan on the seal of our country's highest office? To me that shows a lack of respect and a level of arrogance never before seen in a presidential race.
I thought it was a pretty lame thing to do actually. But not offensive enough to lose my vote...but he still has several months left. :D

What I thought was even funnier was how nobody in the Daily Show audience laughed when Stewart made some pretty darn funny jokes about it...prompting Stewart to say "It's ok to laugh at him you know."
what a non-issue.

for real. If THIS is the epitome of your complaints then go sit the fuck back down in your retard corner.
Did I say that?

No, but the whole "snob", "elitist", "down to earth" discussion comes down to "who do you want to hang out with"? Personally, I don't care about those things in a president. I don't think any of them are particularly nice people or they wouldn't get to where they are.

I'd say Obama and McCain are equally street-fighters when it comes to this election.
Fair enough, but that isn't how I view it. To me someone that is a snob can't help but be colored by his or her own viewpoint and often has an arrogant attitude. This seal, while probably a non-issue, does smack of arrogance.
Fair enough, but that isn't how I view it. To me someone that is a snob can't help but be colored by his or her own viewpoint and often has an arrogant attitude. This seal, while probably a non-issue, does smack of arrogance.

I think I said it was goofy. They're all arrogant. Anyone who seeks this office is arrogant.

Bush not listening to anyone for 71/2 years and saying he wouldn't change course even if only Laura and Barney agreed with him was arrogant.
This guy is looks more and more like Adolf Hitler with every gaffe he makes and every glance throgh the cracks in his media-created veneer, though Hitler was far more intelligent.

yea.. obama really IS just like HITLER!


christ, it's gonna be a LOOOOOONG summer for you, dude.
Bad marketing on Obama's part, in my opinion. The man's judgement about this kind of thing isn't very good.

Gee that must mean Obama now looks just like Hilter.

Honestly, are you for real, nondeplume?

Or are you just throwing whatever inane nonsense you can think up in the hopes of yanking people's chains?

Just wondering.

Don't really care. In fact, keep it up.

Every time someone writes something as goofy as you did, it just makes McCain supporters look like imbeciles.
I agree with him, though....but I think more Stalin-esque than Hitler-esque....
I think I said it was goofy. They're all arrogant. Anyone who seeks this office is arrogant.

Bush not listening to anyone for 71/2 years and saying he wouldn't change course even if only Laura and Barney agreed with him was arrogant.

I wouldn't say they are all arrogant, it depends on how you define it. Kerry was painted as arrogant when he was actually a foppish doof. Obama has a few times now painted himself as arrogant.
I wouldn't say they are all arrogant, it depends on how you define it. Kerry was painted as arrogant when he was actually a foppish doof. Obama has a few times now painted himself as arrogant.

I can't say I'm shocked that a former editor of the Harvard Law Review would have an arrogant streak. I guess I just don't find it particularly bothersome.
thank you shogun for the many laughs i get here.


yeppers...having a logo simliar to the presidents really is like stalin and the nazis.


you guys are great. yep, lets get this straight.

wearing the flag pin - shows your a patriot - not a nationalistic (neo-nazi).

but appearing before logo simliar to the real presidential seal...that's hitler and stalin.

sweet...i love you guys.

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