Obama's Plan: Tax the Wealthy

How many of you swallow this "plan" which does nothing to reduce the deficit or create real (i.e., private sector) jobs? Please explain how raising taxes on people who earn more than you do will benefit you, other than allowing an outlet for your envy. Thank you for your thoughtful response.

really? funny. it actually would get rid of most of the deficit and would return the top 1% to the rates they paid during clinton's presidency.

do you know what you're talking about? as for envy, i like making money so you're full of it.

i think that's as thoughtful as your post deserves.

That would only get you roughly $70 billion. The deficit is currently $1.2 trillion.
Do the math jill.
LMAO. That won't make one interest payment.
Tax tables really do need to be amended. The "wealthy' have in the past paid a hefty sum relevant to their adjusted gross incomes.

You're an ignoranus. The middle-class pays a higher percentage of their earnings to taxes than do the rich.

I'm a Conservative and I heartily endorse my own post.

You're not a conservative, you're a shithead who pretends that the only tax in the world in the federal income tax.

Also, shithead, a conservative, aside from desiring an inexpensive government, would tax people with consideration of their ability to pay taxes. It's a market principle.

That's MR shithead to you, pal.

Learn to read before you go sticking your hoof in yer yapper.
How many of you swallow this "plan" which does nothing to reduce the deficit or create real (i.e., private sector) jobs? Please explain how raising taxes on people who earn more than you do will benefit you, other than allowing an outlet for your envy. Thank you for your thoughtful response.

We can start to rebuild the infrastructure which will put more income into the hands of middle income Americans. Perhaps we can even get serious about getting back into space at some point.

You sound like a parrot.

Obama promised 4 years ago that he had shovel-ready jobs to rebuild the infrastructure. All he needed was $800 billion in stimulus to do it.

He got his stimulus, the money is gone and we have little or nothing to show for it. Now spending-cuts are called austerity and that's evil. The debt hit $16 trillion last night while the Dems were busy trashing Romney. Friggen hilarious.
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How many of you swallow this "plan" which does nothing to reduce the deficit or create real (i.e., private sector) jobs? Please explain how raising taxes on people who earn more than you do will benefit you, other than allowing an outlet for your envy. Thank you for your thoughtful response.

Welcome to the board, J.

1. Since one cannot see any objective harm done to the less wealthy by another’s greater wealth, the explanation for the ‘economic equality imperative’ can only be envy. The resentment of luxury in another is evil, in that there is no benefit to depriving others with no gain to ourselves. What is the satisfaction of seeing the better off lessened.

a. President Clinton proposed raising taxes on the rich, even though it didn’t appear that it would increase tax revenues. A sizable portion of the public agreed, even under these circumstances. The motive can only be envy.

2. Sociologist Helmut Schoeck’s observation: “Since the end of the Second World War, however, a new ‘ethic’ has come into being, according to which the envious man is perfectly acceptable. Progressively fewer individuals and groups are ashamed of their envy, but instead make out that its existence in their temperaments axiomatically proves the existence of ‘social injustice,’ which must be eliminated for their benefit.” Helmut Schoeck, “Envy: A Theory of Social Behavior,” p. 179

3. The unspoken assumption is that there is something morally wrong with inequalities. Where is the explanation of what would be a ‘fair share’ for the wealthy to give up? Irving Kristol, as editor of ‘Public Interest,’ wrote to professors who had written about the unfairness of income distribution, asking them to write an article as to what a ‘fair distribution’ would be; he has never gotten that article. Irving Kristol, “Neoconservative: the Autobiography of an Idea,” p. 166
The 'rich' pay their greatest share of the Federal Income Tax burden, ever in our history.

The problem is, the taxes no longer predominately go to paying for road and bridges and military like they used to do. The rich pay their 'fair' share, and then some for that.

Now, the lion share of tax is a direct redistribution of wealth right back to the masses.

Today's Democrat party is simply a device for communist wealth redistribution.

Soon, the masses will gobble up every Federal tax dollar taken in as a direct redistribution of wealth.

The masses need to start paying much, much more because they are increasingly gobbling up the tax revenues as entitlements.

Lefty wants to pretend it is about 'roads and bridges', but that of course is part of the Liberal Lie. It is about paying people to have more bastard children and to stay on welfare.

again, you haven't a clue. it's not about dollar amounts... it's about percentages. if someone making 100,000 a year pays a particular percentage, why should someone like romney pay a fraction of that percentage?

the masses? the 'masses' already pay their proportionate share. and of course you should earn a minimum amount of income before you have to pay. so i'm not quite sure what you're talking about.

why should a corporation like Exxon/Mobile or Metlife pay no taxes or negligible taxes? And don't tell me it's about ;'job creators', b/c job creators already have tax deductions for what they pay in salaries.

and your 'job creators' have sucked since they got their tax cuts from baby bush while he ran two wars on our credit card.

so maybe the military budget should be cut before you cut firefighters, teachers and student loan guarantees.

"...a corporation like Exxon/Mobile..."

1. And, of course, the antibusiness crowd loves stories about how much Big Oil is stealing from the American people! On the contrary, in 2006, the oil industry paid $81 billion in income tax, and while Exxon’s earnings increased 89% from 2003 to 2007, their income taxes increased 170%. http://www.businessweek.com/bwdaily...?chan=top+news_top+news+index_news+++analysis

2. The non-thinking segment of the public has been conditioned to hate the oil industry. Very few realize the extent to which they are subsidized by this industry. “According to the [Exxon] company's income statement, the amount of taxes it paid in 2008 was 2.5 times as much as its net profit. The $45.2 billion profit figure makes a snappy headline, but the $116.2 billion in taxes that it paid is relegated to a footnote—if that. Exxon's tax bill breaks down like this: income taxes, $36.5 billion; sales-based taxes, $34.5 billion; "all other" taxes, $45.2 billion.” Exxon, Big Oil Profits Evil Only Until You Weigh Their Tax Bills - US News and World Report

3. If Exxon’s 2008 tax bill of $116.2 billion were split equally among all tax filers who pay income tax, each filer’s share would be $1,259/year. Still hate Exxon? Number of Americans Paying Zero Federal Income Tax Grows to 43.4 Million | Tax Foundation
How many of you swallow this "plan" which does nothing to reduce the deficit or create real (i.e., private sector) jobs? Please explain how raising taxes on people who earn more than you do will benefit you, other than allowing an outlet for your envy. Thank you for your thoughtful response.

Excellent point.

Stupid democrats think taxing the rich another 70 billion a year will wash away a trillion dollar deficit.....
How many of you swallow this "plan" which does nothing to reduce the deficit or create real (i.e., private sector) jobs? Please explain how raising taxes on people who earn more than you do will benefit you, other than allowing an outlet for your envy. Thank you for your thoughtful response.

Excellent point.

Stupid democrats think taxing the rich another 70 billion a year will wash away a trillion dollar deficit.....

If you kill the loopholes (like the ones the robme's like to extort)
and make the 1% pay their fair share on dividends and earned interest,

its going to amount to quite a bit more than 70 billion a year.

So even if it is 2 or 300 billion, that’s 2 or 300 billion off the deficit.

I know the conservatives don’t like to hear that, and I am not sure why! there are more conservatives living below poverty then liberals.

So why do they want to give more to the 1%?

uhh just dumb I guess..

Oh ya I forgot, they like to sleep on the paper rather than reading it!

:laugh2: x 2!
How many of you swallow this "plan" which does nothing to reduce the deficit or create real (i.e., private sector) jobs? Please explain how raising taxes on people who earn more than you do will benefit you, other than allowing an outlet for your envy. Thank you for your thoughtful response.

Easy....because thats where the money is

Will raising taxes on the wealthy completely wipe out the debt? Of course not
But increasing revenue while decreasing spending is the best way to pay down debt

How can the Republicans in good faith bitch about the debt at the same time they offer massive tax cuts?
If rich assholes like Romney can hide money in tax shelters and such, or make their money primarily off capital gains, then what will raising the income tax rate on the rich really do? Not much.

Both parties should be in favor of revamping the tax code. Simplify and level it so everyone has some skin in the game and no one can avoid their share. A simplified tax code would help small businesses as well.
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How many of you swallow this "plan" which does nothing to reduce the deficit or create real (i.e., private sector) jobs? Please explain how raising taxes on people who earn more than you do will benefit you, other than allowing an outlet for your envy. Thank you for your thoughtful response.

Excellent point.

Stupid democrats think taxing the rich another 70 billion a year will wash away a trillion dollar deficit.....

If you kill the loopholes (like the ones the robme's like to extort)
and make the 1% pay their fair share on dividends and earned interest,

its going to amount to quite a bit more than 70 billion a year.

So even if it is 2 or 300 billion, that’s 2 or 300 billion off the deficit.

I know the conservatives don’t like to hear that, and I am not sure why! there are more conservatives living below poverty then liberals.

So why do they want to give more to the 1%?

uhh just dumb I guess..

Oh ya I forgot, they like to sleep on the paper rather than reading it!

:laugh2: x 2!

Oh and just for you dumb conservatives trying to look it up, thinking,

uhhhh no way are there more conservatives below poverty..

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, Statistical Abstract of the United States: 2012 the average rate of Individuals Below Poverty Level across the United States in 2009 was 14.3%. 14 out of 22 Conservative States had a higher than average rate of Individuals Below Poverty Level (64% of Conservative States) versus 7 out of 29 Liberal States that had a higher than average rate of Individuals Below Poverty Level (24% of Liberal States). The highest rate of Individuals Below Poverty Level in the country is found in Mississippi with 21.9%. The lowest rate of Individuals Below Poverty Level in the country is found in New Hampshire with 8.5%.

h t t p ://www.census.gov/prod/2011pubs/12statab/income.pdf

silly n()()b$
How many of you swallow this "plan" which does nothing to reduce the deficit or create real (i.e., private sector) jobs? Please explain how raising taxes on people who earn more than you do will benefit you, other than allowing an outlet for your envy. Thank you for your thoughtful response.

Excellent point.

Stupid democrats think taxing the rich another 70 billion a year will wash away a trillion dollar deficit.....

If you kill the loopholes (like the ones the robme's like to extort)
and make the 1% pay their fair share on dividends and earned interest,

its going to amount to quite a bit more than 70 billion a year.

So even if it is 2 or 300 billion, that’s 2 or 300 billion off the deficit.

I know the conservatives don’t like to hear that, and I am not sure why! there are more conservatives living below poverty then liberals.

So why do they want to give more to the 1%?

uhh just dumb I guess..

Oh ya I forgot, they like to sleep on the paper rather than reading it!

:laugh2: x 2!


Every American should pay the same percentage. Be treated equally.

Something the low life would never approve of.
Excellent point.

Stupid democrats think taxing the rich another 70 billion a year will wash away a trillion dollar deficit.....

If you kill the loopholes (like the ones the robme's like to extort)
and make the 1% pay their fair share on dividends and earned interest,

its going to amount to quite a bit more than 70 billion a year.

So even if it is 2 or 300 billion, that’s 2 or 300 billion off the deficit.

I know the conservatives don’t like to hear that, and I am not sure why! there are more conservatives living below poverty then liberals.

So why do they want to give more to the 1%?

uhh just dumb I guess..

Oh ya I forgot, they like to sleep on the paper rather than reading it!

:laugh2: x 2!


Every American should pay the same percentage. Be treated equally.

Something the low life would never approve of.


seems to me most of the lowlifes in the country sweeping up all the benefits are the
If you kill the loopholes (like the ones the robme's like to extort)
and make the 1% pay their fair share on dividends and earned interest,

its going to amount to quite a bit more than 70 billion a year.

So even if it is 2 or 300 billion, that’s 2 or 300 billion off the deficit.

I know the conservatives don’t like to hear that, and I am not sure why! there are more conservatives living below poverty then liberals.

So why do they want to give more to the 1%?

uhh just dumb I guess..

Oh ya I forgot, they like to sleep on the paper rather than reading it!

:laugh2: x 2!


Every American should pay the same percentage. Be treated equally.

Something the low life would never approve of.


seems to me most of the lowlifes in the country sweeping up all the benefits are the

:lmao: Maybe that tiny mind can provide some real world examples.............

Every American should pay the same percentage. Be treated equally.

Something the low life would never approve of.


seems to me most of the lowlifes in the country sweeping up all the benefits are the

:lmao: Maybe that tiny mind can provide some real world examples.............

are you that dumb, or just can't read?

oh ya you like to sleep on that paper rather than reading it!

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, Statistical Abstract of the United States: 2012 the average rate of Individuals Below Poverty Level across the United States in 2009 was 14.3%. 14 out of 22 Conservative States had a higher than average rate of Individuals Below Poverty Level (64% of Conservative States) versus 7 out of 29 Liberal States that had a higher than average rate of Individuals Below Poverty Level (24% of Liberal States). The highest rate of Individuals Below Poverty Level in the country is found in Mississippi with 21.9%. The lowest rate of Individuals Below Poverty Level in the country is found in New Hampshire with 8.5%.
All the Pubbots who don't know about the spending cuts, Jobs Act and Transportation Bills, Health savings etc etc etc. The wages of ignorance....

Many of us are aware of the dem attempts at picking winners and losers. They described this discrimination as job bills. Next time you guys want a jobs bill passed, include all americans or small business, not just the ones your buddies run.......
How many of you swallow this "plan" which does nothing to reduce the deficit or create real (i.e., private sector) jobs?
Please explain how raising taxes on people who earn more than you do will benefit you,
other than allowing an outlet for your envy. Thank you for your thoughtful response.

Tell you what. YOU tell me why in the fuk that you give a shit that somedude making, lets say 130,000.00 a month (1million 500k yrly) why are you worried that this person pays 3 or 4% more Federal Income tax. You think he/she can't get by on $115,000 a month.

If they can't, they don't have an income or a tax problem, they got a spending problem.

And those are low income numbers for the seriously ultra wealthy.

So you tell me why you care so much for the ultra wealthy cause I can almost guarantee that you are not among them.

And I will tell you why I would rather see them taxed more than me taxed more.
What's up with that shitheaded reasoning? "Does nothing to reduce the deficit."
1) Yes, it will do something to reduce the deficit. More taxes=less deficit, all other things being equal.
2) The rich control the government. If they're paying for more of it, they might want less of it, which equals less deficit and less tyranny.

Throughout our history, more taxes has meant more spending.

I love reading that happy horseshit about how we should all be taxed the same because we are all "equal".

That's the stupidiest fuking idea in the world. Whoever writes that shit; Do you really REALLY think that in this mean ole world that you with maybe a 80k a year job is EQUAL to the person bringing in 150 million a year? You equal to the Koch Brothers. You equal to Bill Gates? Buffett? Albert Pujols? KId Rock?

YOU delusional is what you are.
There is natural income inequality and there is unnatural income inequality, just as there is natural physical inequality and unnatural physical inequality.

Natural physical inequality arises when one person works out every day, several hours a day, and then goes on to win a gold medal at the Olympics. Meanwhile, his classmate plays video games during every free moment.

Unnatural physical inequality arises when one athlete takes "performance enhancing" drugs and another athlete does not.

Natural income inequality arises when one person works harder than another. If two people go to the same schools, use the same roads and bridges, and have access to the same bank loans, and only one takes the risk of starting a business and then wildly succeeds, he or she rightfully has a shit ton more money than the one who did not take the risk.

Punishing the rich person with higher taxes for his rightful success out of class envy is the sure path to the destruction of our economy and our nation. Whining that he did not build the roads and bridges is literally counter-productive.

Unnatural income inequality is not caused by allowing the rich to keep their money. It is caused by one person being given legislative advantages that another person is not given. And taxing both of them more only exacerbates the unnatural differences between them.

An example of such unnatural legislative advantages are tax breaks for a mining company or an alternative energy company or any other industry.

Other examples are the Financial Services Modernization Act of 1999 and the Commodities Futures Modernization Act of 2000. These two acts are transferring massive amounts of wealth from the common man's pocket into the pockets of a select few by way of your 401k, your insurance companies, your city treasuries, your public employee pension plans, and many other avenues.

Raising taxes does not repair unnatural income inequalities.

If a thief was allowed by the authorities to come into your house and take your stuff, how is raising taxes on a guy who lives in a bigger house than you going to stop that?

It won't. In fact, if the thief is taxed more, he is going to steal more to make up the difference.

We need to stop the thieves, not punish the productive.

Therefore, raising taxes is not going to reduce the unnatural income inequalities we see in America today.

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