Obama's Hoodlum Friends


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
Obama let Felon Tony Rezko give him a $100,000 piece of land that had he been a Republican would have been called a bribe

He had Jon "I dunno where the $1.2B is" Corzine write the failed Stimulus

Why are the prominent people in Obama's life crooks and criminals?

Is that why we got downgraded, because Obama just doesn't give a fuck about convention?
Well just look at what Chicago is all about.
Still the people keep voting in the Dems.

Chicago crumbling in poverty — RT

'A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government. A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse due to loose fiscal policy, which is always followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world's greatest civilizations from the beginning of history has been about 200 years. During those 200 years, these nations always progressed through the following sequence:

From bondage to spiritual faith;
From spiritual faith to great courage;
From courage to liberty;
From liberty to abundance;
From abundance to complacency;
From complacency to apathy;
From apathy to dependence;
From dependence back into bondage.'
That's a first agreement we've had. Thankfully, we don't have a democracy. Although I would, and others might too, argue that we are in fact, headed down that same roadway. Perhaps Engels and Marx were onto something afterall and just too hate filled for anglo-saxon capitalism to realize what it was they were actually onto; The cycle of civilizations.
Golden oldies? I'll bet you stopped bitching about the invasion of Iraq two years after it happened. :rolleyes:
Golden oldies? I'll bet you stopped bitching about the invasion of Iraq two years after it happened. :rolleyes:

Totally comparable events on a terms of costs to the taxpayer and lives lost both foreign and domestic.

Soo... Hoodlum huh? I wonder why that word is used.
Golden oldies? I'll bet you stopped bitching about the invasion of Iraq two years after it happened. :rolleyes:

Totally comparable events on a terms of costs to the taxpayer and lives lost both foreign and domestic.

Soo... Hoodlum huh? I wonder why that word is used.

So as long as the contrast isn't perceived as negatively that makes it better?

Wow. Great lengths democrat supporters will go.

"It's fine as long as the crimes are less than the ones displayed previously!" :cuckoo:
Obama let Felon Tony Rezko give him a $100,000 piece of land that had he been a Republican would have been called a bribe

He had Jon "I dunno where the $1.2B is" Corzine write the failed Stimulus

Why are the prominent people in Obama's life crooks and criminals?

Is that why we got downgraded, because Obama just doesn't give a fuck about convention?

Obama let Felon Tony Rezko give him a $100,000 piece of land that had he been a Republican would have been called a bribe

He had Jon "I dunno where the $1.2B is" Corzine write the failed Stimulus

Why are the prominent people in Obama's life crooks and criminals?

Is that why we got downgraded, because Obama just doesn't give a fuck about convention?


No racist stereotyping here, folks. Nope, none at all:eusa_whistle:
Wow...the RW is really spinning the golden oldies these days. What, no Reverend Wright threads?

And you're spinning the Saul Alinsky, Rules for Radicals tactics.

I'll take the truth over your crap any day.


Saul Alinsky has been dead for a long time and he isn't influencing much of anything.

Quit hating on dead Jews who accomplished noble things. What is wrong with this Alinsky fellow?
Obama let Felon Tony Rezko give him a $100,000 piece of land that had he been a Republican would have been called a bribe

He had Jon "I dunno where the $1.2B is" Corzine write the failed Stimulus

Why are the prominent people in Obama's life crooks and criminals?

Is that why we got downgraded, because Obama just doesn't give a fuck about convention?


No racist stereotyping here, folks. Nope, none at all:eusa_whistle:

Pale Rider isn't worried about being called a racist. He relishes in it and ups the ante.

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