Obama's Gender Pay Gap is Myth. It's Just Not True, Experts Say


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220

Obama's Gender Pay Gap is Myth. It's Just Not True, Experts Say

By: Michael Kersmarki

Experts say that the gender pay gap touted at Tuesday night's debate by President Obama is simply not true, and that even his own White House staff pays men more than women if the same erroneous statistical manipulation is used.

Journalist Bernard Goldberg has been one of many to discredit this widely held myth.

“"I don’t know about you but I’m getting tired of pundits and activists – almost always on the left — who don’t know what they’re talking about, spouting off in the media about how women don’t make as much as men for doing the same work," Goldberg said.

Why do men generally earn more than women? It's because men often do different kinds of work than women, asserts James Sherk at the Heritage Foundation.


Obama's Gender Pay Gap is Myth. It's Just Not True, Experts Say - Tampa Bay Elections | Examiner.com
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, Experts Say
And what is an "expert" [x-spurt]?

"X" stand for an unknown quantity, and a "spurt" is a drip of water under pressure. So an "expert" is some unknown drip under pressure. :D

have to disagree on the definition, an "X" is a has been, and your correct on the spurt so it is a, Has been, dirp under preasure.
The only way you can guage pay equity is if the two individuals have the same time on the job, preform exactly the same task and work exactly the same hours, in the same location. If all that doesn't match there is no comparison.
I thought the pay gap was an assertion made by a questioner, and accepted by both debaters.

Obama's Gender Pay Gap is Myth. It's Just Not True, Experts Say

By: Michael Kersmarki

Experts say that the gender pay gap touted at Tuesday night's debate by President Obama is simply not true, and that even his own White House staff pays men more than women if the same erroneous statistical manipulation is used.

Journalist Bernard Goldberg has been one of many to discredit this widely held myth.

“"I don’t know about you but I’m getting tired of pundits and activists – almost always on the left — who don’t know what they’re talking about, spouting off in the media about how women don’t make as much as men for doing the same work," Goldberg said.

Why do men generally earn more than women? It's because men often do different kinds of work than women, asserts James Sherk at the Heritage Foundation.


Obama's Gender Pay Gap is Myth. It's Just Not True, Experts Say - Tampa Bay Elections | Examiner.com

The 2009 Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act ought to be something you can sink your political teeth into. It was based on factual evidence that Ledbetter, a production manager, was paid less than males doing the same work. But don't think Ledbetter's case is an isolated one. The LLFPA was cited over 300 times in other cases before it was signed into law as an ammendment to the 1964 Civil Right's Act.


As far as using the Heritage Foundation as a source, I wouldn't. That right wing "think tank"has never been objective or unbiased. The HF was created for the sole purpose of promoting right wing causes through propaganda!

Obama's Gender Pay Gap is Myth. It's Just Not True, Experts Say

By: Michael Kersmarki

Experts say that the gender pay gap touted at Tuesday night's debate by President Obama is simply not true, and that even his own White House staff pays men more than women if the same erroneous statistical manipulation is used.

Journalist Bernard Goldberg has been one of many to discredit this widely held myth.

“"I don’t know about you but I’m getting tired of pundits and activists – almost always on the left — who don’t know what they’re talking about, spouting off in the media about how women don’t make as much as men for doing the same work," Goldberg said.

Why do men generally earn more than women? It's because men often do different kinds of work than women, asserts James Sherk at the Heritage Foundation.


Obama's Gender Pay Gap is Myth. It's Just Not True, Experts Say - Tampa Bay Elections | Examiner.com

The 2009 Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act ought to be something you can sink your political teeth into. It was based on factual evidence that Ledbetter, a production manager, was paid less than males doing the same work. But don't think Ledbetter's case is an isolated one. The LLFPA was cited over 300 times in other cases before it was signed into law as an ammendment to the 1964 Civil Right's Act.


As far as using the Heritage Foundation as a source, I wouldn't. That right wing "think tank"has never been objective or unbiased. The HF was created for the sole purpose of promoting right wing causes through propaganda!

Don't be so hard on the Heritage Foundation...they invented ObamaCare after all.
Congress' enormous gender pay-gap: By the numbers

posted on July 16, 2012, at 3:19 PM

Women staffers on Capitol Hill make far less than their male counterparts, bringing the issue of gender inequality to Congress' doorstep

The enduring pay gap between men and women has long been one of the most stubborn symbols of gender inequality, and in few places is that more obvious than in Congress, says Matt Berman at The National Journal. Women staffers on Capitol Hill make significantly less than their male colleagues, a disparity that is partly explained by the fact that high-level congressional jobs are often occupied by males — leaving the paper-pushing and appointment-making to the ladies. And the gap is most glaring in Republican ranks. Here, a numerical guide to Congress' gender pay gap:

Average difference between male and female salaries in the House

Congress' enormous gender pay-gap: By the numbers - The Week

Obama's Gender Pay Gap is Myth. It's Just Not True, Experts Say

By: Michael Kersmarki

Experts say that the gender pay gap touted at Tuesday night's debate by President Obama is simply not true, and that even his own White House staff pays men more than women if the same erroneous statistical manipulation is used.

Journalist Bernard Goldberg has been one of many to discredit this widely held myth.

“"I don’t know about you but I’m getting tired of pundits and activists – almost always on the left — who don’t know what they’re talking about, spouting off in the media about how women don’t make as much as men for doing the same work," Goldberg said.

Why do men generally earn more than women? It's because men often do different kinds of work than women, asserts James Sherk at the Heritage Foundation.


Obama's Gender Pay Gap is Myth. It's Just Not True, Experts Say - Tampa Bay Elections | Examiner.com

If there's no gap then why did Mitt insist on discriminating against men and giving hiring preference to women in his cabinet?
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Obama's Gender Pay Gap is Myth. It's Just Not True, Experts Say

By: Michael Kersmarki

Experts say that the gender pay gap touted at Tuesday night's debate by President Obama is simply not true, and that even his own White House staff pays men more than women if the same erroneous statistical manipulation is used.

Journalist Bernard Goldberg has been one of many to discredit this widely held myth.

“"I don’t know about you but I’m getting tired of pundits and activists – almost always on the left — who don’t know what they’re talking about, spouting off in the media about how women don’t make as much as men for doing the same work," Goldberg said.

Why do men generally earn more than women? It's because men often do different kinds of work than women, asserts James Sherk at the Heritage Foundation.


Obama's Gender Pay Gap is Myth. It's Just Not True, Experts Say - Tampa Bay Elections | Examiner.com

If there's no gap then why did Mitt insist on discriminating against men and giving hiring preference to women in his cabinet?

PooPoo, your question is moronic and your dumber than

Obama's Gender Pay Gap is Myth. It's Just Not True, Experts Say

By: Michael Kersmarki

Experts say that the gender pay gap touted at Tuesday night's debate by President Obama is simply not true, and that even his own White House staff pays men more than women if the same erroneous statistical manipulation is used.

Journalist Bernard Goldberg has been one of many to discredit this widely held myth.

“"I don’t know about you but I’m getting tired of pundits and activists – almost always on the left — who don’t know what they’re talking about, spouting off in the media about how women don’t make as much as men for doing the same work," Goldberg said.

Why do men generally earn more than women? It's because men often do different kinds of work than women, asserts James Sherk at the Heritage Foundation.


Obama's Gender Pay Gap is Myth. It's Just Not True, Experts Say - Tampa Bay Elections | Examiner.com

If there's no gap then why did Mitt insist on discriminating against men and giving hiring preference to women in his cabinet?

PooPoo, your question is moronic and your dumber than

Well? Mittens admitted in the 2nd debate he engage in a policy of wilful affirmative action to hire women over men. So why did he need to do that if there is no inequity?
If there's no gap then why did Mitt insist on discriminating against men and giving hiring preference to women in his cabinet?

PooPoo, your question is moronic and your dumber than

Well? Mittens admitted in the 2nd debate he engage in a policy of wilful affirmative action to hire women over men. So why did he need to do that if there is no inequity?

You do know were talking about MONEY-PAY-DINERO...

Your going to have to play with yo-self, I'm going on the beach to watch the meteor shower, later boiy...
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PooPoo, your question is moronic and your dumber than

Well? Mittens admitted in the 2nd debate he engage in a policy of wilful affirmative action to hire women over men. So why did he need to do that if there is no inequity?

You do know were talking about MONEY-PAY-DINERO...

Your going to have to play with yo-self, I'm going on the beach to watch the meteor shower, later boiy...

Mitt pretty much said in the 2nd debate that women should only expect to be paid as well as men when the economy is strong, seeing as how they're all so busy raising kids.
Well? Mittens admitted in the 2nd debate he engage in a policy of wilful affirmative action to hire women over men. So why did he need to do that if there is no inequity?

You do know were talking about MONEY-PAY-DINERO...

Your going to have to play with yo-self, I'm going on the beach to watch the meteor shower, later boiy...

Mitt pretty much said in the 2nd debate that women should only expect to be paid as well as men when the economy is strong, seeing as how they're all so busy raising kids.

PooPoo, I didn't hear anything like that, Why don't YOU find the transcript and highlight that part so we can all see it...:D
The only way you can guage pay equity is if the two individuals have the same time on the job, preform exactly the same task and work exactly the same hours, in the same location. If all that doesn't match there is no comparison.

I think it is safe to assume that all of those considerations you have listed were taken into account before the Fair Pay Act was signed into law!
Never letting the facts get in the way of the victim narrative.
February 5, 2016
Matthew Vadum


President Obama used the seventh anniversary of a law based on lies to push the Left's long-running lie that American employers discriminate against female employees.

The Left perpetuates the cult of the victim because it needs clients. Independent, self-reliant, self-respecting women who succeed on their own don't need leftist social programs (and they're less likely to vote for Democrats). Sadly, the leftist lie that women earn less than men will probably never die because it is essential to the Left's narrative that America is inherently unfair.

And it’s not that Obama is necessarily economically illiterate -- as a Marxist ideologue he simply doesn't care about the laws of economics, which he regards as obstacles to be overcome in the furtherance of social progress.

"Today, women account for almost half of the workforce," Obamahuffed. "But the typical woman who works full time still earns 79 cents for every dollar that the typical man does."

The Radical-in-Chief continued:

It doesn’t just offend our values. At a time when women are increasingly the breadwinners in our households, paying them less makes it harder for families to cover the necessities like child care or health care, just to pay the bills. It makes it harder for a family to save, harder for families to retire. It means local businesses have customers with less money to spend. So it’s not good for our communities. It’s not good for our families. It’s not good for our businesses. What kind of example does paying women less set for our sons and daughters?

Of course comparing men's wages to women's wages is like comparing apples to oranges.

As the Manhattan Institute's Diana Furchtgott-Rothwrotein 2013, the 77-cent figure Obama used that year "is bogus because it averages all full-time women, no matter what education and profession, with all full-time men."

Furchgott-Roth added:

Even with such averaging, the latest Labor Department figures show that women working full-time make 81 percent of full-time men's wages. For men and women who work 40 hours weekly, the ratio is 88 percent.

"Unmarried childless women's salaries, however, often exceed men's. In a comparison of unmarried and childless men and women between the ages of 35 and 43, women earn more: 108 cents on a man's dollar.

Women pull in less money because they tend to opt for more humanities and fewer science and math majors in college.

"Then, when they graduate, more enter the non-profit or government sector," she observed. "Finally, many choose to work fewer hours to better combine work and family. In May, 2013, according to Labor Department data, 23 percent of women worked part-time, compared to 11 percent of men."

Even the left-wingWashington Posthas called outObama for his pay-gap distortions, awarding "Two Pinocchios" to his 2014 claim that American women earn just 77 cents for every dollar men earn.

Unless women stop getting married and having children, and start abandoning careers in childhood education for naval architecture, this huge gap in wages will almost certainly persist. Democrats thus can keep bringing it up every two years.

There appears to be some sort of wage gap and closing it is certainly a worthy goal. But it’s a bit rich for the president to repeatedly cite this statistic as an 'embarrassment.' ... The president must begin to acknowledge that '77 cents' does not begin to capture what is actually happening in the work force and society.

But Obama never lets facts get in the way of the narrative.

On January 29 Obama praised Lilly Ledbetter, who unsuccessfully sued Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. for not paying her as much as male counterparts. Of course the president left out the fact that Ledbetter wasa terrible employeewho was lucky she wasn't fired for poor job performance.


Last week he proposed collecting and reporting pay data by race, ethnicity, and sex from businesses with 100 or more employees. The goal "is to help businesses that are trying to do the right thing ... to get a clearer picture of how they can ensure their employees are being treated equally."

Perhaps, but letting the government seize the data will also help in Obama's fundamental transformation of America.

Obama's 'Pay Gap' Lies

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