Obama's FDA: Ban your kids from working on YOUR farm??!


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Feds criminalizing small family farms under ridiculous 'labor laws' that target children

This fucking tyrant just wont stop will he? Whats next? How about this, for now: The Obama FDA is now going to use child labor laws to forbid YOUR kid from doing work on YOUR farm. Thats right folks. Any of you who grew up on a farm, and helped milk the cows, harvest crops, tend to chickens, bail hay, whatever....all the farm chores....now will be forbiden to by the Obama regime.

I cannot believe this is the United States. Where soon, a farmer in Nebraska wont be able to tell his 13 year old son to wake-up early and help with the farm work.

And guess what? As we know the Dept of Agriculture has been handing out free money to "black farmers" who were discriminated against. What did they need to do to be considered a "farmer"? Simply say that at one point they tried to grow food.

Does that mean Michelle Obama's garden is now a "farm" and the FDA will forbid the Obama daughters from helping her do the garden work?

This president is becoming a fucking quiet tyrants. Slowly but surely he is becoming America's first true dictator. They are also gonna have the Feds take over all training for farmers, ousting the Future Farmers of America and other grassroots, local efforts to train them. Yeah, thats right Obama and FDA, you send some DC eggheads to train a few farmers who are 7th generation farmers on that plot of land. I'm sure you guys will tell them something they dont know.

Voting Romney might not make things 1994 again....but that may be the only way to stop this madman.
What about picking fruits from trees in my backyard?

Can my kids do ANY labor around the house?

How are our kids supposed to learn about hard work and self-reliance if they aren't gonna be allowed to work on the farms their families have? They'll be destined to be occupy idiots.
one of the first things commies do is control the food supply......this will help destroy any independent small farmers....
So what if they already dropped it. The fact that they were gonna TRY IT says so much. And yes, read it, it would affect family farms.
one of the first things commies do is control the food supply......this will help destroy any independent small farmers....

Yep. That was one of the very first things the USSR (United SOCIALIST States of Russia) tried to do. Confiscate any "unauthorized" food production from family farms. Wow, "unauthorized" food production. Our FDA would never think of that right?
I cannot believe this is the United States. Where soon, a farmer in Nebraska wont be able to tell his 13 year old son to wake-up early and help with the farm work

Obama's right. Kids associating work with money at an early age would be dangerous. Legislation prohibiting kids from working really should be coupled with legislation requiring an allowance for maximum dependency training effectiveness.
Feds criminalizing small family farms under ridiculous 'labor laws' that target children

This fucking tyrant just wont stop will he? Whats next? How about this, for now: The Obama FDA is now going to use child labor laws to forbid YOUR kid from doing work on YOUR farm. Thats right folks. Any of you who grew up on a farm, and helped milk the cows, harvest crops, tend to chickens, bail hay, whatever....all the farm chores....now will be forbiden to by the Obama regime.

I cannot believe this is the United States. Where soon, a farmer in Nebraska wont be able to tell his 13 year old son to wake-up early and help with the farm work.

And guess what? As we know the Dept of Agriculture has been handing out free money to "black farmers" who were discriminated against. What did they need to do to be considered a "farmer"? Simply say that at one point they tried to grow food.

Does that mean Michelle Obama's garden is now a "farm" and the FDA will forbid the Obama daughters from helping her do the garden work?

This president is becoming a fucking quiet tyrants. Slowly but surely he is becoming America's first true dictator. They are also gonna have the Feds take over all training for farmers, ousting the Future Farmers of America and other grassroots, local efforts to train them. Yeah, thats right Obama and FDA, you send some DC eggheads to train a few farmers who are 7th generation farmers on that plot of land. I'm sure you guys will tell them something they dont know.

Voting Romney might not make things 1994 again....but that may be the only way to stop this madman.


BTW, further proof you are behind the times....

Obama administration pulls rule on child farm labor - Yahoo! News
I cannot believe this is the United States. Where soon, a farmer in Nebraska wont be able to tell his 13 year old son to wake-up early and help with the farm work

Obama's right. Kids associating work with money at an early age would be dangerous. Legislation prohibiting kids from working really should be coupled with legislation requiring an allowance for maximum dependency training effectiveness.

insane twisted liberalism......kids shouldn't do chores on a farm......BUT a boy can get free condoms mailed to him and a girl can get an abortion without parental consent......:cuckoo:
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I cannot believe this is the United States. Where soon, a farmer in Nebraska wont be able to tell his 13 year old son to wake-up early and help with the farm work

Obama's right. Kids associating work with money at an early age would be dangerous. Legislation prohibiting kids from working really should be coupled with legislation requiring an allowance for maximum dependency training effectiveness.

insane twisted liberalism......kids can't do chores on a farm......BUT a boy can get free condoms mailed to him and a girl can get an abortion without parental consent......:cuckoo:

It isn't part of the FDA rules, READ the first 30+ threads on this.
This legislation and all proposals have been withdrawn. And a public statement was given that it will not be persued any further during the Obama administration.
Ah, so since the Obama admin has withdrawn this, we should excuse him from all liability for even trying to do it?

Banning kids from working on their parents farm. Wow.
Feds criminalizing small family farms under ridiculous 'labor laws' that target children

This fucking tyrant just wont stop will he? Whats next? How about this, for now: The Obama FDA is now going to use child labor laws to forbid YOUR kid from doing work on YOUR farm. Thats right folks. Any of you who grew up on a farm, and helped milk the cows, harvest crops, tend to chickens, bail hay, whatever....all the farm chores....now will be forbiden to by the Obama regime.

I cannot believe this is the United States. Where soon, a farmer in Nebraska wont be able to tell his 13 year old son to wake-up early and help with the farm work.

And guess what? As we know the Dept of Agriculture has been handing out free money to "black farmers" who were discriminated against. What did they need to do to be considered a "farmer"? Simply say that at one point they tried to grow food.

Does that mean Michelle Obama's garden is now a "farm" and the FDA will forbid the Obama daughters from helping her do the garden work?

This president is becoming a fucking quiet tyrants. Slowly but surely he is becoming America's first true dictator. They are also gonna have the Feds take over all training for farmers, ousting the Future Farmers of America and other grassroots, local efforts to train them. Yeah, thats right Obama and FDA, you send some DC eggheads to train a few farmers who are 7th generation farmers on that plot of land. I'm sure you guys will tell them something they dont know.

Voting Romney might not make things 1994 again....but that may be the only way to stop this madman.


BTW, further proof you are behind the times....

Obama administration pulls rule on child farm labor - Yahoo! News

FDA was used in topic line; I use USDA myself, but the FEDERAL part was given emphasis...............................
Obama's right. Kids associating work with money at an early age would be dangerous. Legislation prohibiting kids from working really should be coupled with legislation requiring an allowance for maximum dependency training effectiveness.

insane twisted liberalism......kids can't do chores on a farm......BUT a boy can get free condoms mailed to him and a girl can get an abortion without parental consent......:cuckoo:

It isn't part of the FDA rules, READ the first 30+ threads on this.

why not 130+threads?......the intent is there....it's only because of the pouring outrage that they withdrew this shit....

how many other new suffocating rules are there against farmers.....? ......quite alot....how about the dust rules.....or the tractor on the highway rule....or the pile of papers a person now has to fill out just to sell some extra vegetables..? despite this setback for the demonrats.....their net is slowly closing....
What about picking fruits from trees in my backyard?

Can my kids do ANY labor around the house?

How are our kids supposed to learn about hard work and self-reliance if they aren't gonna be allowed to work on the farms their families have? They'll be destined to be occupy idiots.
Careful, they'll wind up being the Furrier's er, Obama Youth.

We really need to do something about changing the renters at 1600 PA.
A... 37 threads on this already...
B... it would NOT have affected family farms...

and a big fat ol C... they already DROPPED IT!

A Hyperbole much?
B. That would depend on how you define family farm. The fact that opposition to these regulations was bipartisan, and vehement, from the people that actually farm, and that even Democrats who had advance knowledge of exactly what the regulations would say opposed them, tells me you might want to rethink your position.
Feds criminalizing small family farms under ridiculous 'labor laws' that target children

This fucking tyrant just wont stop will he? Whats next? How about this, for now: The Obama FDA is now going to use child labor laws to forbid YOUR kid from doing work on YOUR farm. Thats right folks. Any of you who grew up on a farm, and helped milk the cows, harvest crops, tend to chickens, bail hay, whatever....all the farm chores....now will be forbiden to by the Obama regime.

I cannot believe this is the United States. Where soon, a farmer in Nebraska wont be able to tell his 13 year old son to wake-up early and help with the farm work.

And guess what? As we know the Dept of Agriculture has been handing out free money to "black farmers" who were discriminated against. What did they need to do to be considered a "farmer"? Simply say that at one point they tried to grow food.

Does that mean Michelle Obama's garden is now a "farm" and the FDA will forbid the Obama daughters from helping her do the garden work?

This president is becoming a fucking quiet tyrants. Slowly but surely he is becoming America's first true dictator. They are also gonna have the Feds take over all training for farmers, ousting the Future Farmers of America and other grassroots, local efforts to train them. Yeah, thats right Obama and FDA, you send some DC eggheads to train a few farmers who are 7th generation farmers on that plot of land. I'm sure you guys will tell them something they dont know.

Voting Romney might not make things 1994 again....but that may be the only way to stop this madman.


BTW, further proof you are behind the times....

Obama administration pulls rule on child farm labor - Yahoo! News

FDA was used in topic line; I use USDA myself, but the FEDERAL part was given emphasis...............................

It was the DOL.

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