Michelle Obama: 1/2 million $$$ shopping spree in Spain...using tax money?

Michelle Obama's Spanish vacation cost taxpayers $500,000 | Mail Online

Only 2 explanations....

She spent 1/2 million $$$ of our money to wine, dine and shop in Spain.


She's rich, and can afford a 1/2 million $$$ fun spree in Spain while most American's suffer. She's an evil rich person, and coulda donated that money instead. Thus, the left should hate her for her wealth.

Which is it?

Go upstairs and ask your mother what a "fallacy of the excluded middle" is.
Its an easy question. In these hard economic times, when her husbands campaign slogan is basically "Rich People = Evil"..............she drops $500,000.00 in Spain with some of her friends.

Is she an evil, greedy, insensitive rich person?
Or did she spend all that tax money on a shopping spree?

Only two explanations really. That money woulda done a lot for charity. Or the national debt....since she and Barack so badly want the rich to pay more, they could start and lead from the front right?

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