Obama's failures as President


Type 40
Jul 1, 2011
This will start us off. Feel free to add your list of Obama failures.

A Chronicle Of Obama’s Failures

Compared to President Bush, President Obama’s annual budget deficit is 7.5 percentage points worse on average. Under Obama, average monthly unemployment is 4.1 percentage points higher than unemployment under President Bush. Average monthly housing starts are 66% lower under Obama. Average annual food stamp participation has increased 63% from 22.7 million to 37.0 million. In January 2001, when President Bush took office, the monthly participation rate was 17.2 million. By January 2011, food stamp particpation reached a high of 44.2 million under President Obama.

President Obama, the first American President to win a Nobel Peace Prize for “hope” rather than any substantive accomplishments, also added another conflict to the two he inherited from his predecessor.

Under President Obama, daily crude oil prices have been 41% higher on average and the average weekly retail gasoline price has been 25% higher than prices during the Bush administration.


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President Obama has accomplished more than the last two Bush's combined
Obamer has worked hard. I think he has failed in that he and his wife, Michelle Antoinette, I mean Obama, haven't taken enough vacations on the tax payer dime to relieve their stress.
I'd be one of the first to say that Obama has accomplished a lot; but i'd also be one of the first to admit that Obama has disappointed me. My biggest complaint is that he folds too easily when faced with Republican intransigence. He needs to put up more of a fight. Another, and perhaps more important, complaint is his administration's continuation of Bush policies that have, are and will continue to erode our liberties in the name of national security.
Lets just wait and see how small the crowds are next year. Obama won't get the usual crowds of 1000 naive twits like he did last time, unless he has to pay them.
The DNC Convention will be the funniest thing on television that week, as Debbie Wasserman Bagelhead will make a speech about how the economy has bounced back and the nation as a whole is so much richer, so many Americans have paid their credit cards off, sent their kids to college, Obama bringing the deficit down to 0.00 dollars !!!! I can't wait !!!
The DNC Convention will be the funniest thing on television that week, as Debbie Wasserman Bagelhead will make a speech about how the economy has bounced back and the nation as a whole is so much richer, so many Americans have paid their credit cards off, sent their kids to college, Obama bringing the deficit down to 0.00 dollars !!!! I can't wait !!!

As opposed to the GOP talking about giving back to insurance companies the right to turn people down or deny coverage for having a pre-existing condition? Outlawing abortion? Bringing back DADT? More tax cuts for the rich? Screw the environment? :lol:
Who can't wait for May/June when most polls show Romney at 55% to Bozo's 39%??? Obama is already in serious trouble in Penn/Ohio/Fla. just for starters. If anything those three states are fed up with chicago thugs running the country! Like Me!!!! Bozo has already lost NC,NH,Iowa,Virginia & Indiana. Where is he gonna campaign? States 51 thru 57?
Who can't wait for May/June when most polls show Romney at 55% to Bozo's 39%??? Obama is already in serious trouble in Penn/Ohio/Fla. just for starters. If anything those three states are fed up with chicago thugs running the country! Like Me!!!! Bozo has already lost NC,NH,Iowa,Virginia & Indiana. Where is he gonna campaign? States 51 thru 57?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SkzV5AIK8iM]Funniest Movie Line Ever - YouTube[/ame]
Obama's accomplishments are pretty much the equivalent of the accomplishments we see on "Worlds Dumbest Drivers" on Tru-TV. Like all those buttheads trying to recite the alphabet after being pulled over for being a dickhead. uhmmmm A? B? uhhh Q?,,,what? oh,,you want me to say the alphabet from C to W ??? Oh,,ok,,,,,,,,,A,, B C D F G H M O U SE ?
and as they have been saying, Jimmy Carter will die knowing he wasn't the worst President ever.

Yes, and historians have agreed that Bush was a much worse President than Carter. Bush is ranked as one of our five worst presidents and the worst in modern times
I love it when people defend Obama by bringing up Bush. If that is where we are setting the bar, we're completely F**ked. Bush was a disaster and a liar. Obama has been a disaster and a liar.

Back the topic at hand on Obama failures, there are more than I can really count. But for a guy who landed a peace prize, he sure is dangerously confused between peace and war.

My list of his biggest failures:

~Broke the promise to end the Iraq war as his first item in office. FAIL. Instead, we got the timetable agreed upon by the Iraqi Govt and G. Bush. I can also say confidently, that we would NOT be withdrawing if our troops would have received immunity.

~Gitmo is still open, and Obama is staring down the barrel of putting American citizens in there for alleged and vaguely written law over terrorism. DOUBLE FAIL. and complete unexcusable if he signs this into law (he will).

~Assassinating American citizens abroad and notching it off as a victory. LOCK HIM UP!

~Dragging the US into a Libya war, side stepping congressional authority. So, now he is the decider? FAIL.

~ Shovel ready anyone, OK, maybe not so ready. FAIL

~Ran on a ticket to protect whistleblowers.....Bradly Manning, anyone. FAIL. DANGEROUS FAIL.

~PATRIOT Act anyone? FAIL

I'll leave someone else to keep knocking this man down, but this list alone is enough to be sure I'd rather vote for Gary Johnson.
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So far, JosefK and TakeAStepBack are the only ones to actually mention real Obama failures. All the rest of you are just spouting rhetoric or calling things "failures" that were inevitable, like the increased budget deficits. (We always have those in economic downturns. We always have them in wars, too.)

Obama has certainly been a disappointment to me, but trust the deluded talk-radio kool-aid drinkers to fail to even recognize any of his real failures, while denouncing him just the same, because it's what their programmers tell them to do. Like wind-up mechanisms, push the buttons and they spout bile.
So far, JosefK and TakeAStepBack are the only ones to actually mention real Obama failures. All the rest of you are just spouting rhetoric or calling things "failures" that were inevitable, like the increased budget deficits. (We always have those in economic downturns. We always have them in wars, too.)

Obama has certainly been a disappointment to me, but trust the deluded talk-radio kool-aid drinkers to fail to even recognize any of his real failures, while denouncing him just the same, because it's what their programmers tell them to do. Like wind-up mechanisms, push the buttons and they spout bile.

you should talk about bile...good grief

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