Obama's blames our founding fathers--makes them the scapegoat.


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
rocky mountains
In a TODAY exclusive, Matt Lauer asked Obama about his supporters' disappointment over his first-term performance — that they believe he hasn't been "the transformational political figure they hoped you would be."

"What's frustrated people is that I have not be able to force Congress to implement every aspect of what I said in 2008," he said.

"That's just the nature of being president," he said. "It turns out that our founders designed a system that makes it more difficult to bring about change than I would like sometimes."

Obama on presidency:

The U.S. constitution--was designed to keep the Federal Government from taking over every aspect of citizens lives in this country--meaning yes it would be very hard for this socialist to navigate around it. One would think Obama being a "constitutional" scholar would know that. This comment suggests that Obama does not respect the U.S. Constitution something he swore an oath as President to defend.
Thank God for the Founders of this nation. I will always be grateful that Obama can't force Congress or anyone else to do the things he wants quickly.

Now I just pray that we can restore the Republic to it's original design to preserve our liberty and be a city on the hill.
So ,basically what he is saying he wants to be a dictator and not have congress or the senate. He wants to make it all about him.
that's not how i interpret what he said at all. he was saying that he was naive in thinking that he could come in and everyone would agree with him (and the way the government is setup, you can't just force your vision on everyone else).

i'm glad it's this way. can you imagine if a democratic or republican president could just come in and implement all the crazy stuff they wanna do. we would be 100 trillion in debt.
"What's frustrated people is that I have not be able to force Congress to implement every aspect of what I said in 2008," he said.

Obama sees himself as a ruler...not a leader. This can be detected in the words he chooses to express himself when speaking without a teleprompter.

The man is suffering from delusions of sainthood. What's worse...he a fuckin' Marxist!
Obama acknowledged the impact of checks and balances

How shocking

No he wasn't. He was complaining that our system does not allow dictators to run roughshod over 'we, the people'.

'We, The People' means ALL of us - not just you fucking hacks that want a Nanny State.
Obama acknowledged the impact of checks and balances

How shocking

No he wasn't. He was complaining that our system does not allow dictators to run roughshod over 'we, the people'.

'We, The People' means ALL of us - not just you fucking hacks that want a Nanny State.

Context my girl, context

He was asked why haven't you been able to make as many changes as you thought you could

He replied because the founding fathers made it hard

Now, show me where he complains about checks and balances
He has said that the Constitution was fatally flawed before he was even elected. This can't be a surprise.
Obama acknowledged the impact of checks and balances

How shocking

No he wasn't. He was complaining that our system does not allow dictators to run roughshod over 'we, the people'.

'We, The People' means ALL of us - not just you fucking hacks that want a Nanny State.

Context my girl, context

He was asked why haven't you been able to make as many changes as you thought you could

He replied because the founding fathers made it hard

Now, show me where he complains about checks and balances

Fuck him and his trampling on the Constitution attitude. He doesn't like the Constitution - unlucky.... he can go be president somewhere else.... I hear Kenya's nice.
In a TODAY exclusive, Matt Lauer asked Obama about his supporters' disappointment over his first-term performance — that they believe he hasn't been "the transformational political figure they hoped you would be."

"What's frustrated people is that I have not be able to force Congress to implement every aspect of what I said in 2008," he said.

"That's just the nature of being president," he said. "It turns out that our founders designed a system that makes it more difficult to bring about change than I would like sometimes."

Obama on presidency:

The U.S. constitution--was designed to keep the Federal Government from taking over every aspect of citizens lives in this country--meaning yes it would be very hard for this socialist to navigate around it. One would think Obama being a "constitutional" scholar would know that. This comment suggests that Obama does not respect the U.S. Constitution something he swore an oath as President to defend.

Obama is the Greatest President Communist China could Ever Hope for.
Interesting how the OP and some posters are taking this. In essence, Obama was answering the question of why he hasn't accomplished more with "because I'm not a dictator." It doesn't follow from that, that he thinks he should be or that he wants to be. He was simply stating a fact.
No he wasn't. He was complaining that our system does not allow dictators to run roughshod over 'we, the people'.

'We, The People' means ALL of us - not just you fucking hacks that want a Nanny State.

Context my girl, context

He was asked why haven't you been able to make as many changes as you thought you could

He replied because the founding fathers made it hard

Now, show me where he complains about checks and balances

Fuck him and his trampling on the Constitution attitude. He doesn't like the Constitution - unlucky.... he can go be president somewhere else.... I hear Kenya's nice.


You sound more and more Libertarian
In a TODAY exclusive, Matt Lauer asked Obama about his supporters' disappointment over his first-term performance — that they believe he hasn't been "the transformational political figure they hoped you would be."

"What's frustrated people is that I have not be able to force Congress to implement every aspect of what I said in 2008," he said.

"That's just the nature of being president," he said. "It turns out that our founders designed a system that makes it more difficult to bring about change than I would like sometimes."

Obama on presidency:

The U.S. constitution--was designed to keep the Federal Government from taking over every aspect of citizens lives in this country--meaning yes it would be very hard for this socialist to navigate around it. One would think Obama being a "constitutional" scholar would know that. This comment suggests that Obama does not respect the U.S. Constitution something he swore an oath as President to defend.

It turns out that...


Maybe it's just me but whenever I hear that phrase it connotes the person using it has learned something and is about to pass it on to someone or others. And I'd imagine as the president of the United States a whole bunch of other "it turns out that" things come about regularly.

But according to our president's own words "it turns out that" means "our founders designed a system that makes it more difficult to bring about change than I would like sometimes." Really? You didn't know about the system, or just didn't know how the system worked? Either way, or both, doesn't sound right to me coming from a guy with constitutional law professor or lecturer featured on his resume.

Or, maybe he knew the system inside and out and every aspect of its operation, but he acted dumb about it and made the promises anyway because some media and others were slobbering all over him - getting feelings up legs even - so tell 'em what they want to hear and deal with the fallout later, if it ever comes.

But the whole point is Barry using that lame phrase of an excuse on hard hitting TV newsreader and interviewer Matt Lauer, and him not coming out of his skin over it had, say, George W. Bush been the one slinging that line of crap.

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