Obama's Arab Spring: Egypt demands release of blind sheik behind 93 attack


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
What's really pathetic is the "outrage" in reaction to the Muslim Brotherhood and the new President of Egypt's demand.

Who couldn't see shit like this coming with the MB taking over? Look what you gave the world Obama by forcing Mubarak out of office. What a wonderful Arab Spring.

Outrage builds as Egypt presses for release of blind sheik behind '93 WTC attack


Sheik Omar Abdel-Rahman, who masterminded the 1993 attack on the World Trade Center, is in a North Carolina prison, but is revered as a hero in Egypt.

Egypt's new government is sparking growing outrage in the U.S. for its attempts to win the release of Sheik Omar Abdel Rahman, the blind cleric behind the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center.

In Cairo, President-elect Mohamed Morsi proclaimed to hundreds of thousands of supporters in Tahir Square on Friday that he will gain the release of Rahman, who is in a federal prison in North Carolina after having been convicted of masterminding the bombing that killed six and unsuccessfully plotting to blow up other landmarks, including the United Nations.

Although a U.S. official told FoxNews.com the sheik will never be freed, the fact that Egypt's newly-installed Muslim Brotherhood government is asking has top elected officials here seething.

“It’s disgusting for a head of government to state in his inaugural speech that a man who attempted to commit mass murder should be freed,” Rep. Peter King, R-N.Y., told FoxNews.com.

“The fact that he said this in his first speech says to me that this is from the heart, and the Muslim Brotherhood has been trying to convince us that they have changed.

Read more: Outrage builds as Egypt presses for release of blind sheik behind '93 WTC attack | Fox News

Arab Spring?

Who are they kidding?

Carter helped to lay the foundation for over 30 years of Islamic terrorism with his handling of Iran

Papa Obama has given us the next 30 years
how many threads have we done on this old news?

one mo' time...

a) there was nothing we could have done in egypt. we're not supposed to pick and choose what democratic action we support. (not that i like the result, mind you).

b) again... no one is letting the blind sheikh out of jail

c) thanks for playing.
Mubarack is dying, there would have been elections anyway. The Islamics that have been elected to office have no power. The military stripped the office after Mubarick left and the elections. How do we not know that Mubarick wasn't behind Anwar Sadat assasination?

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