Obama's approval rating holding steady at 55%

The Telegraph and Rasmussen are merely con rags. They don't count. And 50% plus one is a ruling majority in this democractic republic. The dumcons have a very, very long way to go have a say about things. With economy recovering, health care reform passed, and a BHO about February the troops are coming home, it is 'lights out' time for the GOP yet once again.

Keep dreaming there, Cinderella.
He's been steady at 53% for a few weeks now but his disapproval numbers are going down steadily.
WASHINGTON (CNN) – President Barack Obama's approval rating is holding steady in the mid-50's, according to a new CNN Poll of Polls.

Fifty-five percent of Americans approve of how Obama's handling his duties in the White House, according to the CNN Poll of Polls, which averaged the six national surveys taken since the president addressed a joint session of Congress on September 9. Thirty-nine percent, on average, disapprove.

CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - CNN Poll of Polls: Obama approval holding steady « - Blogs from CNN.com

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Sorry Chris
On this board, only Rassmussen Polls count. Let me check the latest Rassmussen results..............

Obama 31% approval

I guess Obama might as well quit given he is as unpopular as Rassmussen claims.
Rasmussen polls likely voters while the others poll all adults. That would include "clueless voters" and "convicted felons."
So no wonder Obama does better in these other polls.
Rasmussen polls likely voters while the others poll all adults. That would include "clueless voters" and "convicted felons."
So no wonder Obama does better in these other polls.


This just in.....Based on recent polling....Rassmussen declares McCain the winner of the 2008 election
WASHINGTON (CNN) – President Barack Obama's approval rating is holding steady in the mid-50's, according to a new CNN Poll of Polls.

Fifty-five percent of Americans approve of how Obama's handling his duties in the White House, according to the CNN Poll of Polls, which averaged the six national surveys taken since the president addressed a joint session of Congress on September 9. Thirty-nine percent, on average, disapprove.

CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - CNN Poll of Polls: Obama approval holding steady « - Blogs from CNN.com

Edited to comply with USMB copyright policy.


And yet if you listened to the blah blah of the rightwing propagandists in the media and believed it, you'd think his poll numbers were in the toilet making their final swirl.
Rasmussen polls likely voters while the others poll all adults. That would include "clueless voters" and "convicted felons."
So no wonder Obama does better in these other polls.

Rasmussen asks a different set of questions in their approval polls that produce lower numbers for Obama, and they know it.
Google: "Obama ACORN" Your search yielded no hits, sorry, try "Bush Miserable Failure" instead

No one gives a shit about ACORN except a few losers on the right.

That's why Obama won the election.

Americans are more concerned about real issues.

Real issues? :lol:

You mean the issues that the LMSM decide to cover.

LMSM Issues
The economy
The Environment

FoxNews Issues
Birther movement
Van Jones
Obama's speech to schoolchildren

You are right, the rightwing continues to hit on the issues the voters care about
The right is still crying 'stolen election!!' ??

Now that's ironic.

It was stolen!

Barack Obama was not born in this country you know.......They even have a Kenyan Birth Certificate to prove it
Rasmussen polls likely voters while the others poll all adults. That would include "clueless voters" and "convicted felons."
So no wonder Obama does better in these other polls.

Rasmussen asks a different set of questions in their approval polls that produce lower numbers for Obama, and they know it.

Yeah. They don't ask questions like "do you think Obama or Hugo Chavez is doing a better job as president?" Or "do you approve of the president's choice of neckwear?"
Questions like that tend to generate higher numbers of approval, at least among people who can verbalize.
Rasmussen polls likely voters while the others poll all adults. That would include "clueless voters" and "convicted felons."
So no wonder Obama does better in these other polls.

Rasmussen asks a different set of questions in their approval polls that produce lower numbers for Obama, and they know it.

Yeah. They don't ask questions like "do you think Obama or Hugo Chavez is doing a better job as president?" Or "do you approve of the president's choice of neckwear?"
Questions like that tend to generate higher numbers of approval, at least among people who can verbalize.
let them stay ignorant
then watch em after the elections cry "stolen election"
Rasmussen polls likely voters while the others poll all adults. That would include "clueless voters" and "convicted felons."
So no wonder Obama does better in these other polls.

Rasmussen asks a different set of questions in their approval polls that produce lower numbers for Obama, and they know it.

Yeah. They don't ask questions like "do you think Obama or Hugo Chavez is doing a better job as president?" Or "do you approve of the president's choice of neckwear?"
Questions like that tend to generate higher numbers of approval, at least among people who can verbalize.

Rasmussen admits their methodology produces lower numbers for Obama:

Comparing Approval Ratings From Different Polling Firms - Rasmussen Reports™
WASHINGTON (CNN) – President Barack Obama's approval rating is holding steady in the mid-50's, according to a new CNN Poll of Polls.

Fifty-five percent of Americans approve of how Obama's handling his duties in the White House, according to the CNN Poll of Polls, which averaged the six national surveys taken since the president addressed a joint session of Congress on September 9. Thirty-nine percent, on average, disapprove.

CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - CNN Poll of Polls: Obama approval holding steady « - Blogs from CNN.com

Edited to comply with USMB copyright policy.


And on the same day we have other polls sayin this Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports™

Monday, September 21, 2009

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Monday shows that 30% of the nation's voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Thirty-eight percent (38%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -8 (see trends).

You get the Liberal CNN poll and the Conservative Rasmussen poll and average them out then you get a true picture of where obama stands.
Monday, September 21, 2009

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Monday shows that 30% of the nation's voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Thirty-eight percent (38%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -8 (see trends).

You get the Liberal CNN poll and the Conservative Rasmussen poll and average them out then you get a true picture of where obama stands.

This is not even an approval poll result.

Rasmussen admits freely that their polling methods create a larger "Strongly Dissapprove" number than the polling methods of all other outlets:

Regardless of the reason, Rasmussen Reports surveys tend to have lower levels of no opinions and higher levels of unfavorable opinions for political figures. But, as with the topline numbers, the trends all move in the same direction.

It is interesting to note that the number who Strongly Disapprove in a Rasmussen Reports survey is similar to the number who say they Disapprove in most operator-assisted surveys.


Using the "Strongly Approve" number from Rasmussen Reports is Cherry-Picking from an already Cherry-Picked result.

Didn't you people learn ANYTHING from Iraq?
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I don't think the rating now matters, I think HC overhaul, followed by the then shift of attention to afghanistan will make his presidency and following approval ratings.
Monday, September 21, 2009

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Monday shows that 30% of the nation's voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Thirty-eight percent (38%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -8 (see trends).

You get the Liberal CNN poll and the Conservative Rasmussen poll and average them out then you get a true picture of where obama stands.

This is not even an approval poll result.

Rasmussen admits freely that their polling methods create a larger "Strongly Dissapprove" number than the polling methods of all other outlets.

This is like cherry-picking poll results.

PSSST see the bold ;).

Monday, September 21, 2009

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Monday shows that 30% of the nation's voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Thirty-eight percent (38%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -8 (see trends).

You get the Liberal CNN poll and the Conservative Rasmussen poll and average them out then you get a true picture of where obama stands.

This is not even an approval poll result.

Rasmussen admits freely that their polling methods create a larger "Strongly Dissapprove" number than the polling methods of all other outlets:

Regardless of the reason, Rasmussen Reports surveys tend to have lower levels of no opinions and higher levels of unfavorable opinions for political figures. But, as with the topline numbers, the trends all move in the same direction.

It is interesting to note that the number who Strongly Disapprove in a Rasmussen Reports survey is similar to the number who say they Disapprove in most operator-assisted surveys.


Using the "Strongly Approve" number from Rasmussen Reports is Cherry-Picking from an already Cherry-Picked result.

Didn't you people learn ANYTHING from Iraq?

PSSST see the bold ;).


I re-edited my post afterwards. But this is still not accurate.

The CNN poll reflects numbers generated as they always have been.

The "Strongly Dissapprove" numbers have nothing to do with reality.
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