Obama's Accomplishments - Why Libs Are Voting for Him..


Gold Member
May 22, 2011
Lied about ObamaCare not being a Tax

On the anniversary of the killing of Osama Bin Laden exposed sensitive TTPs–aka Tactics, Techniques and Procedures.

‘You Didn’t Build That’

Delayed Keystone Pipeline

Sends a Weapons Contract to Foreign Corp. with Ties to Iran & Soros

Refuses to take ANY responsibility for his actions - blames Bush

Debt Ceiling fiasco of 2011

He and Attorney General Holder sue the State of Arizona


Inappropriate remarks about Israel Prime Minister

Disdain for our ally Israel

Sells USA out to the Russians via a hot MIC

Obvious Appointment of Elena Kagan to the Supreme Court to push forward his Health Care Agenda

"Fast and Furious” gun running scandal

Indirect Support of the Occupy Movement

Won't unseal his records but wants 12 years of Romney's tax returns

Seats multiple czars with no accountability

Primarily responsible for High Fuel Prices as of April 2012

Stacked the National Labor Relations Board with Union Puppets

Used the DOJ to Attack Sheriff Joe Arpaio

Refused to prosecute the radical haters the Black Panthers for violations of others voting rights as well as hate crimes and inciting violence

Hires radical racist communist in his administration - Van Jones + 87 known Socialists

General Motors Bail Out & Take Over

Shuts down of the oil industry in the Gulf of Mexico

Obamas EXTREME ARROGANCE toward those who do not fit his world view/profile.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L1JtIY0K_cY]Obama Humiliated After Attempt To Shame SUV Driver - YouTube[/ame]

Stimulus bill (AKA Democratic payback)

Inability to call Islamic Extremists and the tenants of Islam which they follow what they are - Often an extreme religion of hate and intolerance

Tax cheats in his administration; Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner

Made race relations worse - (stupidly comment- professor gates)

"Fly over" photo op in New York

Sold out other nations by removing missile defense

Let Pelosi and Reid write bills

Lack of transparency

Lied about details of his healthcare reform bill

Attempted to take over census

Undecided about giving military what they need to win

Association with ACORN

Worldwide apology tour

Bends over to our enemies while giving our allies the shaft

Got the NEA to produce propaganda art for his agenda

Fired inspector general for investigating his friends at americorp

Shut down voucher program in DC for poor school kids

Fired the head of General Motors

Lied about putting bills online for 5 days

Allowed unions large share in businesses taken over by government

Intimidated businessmen (I'm only thing standing between you and the pitch forks)

Allowed his administration to threaten shareholders during bankruptcy of car dealers

Extremely anti small business & anti-family views/policies

Lowered the child tax credit from $1000 to $500

Raised the deficit three times the amount it was in 2008 in one year

Bailed Fannie and Freddie

Won't repay tarp money to taxpayers as promised

Spent more than any president in history
Obamination has put into motion the destruction of our health care system with Obamacare that has a underlying purpose of destroying the Federal Govt by causing us to default due to the costs of Obamacare and other welfare handouts.

He has alo put in motion the slow destruction of our economy sending the EPA and DoJ after oil and coal industries to drive up the costs of energy in this country, while costing the economy millions of jobs. Once it becomes too expensive to drive your car and heat your house, then Uncle Sam will just step in to take over the energy sector in the name of "saving the consumer." Um, socialism.

So take down the health care sector and the energy sector to eventually implode the US economy and our current political system. If they control your health care and your access to energy, we are fucked.
I'd sure be interested in some Liberhoid comments on the facts I have posted in the OP.

Why do numb-nuts "Cheerlead" for this miserable fucking failure?

Brain dead?

D after his name?

It's basic math.

Obama's base is poverty line and below so they think Obama is going to nationalize Walmart and Apple and give them iPods and sneakers -- all for free. Best of all most Obama voters are non-living
These winger jack-off threads are tiresome, but entertaining. What can i really say in here that hasn't been said at least 100,000 times in the last week in just about every other thread on this board?
Lied about ObamaCare not being a Tax

On the anniversary of the killing of Osama Bin Laden exposed sensitive TTPs–aka Tactics, Techniques and Procedures.

‘You Didn’t Build That’

Delayed Keystone Pipeline

Sends a Weapons Contract to Foreign Corp. with Ties to Iran & Soros

Refuses to take ANY responsibility for his actions - blames Bush

Debt Ceiling fiasco of 2011

He and Attorney General Holder sue the State of Arizona


Inappropriate remarks about Israel Prime Minister

Disdain for our ally Israel

Sells USA out to the Russians via a hot MIC

Obvious Appointment of Elena Kagan to the Supreme Court to push forward his Health Care Agenda

"Fast and Furious” gun running scandal

Indirect Support of the Occupy Movement

Won't unseal his records but wants 12 years of Romney's tax returns

Seats multiple czars with no accountability

Primarily responsible for High Fuel Prices as of April 2012

Stacked the National Labor Relations Board with Union Puppets

Used the DOJ to Attack Sheriff Joe Arpaio

Refused to prosecute the radical haters the Black Panthers for violations of others voting rights as well as hate crimes and inciting violence

Hires radical racist communist in his administration - Van Jones + 87 known Socialists

General Motors Bail Out & Take Over

Shuts down of the oil industry in the Gulf of Mexico

Obamas EXTREME ARROGANCE toward those who do not fit his world view/profile.

Obama Humiliated After Attempt To Shame SUV Driver - YouTube

Stimulus bill (AKA Democratic payback)

Inability to call Islamic Extremists and the tenants of Islam which they follow what they are - Often an extreme religion of hate and intolerance

Tax cheats in his administration; Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner

Made race relations worse - (stupidly comment- professor gates)

"Fly over" photo op in New York

Sold out other nations by removing missile defense

Let Pelosi and Reid write bills

Lack of transparency

Lied about details of his healthcare reform bill

Attempted to take over census

Undecided about giving military what they need to win

Association with ACORN

Worldwide apology tour

Bends over to our enemies while giving our allies the shaft

Got the NEA to produce propaganda art for his agenda

Fired inspector general for investigating his friends at americorp

Shut down voucher program in DC for poor school kids

Fired the head of General Motors

Lied about putting bills online for 5 days

Allowed unions large share in businesses taken over by government

Intimidated businessmen (I'm only thing standing between you and the pitch forks)

Allowed his administration to threaten shareholders during bankruptcy of car dealers

Extremely anti small business & anti-family views/policies

Lowered the child tax credit from $1000 to $500

Raised the deficit three times the amount it was in 2008 in one year

Bailed Fannie and Freddie

Won't repay tarp money to taxpayers as promised

Spent more than any president in history

I thought you were serious and was looking for a very short post, lol.
You want to know why Obama will be re-elected?
1. Americans are scared of Romney, more than they are scared of Obama i.e. the devil you know vs the devil you don't.
2. Obama makes less gaffe's than Romney abroad.
3. Obama protects the status quo, even if it means America goes broke; and Corporate interests run the country.
That's it, people will still vote for him even though they absolutely hate his guts. :eusa_eh:
You want to know why Obama will be re-elected?
1. Americans are scared of Romney, more than they are scared of Obama i.e. the devil you know vs the devil you don't.
2. Obama makes less gaffe's than Romney abroad.
3. Obama protects the status quo, even if it means America goes broke; and Corporate interests run the country.
That's it, people will still vote for him even though they absolutely hate his guts. :eusa_eh:

If your post is your personal serious definition of America, politics and this election, you're out of your fucking mind.
You want to know why Obama will be re-elected?
1. Americans are scared of Romney, more than they are scared of Obama i.e. the devil you know vs the devil you don't.
2. Obama makes less gaffe's than Romney abroad.
3. Obama protects the status quo, even if it means America goes broke; and Corporate interests run the country.
That's it, people will still vote for him even though they absolutely hate his guts. :eusa_eh:

Yeah, you're out of your fucking mind.

People dont elect people because of gaffes. People elect people based on their perception of how benefit they will get from their election. So welfare dwellers vote for Democrats, who promise more. Working people vote for Republicans, who promise more work. And the kicker: how many more people are there working than are on welfare?

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