Obama’s abandoned power plants (Obama uses the EPA to kill off a whole industry and e


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Obama’s abandoned power plants (Obama uses the EPA to kill off a whole industry and energy sector)
the daily caller ^ | 9/28/2012 | Ken Blackwell

Obama's abandoned power plants | The Daily Caller

If voters knew how America’s economy would look after two terms of President Barack Obama’s administration, Mitt Romney would win in a landslide.

In the 2008 campaign, President Obama told the San Francisco Chronicle that the “notion of no coal … is an illusion.” He noted that he favors a cap-and-trade system, “o if somebody wants to build a coal-powered plant, they can. It’s just that it will bankrupt them because they’re going to be charged a huge sum for all that greenhouse gas that’s being emitted.”

While Obama did not get to implement cap-and-trade, he found other ways to shut down coal-burning power plants.

In the name of a rigidly anti-prosperity ideology, Obama’s administration, through the Environmental Protection Agency, is continuing its war on jobs and reliable sources of energy. And like most onerous regulations, the true costs are not immediately visible.
"All of the above" but none of the below.

Now it's coal, but oil and natural gas are in the crosshairs too.

The only thing that scares me more than this President are the moronic retards that will vote for him in November.
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"All of the above" but none of the below.

Now it's coal, but oil and natural gas are in the crosshairs too.

The only thing that scares me more than this President are the moronic retards that will vote for him in November.

This president reminds me of Hugo Chavez. I'm being honest. The only thing stopping him is our constitution.
There are a minimum of $40 billion in taxes on the oil and gas industries waiting in Obama's budget.
Hydraulic Fracturing is being Federalized.
The eastern Gulf of Mexico is off limits.
The OCS is off limits.
ANWR is off limits.

Sounds like a very Limited energy policy.
You people THOUGHT he was kidding, but hey vote for him AGAIN

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HlTxGHn4sH4]Obama: My Plan Makes Electricity Rates Skyrocket - YouTube[/ame]
Not only power plants but oil refineries are on the chopping block too. As we see here in California quite clearly.
How much more evidence is needed that the burning of fossil fuels is creating a very bad situation for all of us is needed?

Real warming like the 1990's. :eusa_boohoo:

Here is the problem. The plateu of the 50's to 70's was the result of aerosols. Europe and North America cleaned up their act, and we got the rapid warming through the 90's. The warming is still occurring, but not at the pace of the ninties in most parts of the world.

However, what is happening in the Arctic may change that, in spite of the vast amount of aerosols put out presently by China and India.

Should those aerosols from Asia suddenly suffer a major decrease, at the same time the Arctic is outgassing CH4 in large amounts, we may see a warming that makes the 90's look insignificant.

However, in the meantime, we are having anolomous enough weather to seriously question the assumptions concerning how much warming is too much. March of this year was a real heads up. Temperatures exceeding old records for a couple of weeks at a time of 2 to 3 degrees is unusual, but not outside of a bell curve. Temperatures exceeding the old records for couple of weeks at a time 15 to 30 degrees is completely outside of previous experiance. Especially when that was experianced nearly continent wide.

We had a drought at the same time in the middle of our nation that cost well over 10 billion in agriculteral damage, and over a billion in private infrastructure damage. Have not yet seen an estimate for the damage to public infrastructure.

But nothing is going to be done until there is a large enough catastrophe to get the attention of everyone. And when that happens, people like Senator Inhofe will be the first to blame the scientists for inadaquete warnings. And most of the people on this board will be the echo chambers for that asshole.
You people THOUGHT he was kidding, but hey vote for him AGAIN

Obama: My Plan Makes Electricity Rates Skyrocket - YouTube

My only problem with renewables is the fact that electric prices go up. People that are poor are already suffering pay for electricity or food. Sick.

The cost of electricity is going to go up no matter what the source. Nukes are very expensive sources of power. Coal is very dirty, and making it clean increases the cost of electricity above that of alternative sources. Renewables are actually decreasing in cost, while the costs of fossil fuel sources are increasing. A mix of geo-thermal, slow current, and solar and wind could easily power this nation.
You people THOUGHT he was kidding, but hey vote for him AGAIN

Obama: My Plan Makes Electricity Rates Skyrocket - YouTube

My only problem with renewables is the fact that electric prices go up. People that are poor are already suffering pay for electricity or food. Sick.

Food. Really bad news there. In the past three years we have seen major breadbaskets around the world suffer significant losses in productivity because of droughts, fires, and floods. There is no reason to believe that this will not continue, or even increase.

There is also a corollory to this. When I was growing up, my family was considered poor. Every year, when we stayed in one spot long enough, we had a garden. And every year, where ever we were at, we gleaned from abandoned orchards, and picked wild fruit such as blackberries, and canned hundreds of quarts of vegitable and fruit. Even canned Elk and Deer meat. Today, even in the very rural areas, there are not that many people gardening, and even fewer people canning.

People are going to have to learn to do for themselves more, if they wish to eat well in the coming years. Going to be very hard for some.

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