Obamare Support Plummets


Senior Member
Feb 5, 2009
All time new low for support of Obamacare...

Monday, September 28, 2009

Just 41% of voters nationwide now favor the health care reform proposed by President Obama and congressional Democrats. That’s down two points from a week ago and the lowest level of support yet measured...

Intensity has been with the opposition from the beginning of the public debate. Currently, among all voters 23% Strongly Favor the legislative effort and 43% are Strongly Opposed.

Health Care Reform - Rasmussen Reports™
Obama Healthcare Plan increasingly supported

Poll: More Approve of Obama on Health Care - CBS News

CBS) President Barack Obama's recent speeches and public appearances explaining his proposals for health care reform have made some impact, according to a new CBS News/ New York Times poll -- but he still has work to do, and a majority of Americans remain confused.

The president's approval rating for handling health care is up seven points from one month ago, and more Americans overall support his plans than oppose them - but four in 10 say they still don't know enough about the proposals to say.

The public has yet to accept some of the points the president has been making about his reform ideas. For instance, many aren’t sure if illegal immigrants will receive coverage. But three in four Americans think the Republicans have not explained their ideas for reform and are not trying to work with the president.
The President, Congress and the Politics of Reform

Now, 47 percent of Americans approve of the job Mr. Obama is doing handling health care, up seven points from last month, while 45 percent disapprove. In a CBS News Poll conducted before the president's address to Congress on health care earlier this month, just 40 percent approved and 47 percent disapproved.

When asked whether they mostly favor or oppose the changes to the health care system proposed by the president, 46 percent say they don't know enough about those changes to have an opinion. But among those who do have an opinion, more support (30 percent) than oppose (23 percent) the reforms.

Read the Complete Poll

Views on this divide along partisan lines, with more Republicans opposing the reforms and more Democrats in support of the changes. Half of independents don't have an opinion, and the rest are divided.

As many as 59 percent of Americans say they are confused by the current health care reform proposals, while just 37 percent say they understand them. Correspondingly, only 32 percent of Americans say Mr. Obama has clearly explained his plans for health care reform, and 62 percent say he has not.

Republicans in Congress are not doing any better, however. Only 14 percent of Americans say Republicans have clearly explained their plans while 76 percent say they have not.
9/2009 8/2009 7/2009
President Obama 52% 50% 55%
Republicans 27 23 26
Neither (vol.) 11 13 7
President Obama also receives more credit than Republicans in Congress for trying to reach across the aisle to achieve health care reform. 60% of Americans say that the president is trying to work with Republicans, but just half as many say the Republicans are trying to work with the president. 61% say the Republicans are not trying to do this, up from 51% in July.
Yes No
Obama is trying 60% 32
Republicans are trying 30% 61
The public sees both parties in Congress as having political motivations for their stance on President Obama’s plans for health care reform. 64% say that Republicans are opposed to these changes for political reasons, and 27% say it is because they think the proposed reforms would be bad for the country. A smaller majority, 53%, think Democrats support the president’s plans for political reasons, while 36% think they do so because the reforms would be good for the country.
Obama Healthcare Plan increasingly supported

Poll: More Approve of Obama on Health Care - CBS News

CBS) President Barack Obama's recent speeches and public appearances explaining his proposals for health care reform have made some impact, according to a new CBS News/ New York Times poll -- but he still has work to do, and a majority of Americans remain confused.

The president's approval rating for handling health care is up seven points from one month ago, and more Americans overall support his plans than oppose them - but four in 10 say they still don't know enough about the proposals to say.

The public has yet to accept some of the points the president has been making about his reform ideas. For instance, many aren’t sure if illegal immigrants will receive coverage. But three in four Americans think the Republicans have not explained their ideas for reform and are not trying to work with the president.
The President, Congress and the Politics of Reform

Now, 47 percent of Americans approve of the job Mr. Obama is doing handling health care, up seven points from last month, while 45 percent disapprove. In a CBS News Poll conducted before the president's address to Congress on health care earlier this month, just 40 percent approved and 47 percent disapproved.

When asked whether they mostly favor or oppose the changes to the health care system proposed by the president, 46 percent say they don't know enough about those changes to have an opinion. But among those who do have an opinion, more support (30 percent) than oppose (23 percent) the reforms.

Read the Complete Poll

Views on this divide along partisan lines, with more Republicans opposing the reforms and more Democrats in support of the changes. Half of independents don't have an opinion, and the rest are divided.

As many as 59 percent of Americans say they are confused by the current health care reform proposals, while just 37 percent say they understand them. Correspondingly, only 32 percent of Americans say Mr. Obama has clearly explained his plans for health care reform, and 62 percent say he has not.

Republicans in Congress are not doing any better, however. Only 14 percent of Americans say Republicans have clearly explained their plans while 76 percent say they have not.

NO!!! Fox News tells the truth.
What polls tell us is that the public is schizophrenic. On the one hand, they tell pollsters that the Republicans are not negotiating in good faith on the bill. On the other hand, they tell pollsters they want a bill with bipartisan support.
What polls tell us is that the public is schizophrenic. On the one hand, they tell pollsters that the Republicans are not negotiating in good faith on the bill. On the other hand, they tell pollsters they want a bill with bipartisan support.


True enough...
Hopey Changey and the Socialists have simply blown it on this health care issue. Instead of focusing on what the majority of Americans already agree on as far as health care reform goes,they have instead tried to force way too much way too fast. "Buy Health Insurance or go to Jail?" Just one example of their forcing something on the people that they clearly don't want. Another big blunder by Hopey Changey was trying to do everything all at once with a mammoth piece of legislation which most in Congress wont ever even read. They should just take this massive legislation apart and address each reform issue on an individual basis. Just address each issue with smaller & individual pieces of legislation rather than this mammoth boondoggle legislation. They just need to slow down and do it right. Despite what some politicians keep screeching,we are not in a "Crisis" or "Emergency." Quit the fear mongering and slow down to get it right. Most Americans agree that there are problems with health care so they need to just start with the things that most Americans agree on and then work their way down the list. Just a thought anyway.
Would you favor or oppose the government offering everyone a government-administered health insurance plan -- something like the Medicare coverage that people 65 and older get -- that would compete with private health insurance plans?"

Favor 65% Oppose 26% Unsure 9%

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