CDZ Obamacare will ensure the end of any socialist healthcare in the U.S


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
One of the issues I can bring a very different perspective to being from Canada. First, I believe everyone should have the right to some form of healthcare, I also believe everyone should have the right to work. Given some ability to provide for themselves and their families. Quite frankly, a strong, booming economy with decent paying jobs and opportunity would make healthcare worries and stress go down significantly.

How this healthcare is offered is the big question, I believe in a multi-tier system. Unless the cost of healthcare goes down significantly and doctors decide to be philanthropists, it's going to cost money, when it comes from the government, it's sure to be overpriced, bloated and destined to fail. Service in Ontario and other provinces has taken a dive of late, long waits for tests, people dying in some cases while waiting, many areas it's impossible to find a family doctor This is the outcome of pressure on a system that cannot sustain itself.

So, Obamacare will be the death knell for socialized healthcare in America due to it's failures. The GOP and Trump has to now continue to hang this plan on the Democrats. As they will go after Trump, but really where can they stand on this? It was THEIR plan! Pelosi promoted it to death with her famous speeches, how does she have any credibility to attack the GOP when her party pushed this failed plan on American taxpayers!?

He has to update the public each month on the rate increases, the monopolies in some states. He has to make those against the repeal and replace to put their hands up and defend Obamacare. Provide their contact information for their local constituents to contact them when their premiums go up (and they will go up and up).

Ultimately, as Trump has stated, Obamacare will fail on it's own of this I have no doubt.
Don't worry yerself there Canuck.

ACA is safe and sound for now.

Trump and Ryan have proved they cannot touch it.
Don't worry yerself there Canuck.

ACA is safe and sound for now.

Trump and Ryan have proved they cannot touch it.

YOU should be worried. Not only is it going to collapse, it's going to take a great deal of debt along with it.
Tell us, Canadians, how frenetically you all are in creating an American health care system.

Go ahead, show us how excited you are to do that with graphs, numbers, polls, and politicians and citizens supporting the idea.
Tell us, Canadians, how frenetically you all are in creating an American health care system.

Go ahead, show us how excited you are to do that with graphs, numbers, polls, and politicians and citizens supporting the idea.

You have a healthcare system already. I assure you it is not sustainable. Or you can go full blown socialist, if you are comfortable waiting five months for an MRI and seeing your debt double.

Here is a quick link to just one report about hikes in 8 states, and this will increase dramatically as competition falls out of the business and monopolies take over:

8 States Where Obamacare Rates Are Rising by at Least 30%

Consider these prices are year to year, imagine the increases compounded over 3-4 years?
Tell us, Canadians, how frenetically you all are in creating an American health care system.

Go ahead, show us how excited you are to do that with graphs, numbers, polls, and politicians and citizens supporting the idea.
You have a healthcare system already. I assure you it is not sustainable. Or you can go full blown socialist, if you are comfortable waiting five months for an MRI and seeing your debt double. Here is a quick link to just one report about hikes in 8 states, and this will increase dramatically as competition falls out of the business and monopolies take over: 8 States Where Obamacare Rates Are Rising by at Least 30% Consider these prices are year to year, imagine the increases compounded over 3-4 years?
(1) You don't want an American health care system, so 'thank you' for that.

(2) You are, in comparison, satisfied with the Canadian system.

A question: if an MRI were determined necessary for best care if you were in a precarious health condition, would the MRI be scheduled five months out.

Think carefully before you answer.
Tell us, Canadians, how frenetically you all are in creating an American health care system.

Go ahead, show us how excited you are to do that with graphs, numbers, polls, and politicians and citizens supporting the idea.
You have a healthcare system already. I assure you it is not sustainable. Or you can go full blown socialist, if you are comfortable waiting five months for an MRI and seeing your debt double. Here is a quick link to just one report about hikes in 8 states, and this will increase dramatically as competition falls out of the business and monopolies take over: 8 States Where Obamacare Rates Are Rising by at Least 30% Consider these prices are year to year, imagine the increases compounded over 3-4 years?
(1) You don't want an American health care system, so 'thank you' for that.

(2) You are, in comparison, satisfied with the Canadian system.

A question: if an MRI were determined necessary for best care if you were in a precarious health condition, would the MRI be scheduled five months out.

Think carefully before you answer.

1) I WANT an American system in Canada. Not healthcare per se, but your defense of human rights and individual liberties, Rule of Law, freedom.

2) I have personally used the Canadian healthcare system about 3 times in total the last decade, two of these times at the urging of my wife. Though I don't personally use it alot, I am NOT satisfied with the costs and quality of Canadian healthcare, it is unsustainable and the quality is worse, everyone knows it. How bad is it? Last week a nurse dropped a newborn baby when she was feeding him, fracturing his skull because she fell asleep at work...the effect of strain on resource.

I asked my wife just now as she knows the realities of the healthcare even better than I do, she said you would be lucky to get an MRI in 5 months, it's generally 6 months+. Google stories of Canadians who lost family members to cancer and other illnesses due to delay, I'm certain you will find real life stories and experiences.

I heard on a radio show, a lady call in and state that her mother had stage one cancer, by the time it was dealt with many months later it had become stage four and she was given six weeks to live. These aren't my stories, they are stories of those ill and who have experienced it. So you tell me if this was a precarious enough situation or not.

These stories are in abundance to varying degrees, although that is obviously an extreme case, but it's becoming less and less extreme, I've heard others share stories of long delays to see their family doctors, even FINDING a family doctor as they are all "booked up". Why are they booked up? The government allows them to charge a particular max each year, once a doctor hits that max. he or she doesn't want to see another patient as they won't be paid. Therefore you go into a doctors office and say "I need to see a doctor" you will be told, "Mr. Smith isn't seeing any new patients". There were stories of some God fearing doctors who worked for months for free as they felt it was their duty, God Bless them for that. That is quite rare.

One of the reasons I don't go to the doctors or hospital often is because the good Lord has blessed me with reasonable health and a high tolerance to pain. I don't want to be a strain on the system any more than I need to be so that those who need it for life and death situations don't have to wait months for tests and the like. Its called virtue, sacrifice and character, even if I do say so myself. In short supply in Canada you can be sure.
when it comes from the government, it's sure to be overpriced
Generally speaking I think the U.S government tends not to do that. It's far more likely that it buys high and sells low. It's rare that buyers pay too much to purchase tangible goods and services the government itself sells.
You don't want the American health care system then.

Thank you.

See you don't understand the socialist state of Canada. Consider a nation like Russia, it closely resembles the Canadian system and how our nepotism and cronyism works. So you see, such a healthcare system would be a disaster in Canada for the average citizens because we don't have a free market, protection of liberties and the right to self determination as you do in America.

I would be accepting of the U.S healthcare system as long as I stated before, we also embrace democracy, rights of the individual, accountability of the state that your system demands. As it stands, if Canada had a healthcare system like Americas, the only healthy citizens gaining fair access would be government employees and state loyalists, understand?
You literally do not understand. Our democracy, our civil liberties, etc., do not guarantee quality, affordable, and accessible health care.

You don't see many Canadians yelling for the opportunity for the corporations to make money by denying them health care.
You literally do not understand. Our democracy, our civil liberties, etc., do not guarantee quality, affordable, and accessible health care.

You don't see many Canadians yelling for the opportunity for the corporations to make money by denying them health care.

Are you free to pursue happiness and your ambitions? Or must you be a government lackey to find success?

Canada is a socialist, quasi-communist, caste system. You are born poor here, you will die poor. Healthcare options would be for those "ordained" in Canada. Our systems are light years apart, like East and West Berlin.
One of the issues I can bring a very different perspective to being from Canada. First, I believe everyone should have the right to some form of healthcare, I also believe everyone should have the right to work. Given some ability to provide for themselves and their families. Quite frankly, a strong, booming economy with decent paying jobs and opportunity would make healthcare worries and stress go down significantly.

How this healthcare is offered is the big question, I believe in a multi-tier system. Unless the cost of healthcare goes down significantly and doctors decide to be philanthropists, it's going to cost money, when it comes from the government, it's sure to be overpriced, bloated and destined to fail. Service in Ontario and other provinces has taken a dive of late, long waits for tests, people dying in some cases while waiting, many areas it's impossible to find a family doctor This is the outcome of pressure on a system that cannot sustain itself.

So, Obamacare will be the death knell for socialized healthcare in America due to it's failures. The GOP and Trump has to now continue to hang this plan on the Democrats. As they will go after Trump, but really where can they stand on this? It was THEIR plan! Pelosi promoted it to death with her famous speeches, how does she have any credibility to attack the GOP when her party pushed this failed plan on American taxpayers!?

He has to update the public each month on the rate increases, the monopolies in some states. He has to make those against the repeal and replace to put their hands up and defend Obamacare. Provide their contact information for their local constituents to contact them when their premiums go up (and they will go up and up).

Ultimately, as Trump has stated, Obamacare will fail on it's own of this I have no doubt.

In my opinion we need to step back and analyze the health care system we have, had and the one we want. Paying for effective healthcare is a problem Julius Caesar, George Washing, and Grover Cleveland did not have this problem. Medical care was a questionable practice until sometime in the 20th century.

Now, we can prolong the life of a billion people in the world if only someone would pay for it. This is one of the few new problems humanity has.

Imagine mothers in third world countries watching their kids die of problems they are pretty sure could be fixed in America or Europe.

Here the poor and middle class have been able to show up at the cruddiest Chicago emergency room suffering from a heart attack or kidney problem and get treated before they pay. Not so for the kid in Sudan I guess.

I say ever since doctors have been able to treat whatever they have been doing so and billing later we HAVE HAD a socialist system. Compulsory health insurance coverage just admitted that.

Obamacare's math no doubt needs tweaked. It was a big new step we took. I was rather wishing the Republicans would take a meaningful swing at it.

Oh well, maybe later if they must prove to someone that Obamacare was not perfect or can't build consensus.

Until you start throwing people who can't pay out of the emergency room you will have a socialist healthcare system and in my opinion any discussion otherwise is sticking your head in the sand.
It's quite interesting to me that a Canadian, with some EXPERIENCE and first hand KNOWLEDGE of a Socialist state and healthcare system, compares that system with the ACA, and then issues a warning, only to be assailed with thinly veiled personal attacks. Someone who has fisrthand knowledge of where the ACA is likely to lead us warns that is is unsustainable, (and might I say irresponsible?) and instead of looking at this and analizing it for what it is, posters feel the need to attack the messanger. I wonder why that is.

Additionally, I wonder why, if socialised medicine is so wonderful, those who can, leave those systems behind and come to the U.S. to get, and pay for, the care they CHOOSE to receive. Sometimes this is elective, other times this is needed care that they cannot get in a timely manner in their home countries. Is that what we want to bring to our "shores"? Some would argue that that is not the goal of the ACA. I counter that with the fact that this has been a dream of many on the left for decades, the ACA was written and debated over the course of months (or was it years?), and yet, now that it is put into place, we find that is "imperfect". Well, I guess we should have expected this when we were told, "But we have to pass the [health care] bill so that you can find out what’s in it....",d.eWE

If, after decades of planning, research, and thought on the matter this is the best that can be expected, then I guess the days of the U.S. leading in much of anything, are over.


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